Showing posts with label halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label halloween. Show all posts

November 03, 2010

everything is good!

Have I mentioned before how I feel about this time of year? No? Well, let me tell ya...this is the BEST, most favorite time of the year for me! To say I LOVE it is such an understatement! Right now, the weather here in Texas has cooled off, and yesterday we had lots of rain. Those two things together sent me into a cooking, baking, stitching, nesting FRENZY! If I could just stretch this couple of months out a wee bit longer, life would be just perfect :)

Here's my Jenny Bean Halloween Sampler...

I did finish it by Oct. 31, but was too lazy to blog about it...

this was such a fun stitch!

Stitched on 36 ct. Vintage Pearled Barley over two with two strands GA Sampler Threads (had to use more than one skein of the black)

Way back at the first of October, I received this lovely ornament from BeckySC...

She just sent it to me out of the blue and I loved it so much I hung it from the lamp by my stitching chair so I could admire it, which I have...every. single. day! But I am soooo bad because even though I thanked her by email, I totally forgot to post about it! Becky is such a sweetheart though and never took offense. Thank you again Becky...I really do love it :)

And look what I received from Mary! She sent me this tree for my BBD stockings when she read that they wouldn't all fit on the one I had....

My hubby twisted and turned the branches so it would look "SPOOKY"...

I LOVE it!! Thank you again Mary! (It was hard to get a good picture of the whole thing where it was sitting in our living room, so I had to take it out to the sun room...but it's so perfect!).
Well, that's about all I have for now...need to get back in the kitchen and tend to my cooking! I'm so thankful for my sweet friends and for all of my readers and visitors here...THANK YOU for blessing me the way you do :)

October 21, 2010


Well, last year I stitched all but 2 of the thirteen stockings from the Blackbird Designs Tis Halloween book.

Such fun stitches! My original plan was to try and finish these myself, going by Vonna's awesome tutorial, which made it seem so very easy.
Which I'm sure it is....for someone not finishing challenged, like myself.

Let's face it, some people have it (finishing talent) and some don't. I don't. Not yet....maybe someday ;-)

Luckily, I have a really sweet and talented friend, who took pity on me and finished every. single. one. of them for me. How blessed am I?! Patti, I know I've said thank you several times, but seriously...THANK YOU AGAIN!!
I do have a little metal tree to hang these on, but they don't all fit...

and I couldn't get a good picture of it anyway, so here they all are...

that house with the kitty in the yard is one of my favs!

but I love all of them...(even with the pug hairs all over)

these two (below) are other favorites...

which one(s) are your favorite?

Oh, I forgot...I did make the little beaded hangers for all of them AND attach them!

That's all for now! I'm diligently stitching away on the Jenny Bean Halloween Sampler and hope to have it done by Halloween. We'll see....I'm usually not so good with deadlines ;-)

Take care of yourselves and enjoy Fall, while it lasts!

September 23, 2010

some finishes and some winners too

Apologies in advance for these horrible pictures. I've been fighting a cold bug for weeks and it finally hit pretty hard the past few days, so everything I try to do just turns out cruddy!

I recently sent a few things to Tobie for finishing, she makes awesome pillows and other things. Got two of them back today...

Here's Jingles & Jack (design by Becky's Boos)...

and the Daisy Sampler (design by Little House Needleworks)....

Also, I recently stitched up this little freebie from Shepherd's Bush, called Halloween Grins...

Stitched once for my hubby, as he picked it out when he was with me at the LNS last fall. The Frankenstein one is his. Then stitched again for my daughters, the grinning kitty. They are in some tuckable hanging banners that Tobie made for me a few years back. Can't remember what they were originally for, but these fit perfectly. My original plan was to make these into little hanging ornaments, but I feel too shaky to even attempt that, so here they go. I may need to spruce up the banners a little...when I feel better...maybe some cute buttons in the corners.

Thanks to everyone who entered my giveaway. The random generator thing was done and the winners are Tracey for Lot A, and Deborah for Lot B. Congratulations ladies, I will be emailing you soon for your mailing info...or if you see this first, please go ahead and email me with it :)

Back to my Mary sampler...which I've managed to work on in-between my Nyquil shots, lol! She's almost done :)

Happy Fall Y'all! Yippee!!

January 19, 2010

stitching too!

So now the cake is gone (anyone make it or have plans to?), I have some stitching to share....

From the Blackbird Designs Joyeux Noel book

the Joyeux Noel reproduction sampler (my first finish dated 2010!)

stitched on 30 ct. Lucky Penny linen with the called for Gentle Arts, Weeks Dye Works and Crescent Colours overdyed threads. I did sub DMC for the CC Petite Maison, as the skein I had just blended right into the fabric and couldn't be seen.

