Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Sunday, April 09, 2023

Happy Easter 2023!!!

 To those of you who celebrate...
H A P P Y     E A S T E R!

Goodness! How is it Easter already?! If you follow me on my challenge blogs (Path of Positivity, The 12 Months or Christmas, Scribbles Designs), you will know that the first 3 full months of the year were a bit of a challenge health-wise as I battled one bug after another. I'm finally feeling about 95% better. Just have a few lingering symptoms to get rid off. I also FINALLY have my voice back after an almost 14 week absence. You never really realize how much you rely on your ability to talk until you lose your voice; especially when it was gone for such a long period of time! Hubby is also doing much better and my parents are hanging in there as well. I'd hoped to put something out for St. Pat's day or to celebrate spring but unfortunately, I just wasn't up to it. I was off the computer for a total of 10 days while ill. In [probably] the last 15 years, I haven't missed more than a day or two at a time, so to be off for 10 days, well, it gives you some idea how bad it was in our household. Thankfully, I am getting back on track. Still have several winner announcements to prepare and some other stuff to catch up on, but slowly, I am getting there.

Today, it is time to celebrate Easter. The Easter Bunny continues to be considered an essential service and as such, will be allowed to travel around the world, popping into homes to leave goodies here and there.

Hopefully EB will have the opportunity to bring many of you some sweet treats or fragrant ones. My gifts to you are two digital papers in honour of today…

One of the papers is a repeated pattern of the bunny scene as you can see in the preview. The other is an enlarged version of the bunny scene located in the lower left corner, leaving most of the top right blank. 
These digital papers are 3600 x 3600 pixels, in jpg format and published at 300 dpi. Credits include: PawStudio (via Creative Fabrica) and Janet Scott (via Digital To grab them, click the download button to be taken to a download location. In the zip folder you will find a copy of the papers, their preview sheet, the credit information and my terms of use which are standard to all my folders.

Before you go...

I'd appreciate it if you could let me know which version of the paper you would get more use from. Is a repeated pattern more useful or do you like papers that just have a segment and lots of 'free space'? Or, would you end up using both papers for different types of projects? I know that my followers have dropped significantly (my fault entirely for not being around more) but it is still important to know who I am catering more to--scrapbookers or card makers or someone else entirely? It helps me to plan better for future freebies.

Looking for more free stuff??!

You can find another free Easter themed freebie that I made HERE, over at Scribbles Designs!
I hope you all have a wonderful day! I'll be spending as much of the day as I can with my awesome hubby!

Until next time,
PS: Please note that if you make a purchase from Creative Fabrica using the link provided in this post, I may receive a small commission.

Sunday, April 04, 2021

Happy Easter!!! (& update on 12DoC papers)

Okay, so I'm starting to sound like a broken record. In the aftermath of dealing with some health and personal issues, I just haven't had the time to get the papers sent out to those who joined in for The 12 Days of Christmas. I will go through the rest of the comments and get the list compiled as soon as I am capable of doing so and I appreciate your continued patience.

Now for the other reason for today's post. To those of you who celebrate...
H A P P Y     E A S T E R!

For some of us in this world, we're in the exact same position as last year at this time; unfortunately, in a situation where we are forced to celebrate Easter a little bit differently than most of us normally would. Here in my home town, we've been in lockdown over two weeks again and with the numbers continuing to go up with all these variants, it is hard to say when it will end. If you yourself are in a location where meeting with those outside your home is also prohibited, I can certainly sympathize. Thankfully, with all the technology available these days, reaching out to our loved ones is easier than ever. I hope that you have the opportunity to connect virtually or by phone with those you love during this special long weekend.

Just like last year, since the Easter Bunny is considered an essential service, he will again receive special dispensation allowing him to cross borders and travel into each of the Canadian provinces--as long as he is supplied with the special equipment he needs to do his job safely. I hope that the Easter Bunny has received permission to travel to your part of the world as well.

Hopefully EB will have the opportunity to bring most of you some sweet treats or fragrant ones. My gift to you is this digital paper in honour of today…

This digital paper is 3600 x 3600 pixels, in jpg format and published at 300 dpi. Credits include: Claudette Gallant (via Pixabay) and Marisa Lerin (via Pixel Scrapper). To grab it, click the download button to be taken to a download location. In the zip folder you will find a copy of the paper, its preview sheet, the credit information and my terms of use which are standard to all my folders.

