WOW - where did the month of June go? Around our house, June is the month to celebrate the men in our lives. My dear hubby's birthday one weekend and then Father's Day the next, kind of filled up this month. And then of course, we have had our great HEAT WAVE here in TEXAS with several 100 degree plus days. Finding ways to stay cool in this weather has also been a priority :)
This year for hubby's birthday, I surprised him by picking one of our lesser known museums...The History of Printing and organizing an outing there with some friends. It was really fun and we even got to see an exhibit on paper watermarks which was very interesting to learn about. Afterwards we all went to a really cool place to eat that is kind of an upscale but casual old ice house called Beavers. We had a fabulous time and enjoyed the evening.
Happy Birthday Sweet Hubby....I Love You So MUCH !!!!

Staying cool during this heat wave has meant I was able to fit in some scrap time. In honor of our upcoming Indpendence Day, I made this layout to showcase some of the things that are family traditions at our house....Neighborhood 4th of July Parade....Big juicy slices of Watermelon.... And of course the
ALL AMERICAN MEAL - Hamburgers and Hot Dogs !!

Sure hope you and your family have a wonderful and safe 4th of July Weekend !