What a joy this one was....well, except for that four-sided stitch, could've lived without that as it took me FORever to do! But, it's a neat look for a change and it's over and done with, so I'll quit whining about it ;-)

Oh, and I did finally finish stitching that last stocking from the BBD 'Tis Halloween book, called Enchantment...

on this one I used DMC 3371 for the CC Blackbird and DMC 3856 for the CC Copper Penny. Come to think of it, I never used Blackbird for any of the other stockings either, but the DMC instead. It made me happy to use what I had on hand :-)

Thanks for stopping by! Hope y'all have a great week!

November 29, 2009

blessings abound

Gosh, it sure is hard to believe we're only one day away from December! This year is really flying by! I've been so bad about keeping up with this blog and am so late in posting some things. Figured that late is better than never though, so here goes!

First off, I won a blog give away! Couldn't believe it as I was just commenting on Jolene's blog and wasn't even thinking about entering my name for the prize, and then the next time I read her blog post, just happily reading along, there was my name! Look at what Jolene sent me:

and not just the beautiful chart, but all of the goodies needed to stitch it too!

I know there are lots of us that have received something wonderful from Jolene, she had so many fabulous treasures that she gave away, what fun it was! Her blog is a real blessing, not because of the prizes, but she always posts very inspiring or uplifting things, some things that really make you think or count your blessings.
Thank you so much Jolene, for being a blessing to so many! And especially to me ;-)

OK, on to these things....before it's Christmas time and these are just repulsive to look at, ha!

My stockings from the Blackbird Designs Tis Hallowe'en book, which are not yet finished into actual stockings, but I'll get it done by next fall ;-)

I've worked on these since my last blog post....

and nothing else....

they may be small (about 3 x 5 inches)....

but some of them took me a while :-)

loved each one though....

especially this one.....

but OK, here's where I lost steam people....

it's as far as I could go without tossing it to the curb in favor of another project. Sigh...oh well. Will finish before next year. There are two stockings from the book I chose not to stitch, so once this one is done, that's it!

My friend Patti helped me find a cute little metal tree to hang these from, once they are finished. It has to be spray painted black first, but it'll be really perfect! Look at Hobby Lobby on "the gold table" (that's what the employees there call it I think)....little gold metal tree, got mine half off!

So that's all I have to show for the time being.....thanks for looking even though most of you are probably focused on Christmas stuff now :-)I may not be posting for a while as we're having a crisis with my mother and I'll be going down to East Texas to help her when I can and it will all be very exhausting to say the least.
Until next time, hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season. Stay well and keep safe! Hugs!

October 14, 2009

all about fall

Happy Fall Y'all!!!
It's my favorite time of the year! All of my stitching this past month has been centered around fall or Halloween, and I'm kinda on a roll, lol! In truth, I haven't felt very well for a while (dental problems), and being a hermit has helped my stitching life somewhat.

So with apologies for the craptastic photos and pug hairs, here are my finishes....

This one is Halloween Fun, by Birds of a Feather (the linen came with the chart)

I loved this little spider :-)

this is Autumn Song, one of the Loose Feathers from Blackbird Designs

It will be finished into a box someday, as shown on the cover of the chart....
the colors on this one really made me happy...

this is part of the pincushion that goes with it....

a tiny ornament from the Lizzie Kate Fall Crazy chart...

Trick or Treat from La D Da (I think this was in the 2008 JCS Halloween issue)
(I really love designs featuring Witches shoes ;-) )

and this is Boo, from Lilybet Designs....those pumpkins crack me up, I'd be scared of that spider too!

This is not stitching related, but so cute, I wanted to share. It's from the Oct. 2009 issue of Southern Living magazine (if you click that link, you'll get a better picture than mine, and better directions too, lol)

These are MOON PIES on a stick! You just use some melted candy coating (almond bark) to "glue" the stick in (push it into the marshmallow center) and secure the goodies to make the faces. The ones with "eyes" is made with open faced Oreo cookies with M&M's, candy corn nose and sprinkles for the hair. You can find the dowels or sticks at Michael's or Hobby Lobby where the candy making stuff is. Aren't these adorable? These would be a fun project for kids and I love that they're totally edible :-)

October 31, 2008

Happy Haunting!

Yet another Shepherd's Bush finish...told ya I just couldn't quit ;-)

This one is called Happy Haunting...

a lot of fun to stitch, although it took me a while...

those brooms were a lot of fun...

but I really dig those bones the most! hee hee

Have a Happy Halloween... with only fun tricks and lots of treats!

October 30, 2008

Spooky Sheep

Spooky Sheep
Originally uploaded by Deep Fried Cupcake
another finish from the old blog...
design by Shepherd's Bush