I hope you all have a wonderful day! I'll be spending the rest of the day with my own amazing hubby who continues to have to go out every day and work since his job is considered essential as well!

Until next time,

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!!!

To those of you who celebrate, Happy Easter!

I realize that this year we are forced to celebrate Easter a little bit differently than most of us normally would and that for those of you with extended family and especially young grandchildren and/or young nieces and nephews, it may be especially difficult not seeing the little ones in person. My heart goes out to you if this is your situation. The great thing is that with all the technology available these days, reaching out to our loved ones is easier than ever. I hope that you have the opportunity to connect virtually or by phone with those you love during this special long weekend.

I have it on good authority from the Prime Minister of Canada that the Easter Bunny is considered an essential service and therefore will be allowed to cross borders and travel into each of the Canadian provinces. In fact, I heard a report from the Premier of Alberta and his team that they have extra supplies of personal protective equipment stored up in their warehouses that they will be sharing with the three worst hit provinces in our country. Additionally, they have also promised to send the Easter Bunny some equipment as well so that he can do his job safely. I hope that the Easter Bunny has received special dispensation to travel to your part of the world as well.

Hopefully EB will have the opportunity to bring most of you some sweet treats or fragrant ones. My gift to you is this digital paper in honour of today…

This digital paper is 3600 x 3600 pixels, in jpg format and published at 300 dpi. Credits include: Creative Fabrica Crafts and nicjulia (both via Creative Fabrica). To grab it, click the download button to be taken to a download location. In the zip folder you will find a copy of the paper, its preview sheet, the credit information and my terms of use which are standard to all my folders.

Before I go, I wanted to share a link to a sweet video I watched earlier in the week. Some adorable Meerkats take part in an Easter egg hunt in the London Zoo while it is closed. You can find it HERE.

I hope you all have a wonderful day! I'll be spending the day with my own amazing hubby who continues to have to go out every day and work since his job is considered essential!

Until next time,

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter!!!

To those of you who celebrate, Happy Easter!

As always, I will leave it up to the Easter Bunny to bring you some sweet treats or fragrant ones. My gift to you is this digital paper in honour of today…

This digital paper is 3600 x 3600 pixels, in jpg format and published at 300 dpi. Credits include: Olga Belova (via Creative Fabrica) and Julia Dreams (via Deal Jumbo). To grab it, click the download button to be taken to a download location. In the zip folder you will find a copy of the paper, its preview sheet, the credit information and my terms of use which are standard to all my folders.

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Until next time,

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter!!!

To those of you who celebrate, Happy Easter!

As always, I will leave it up to the Easter Bunny to bring you some sweet treats or fragrant ones. My gift to you is this digital paper in honour of today. Though I suppose it could be considered a bit tasty itself if one was to use their imagination...

I came across a tutorial a few weeks back to make a chocolate bar image and I thought how cool would that be as a digital paper. I hope you like it as much as I do. I'm rather proud of it as it isn't made with any images per se (though a shape was used to make the imprint of the egg in the chocolate) but built from the ground up.

This digital paper is 3600 x 3600 pixels, in jpg format and published at 300 dpi. I've used resources from PSD Dude, and Heather Green, HG Designs. To grab it, click the download button to be taken to a download location. In the zip folder you will find a copy of the paper, its preview sheet, the credit information and my terms of use which are standard to all my folders.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.

Until next time,

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Card Design: Gerda Steiner Designs Progressive Challenge...March

Hello and happy Tuesday!  It is time to share my entry into the Gerda Steiner Designs Progressive Challenge. 

This month we got to work with the following cute image...

Another sweet bunny!  Everyone who played along in last month's challenge received Carrot Bunny for free. If you decide to hop on and play along in the Gerda Steiner Designs Progressive Challenge, then you can purchase this digital by clicking HERE (or on the watermark above to head to its location in the store). This way you'll receive next month's digital stamp for free.

Here are my card and details...

General Info: 
Digital Image Details: 
  • Carrot Bunny:  You can find this image in the store.  Details above.  
  • This image was coloured partially digitally and partially with patterns and with paper piecing.   
    • Credits:  
      • Sky & Clouds pattern courtesy of Webtreats, Etc.
      • Fur was paper pieced with a texture from Salic33 (Deviant Art Artist)
      • I used an image from Stockvault to paper piece the carrot and another picked up for the greens.
      • Grass was added with a basic filter.
Digital Embellishments: 
  • The rectangular shape was a basic shape created in Photoshop Elements and then altered using a layer style from HG Graphics.
  • The eggs and chicks are elements purchased from Pixel Scrapper.  

