hard to get a good photo of the whole thing as it's a little long, so I took several close up shots...
the verse says:
" The blackberie tree is aftr his sort bushy
bearing that fruit that eftsones refresheth
the shepherde"
and if you're like me, and did not, or do not, know what the heck "eftsones" means, well then click here and learn! And you can even hear how it's pronounced :-)
wonder if that word could be worked into a conversion sometime soon :-)
Anyway, on to the framing part of this post. Today I went to the LNS and picked up two things I'd taken in last month.
This is The Song They Sang, by Carriage House Samplings...
it was stitched a while back and I finally got the frame for it last fall...
I have a thing for bird samplers and verses like this one, so I plan on hanging this where I can see it every day!
and here's my Plain & Fancy, also by Carriage House Samplings...
finally mounted into the really super cheap frame I'd found at Tuesday Morning a while back...
which was originally purchased for something else
but ended up being perfect for this sampler. At least I think so ;-)
That's about it for now! Working on another CHS, Westwinds....was finally able to turn the channel from the SB station. For at least one project that is, lol!
Thank you for visiting my blog! And for the sweet and kind comments you take the time to leave for me...I really appreciate them.
Have a great week!