Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Puffy Paint DIY

Hello Friends.... Hope you are enjoying your day!  

Well, Today I am sharing this beautiful, festive looking DIY with you.  As festival season of Navratri and Diwali is coming soon I am going to post some festival décor ideas here on my blog. For this project, I have used a round baking tray from dollar tree but any metal plate will work. the real magic of this project is puffy paint.

This is real simple, all you have to do is choose any mehandi design or any other decorative pattern  you like and start this project. You can draw the pattern with pencil or dry erase marker on the plate and use puffy paint on the design . Once you are done with covering the design with  puffy paint, let it dry for couple of days.  

This will look really beautiful with the diyas on the plate. I will be making more of these for gift giving. It will be a nice, colorful gift for Diwali.

 Hope you like the project and give it a try. Here is the link to my previous puffy paint project.
Have a great day!

Monday, August 29, 2016


Hello there! I am returning to my blogging world after a good long break. After seven months to be precise. I missed the creative work that I love doing. 

  So, I decided to try again. I think blogging inspires me to learn new things.

   As summer is on its exit here, I am waiting for Autumn to start with its beautiful colors. This Summer, I enjoyed going on trails with my family. Who wouldn't enjoy the clear sky and the amazing 
view of this lake?


I got very lucky with my garden this year. I had lots of tomatoes and zucchinis. Though garden has wilted now as the season is changing, glad I took some pictures.

The cute hedgehog family sitting on the windowsill these days. Soon it will change to bright pumpkins as Fall is approaching. It felt really nice sitting quietly and blogging again. Hope you will visit again!

Friday, January 29, 2016

A Simple Salad

Hello Dear friends...Hope you all are doing well and ready to enjoy the weekend. As I have shared in my earlier post, one of my goal this year is to include more veggies and fruits to my plate. Eating simple but tasty food. So these days, I am trying making different food, searching for healthy and yummy recipes and experimenting in the kitchen whenever I get time. So I thought why not share some good ones here ...that's why for today I bring you a simple salad recipe. It is super easy, healthy and delicious. So here we go...recipe with the pictures

For this salad you need:  Grated Carrot, Beet root, Cucumber & Chopped Lettuce 

For salad dressing you need : 1tbs peanut butter, 1 tbs soy sauce, 1tsp black pepper, 1tsp chilli flakes, 1 garlic clove grated, 1 tsp grated ginger

Mix all dressing ingredients together and add it to the veggies.. 

And its ready to serve. 

Hope you are going to try it and I will see you soon here.
Eat healthy and be happy!
Love  Deepi

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Winter Days

Hello!! Hope you all are doing well. I love snow for sure but who doesn't? We woke up to this beautiful morning scene last week.Cool weather and white snowy blanket everywhere. My kids love snow and all the fun it brings. I mostly like to go out and witness the magical wonderland quietly. But this time, snowball fight with kids was so much fun. And I realize its good to have that kind of fun with kids on regular basis. I am going to implement that in my life.

     Do you like this yarn? I loved the cute pink color with little bit of neon green shade....

I made these boot topper for my daughter during Christmas break. I loved this ribbed crochet stitch for two reasons first, its super easy to learn  and second, it gives a knitted look which I like a lot. I have tried this stitch with solid gray yarn too and it look more beautiful with solid color. I learned this stitch from my favourite resource" you tube". I am linking the original source for you. It is easier to learn when you watch it...stop anytime you like or go over again. Here is the link to the awesome tutorial. I used the solid yarn on top as I ran out of the base color but its giving a kind of sock look to it. Now, I am thinking about making a scraf for myself using the same stitch. I am kind of obsessed with crocheting these days. Do you remember the easy peasy braided scraf, I made few years ago in the picture?. Here is a link to it as well.

That is all for now, I see you soon here!
Love Deepi

Monday, January 11, 2016

A New Start!

Happy 2016!

I am returning to the blogging world after a really long break. Hope this year will bring the best out of me. Every year comes with  a clean slate where you can write whatever you like. I will tell you what I want to work on this year. I want to be more outdoors this year and become more active. I want to be physically fit and healthy eater. I want to have a calm mind and gracious heart.  I want to worry less and learn to let go.

I want to observe the beauty around rather than the running a mad race from  one place to another . I want to be a good listener and learner. Enjoying what life has given me and treasure its good memories.

    Ending this post with these beautiful lines:
"Don't waste your time looking back on what you have lost. Move on, for life is not meant to be traveled backwards."

 See you soon here!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Monday, April 20, 2015

Happy Monday

to all of you.Thank you so much for taking time and leaving nice comments on my previous post. Its a quiet Monday morning here... kids are at school and I am missing their noise today. Last week, was a rainy week which continued till today but now sun is playing hide and seek.  April shower bring May flowers . Hopefully flowers will be blooming soon. I like green indoor plants like this one Fittonia also known as White Anne.. really growing well. They need very little care...little bit of sunshine and watering but add lot of charm to the house. I will share others too in my coming post. 

My thread crocheting is growing little by little..making squares with different design and some simple granny squares. Don't know right now what I am going to do with these...I want to learn different pattern blocks. This collection will be growing for sure.

Trees and plants outside are growing greener day by day......soon it will be dense with with leaves like a thick green blanket. Morning breakfast with this growing outdoor view is a bliss to have.  

I am waitng for my Nasturtium to bloom. This is my first time planting them. Can't wait to see orange flowers to appear...hopefully soon.

And lastly, love making these granny square. I saw this Blanket here and loved  the colors so much that I decided to give it a try. Trying to finish all the blocks as quick as possible. I will see you soon with my new post soon. 

Bye now and enjoy your week
XX  Deepi