Digital Sentiment Details: 
  • The sentiment was created by Paulette from Create with TLC For great freebies and inspiration be sure to click HERE to go to Paulette's blog and for awesome sets for purchase, click HERE to go to the home page of the new store.

Paper Products:
  • Card base: Michael's Recollection's Cardstock, white.

  • The pattern I used for the  background and also in the kerchief is also from HG Graphics.

Challenges I am entering:
Other challenges I hope to enter... 
***Please note that if the word verification appears, ignore it and simply click the 'publish' button***  

Well guys, that is it for this one.

Until next time,

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter!!!

To those of you who celebrate, Happy Easter!

I will leave it up to the Easter bunny to bring you some chocolates or flowers.  My gift to you is this digital paper in honour of today...

This digital paper is 3600 x 3600 pixels, in jpg format and published at 300 dpi. I've used resources from Pixel Scrapper, and Heather Green, HG Designs.  To grab it, click the download button to be taken to a download location.  In the zip folder you will find a copy of the paper, its preview sheet, the credit information and my terms of use which are standard to all my folders. 

I hope you all have a wonderful day.  Even though it means I'm going to get myself more behind, I plan on spending the afternoon with my hubby--the best present I could hope for.

Until next time,

Friday, March 11, 2016

Card Design: Scribbles Designs March 11th Freebie Friday Inspiration

Hey peeps!  I'm popping in today to bring you some more Freebie Friday Inspiration.   This week, over at the Scribbles Designs Challenge Blog, there is a free Easter Egg up for grabs and once again, I managed to whip up a digi card to accompany the post.  I love working with Easter eggs as the colour palettes to choose from are endless!

General Info:
  • This card has been created 100% digitally and then layered in a poster mockup (courtesy of Design Bolts).  I will print it out and assemble it a later date.

Digital Image Details: 
  • #F111 Easter Egg 3  A fun image perfect for any Easter card. If you click on the name you can find this image in the store.  You can also click HERE to find it in my Freebie Friday post.

Digital Sentiment Details:
  • This sentiment was created by Paulette from Create with TLC.  For great freebies and inspiration be sure to click HERE to go to Paulette's blog and for awesome sets for purchase, click HERE to go to the home page of the store.

Digital Embellishments:
  • I have used basic shapes in Photoshop Elements to create matting in behind the image and sentiment.
  • I have applied shadow layer styles to give certain elements some depth.  These styles were designed by Sheila Reid, Pixel Scrapper.

 Digital Paper Products:
  • A single paper I created a couple years ago as a prize for someone.  I'm hoping to eventually make a whole kit called Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend.  What do you think?

Challenges I am hoping to enter...
Don't forget to mark you calendars every Friday to head on over to the Scribbles Designs Challenge Blog to grab the latest freebie up for grabs.  Don't forget, you can find the Easter Egg from March 11th's post HERE.  It is a great way to add to your SD digi stamp collection.  Remember, when you use an SD image on a project that you enter into our monthly challenges, you get extra entries!  That is a great incentive to use one of Sandy's images AND don't forget that this month the challenge is about using one of Sandy's previous Freebie Friday images.  Why not this one?

Well that is it for this post.  Time to get more items checked off my 'to do' list.

 Until next time,

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Happy Easter!!!

Happy Easter all!  Did the Easter Bunny bring you any treats?  Now normally, one might expect flowers or chocolate.  What did the Easter Bunny bring me?  A set of Hamptom Forge Tomadachi knives...oh and a Darth Vader chocolate treat.  Now some women might not be happy about this but I am.  We desperately needed some new sharp knives.

Anyway, I'm not the only one who gets a present, you do too!  So, in honour of Easter, I present you with this digital paper...

I saw these amazing eggs and just had to create a paper with them!

This digital paper is 3600 x 3600 pixels, in jpg format and published at 300 dpi. I've used resources from Marisa Lerin and Claudette Gallant a contributor to Pixabay.  To grab it, click the download button to be taken to a download location.  In the zip folder you will find a copy of the paper, its preview sheet, the credit information and my terms of use which are standard to all my folders. 

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your day.

Until next time,