Showing posts with label little by little. Show all posts
Showing posts with label little by little. Show all posts

June 12, 2009

finally framed!

This one only took me exactly ten years to get framed....and no good reason for that time frame, just that I had other stuff framed instead, and pushed this one to the back of the line....

(this is the indoor shot)

and here's the outdoor shot....

This is from Little by Little Designs, and is called "Tale of This & That Sampler".

(OH CRAP! I just saw a picture of this design HERE! and realized that the cover model shows the designers name and date stitched in the cartouche along the top! Now that I look at mine, it looks BARE!!! OMG, did I just completely mess this up??? I can't believe that I would leave that off! And there are also other initials added that I didn't do. What the heck?? Should I redo it??)

It was the first thing I'd ever stitched on hand dyed linen with silk threads, and good golly Miss Molly, was I ever hooked after that, lol!

And here's my little "Be Kind" by Homespun Elegance that I stitched earlier this year. The frame is also from Homespun Elegance.

Now I'm thinking I need to go ahead and stitch the "Be True" that was on the same chart....had talked myself out of doing it, mainly because I was ready to work on something Shepherd's Bush at the time. Hmmm....

Thanks for visiting! Have a good weekend y'all!

March 30, 2007

on second thought...

There are probably not really dumb dogs, only dumb OWNERS.
We'd never let our dogs out in the yard alone all day so that the only excitement they ever had was to bark at people or the wind out of loneliness...
and we'd never let our dogs run around loose so they could chase cars and risk getting run over. I mean, H E L L O....they're just animals, right? And they all depend on us humans to help them along when they feel the need to just be themselves and maybe act a little nutso. Poor babies. It really is upsetting when you think about it...I just can't stand the thought of people neglecting or abusing animals!

Anyhoo....more pictures of previous stitching from the old blog, just for your viewing pleasure :)

This one is a deisgn by The Goode Huswife, called "With My Needle"

And this one is a Carriage House design called "Big Fish"

And an ornament from one of the JCS Ornament Issues, can't recall which one, but the designer is Little by Little

Will post a few more pictures from my old blog in the next couple of days and also! Two new pillow finishes from dear Tobie. Stay tuned!