Showing posts with label Valentines Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valentines Day. Show all posts

Monday, February 8, 2010

Kisses, Hugs, Love, Hearts....Oh My !

Like the rest of the scrappy world right now, I am loving creating banners to display in my home. And of course I couldn't resist creating one for Valentines Day.  INSPIRE the people in your life to stop and enjoy the day of LOVE on February 14th !      (Click on the pics to see close up)

Had fun with these acrylic butterflies from K& Co.
Loved folding them to make them POP OFF the Jenni Bowlin BINGO CARD
I seriously HEART chandeliers and isn't that felt cupid adorable ? I glimmer misted the doily hearts...
wish you could see how they shine better in the pics.
Yes, that really is a dangling, sparklie HEART hanging from the bottom of this banner piece! 
And yes, that really is an old Lil Davis Valentine Embellishment I have been saving in my stash for a special occassion and this was it !  {I really loved that company and was sorry to see them go out of business.} Hope you noticed I added a few pieces of the Valentine Treat bags to accent this embellishment.
I have also been saving my very last PINK Heidi Swapp mirror bird for just the right project. 
Loved how it added a special touch to this banner piece.
I have had this old Valentine postcard in my stash for a while as well. 
So glad the cute Valentine girl found a special place to be enjoyed year after year.
 Those awesome felt roses were found at Hobby Lobby recently.
I added some Pearl Glimmer Mist to help those roses shine!
More K&Co. acrylic pieces shaped and pop dotted to add dimension.
My Tim Holtz Tiny Attacher was perfect to adhering these to the cards.

The base of the banner is is made from large foam hearts I found at Michaels for $1 each.  They already had the glitter around the edges and were just begging to be made into a banner. The adorable rag material banner was also bought at M's this season.  

I used a Martha Stewart punch to make the white lace border on each.  The red ric rac is actually foam that is glittered that I bought at my LSS.  How awesome is that ?  I bought it in every color they had it in.  I cut it in half to make it look like a cute scallop on the bottom of each BINGO card. 

This went together pretty quick and I love how it looks....alll that PINK, RED and WHITE really makes it feel like Valentines Day at our house.  Not too fussy...just the right amount of LOVE shown.

Do you have a special item that you put up at your house that shows your Valentine some LOVE?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Valentines Card Tutorial

As I mentioned in my last post, I was INSPIRED by a product I just happened to notice at a local craft store and thought to use in an unusual way.  It isn't exactly scrap related.  But you could use it to give a scrap gift you create.  Can you guess what it might be?

It is a package of Treat Bags for Valentines Day.  They are clear cellophane with all kinds of Valentines/Love words printed on them. And at $1.99 for 20 of them, there were a steal! I fell in LOVE the minute I saw them and the wheels in my head started turning on what I could do with them. I immediately thought of all the cards I wanted to make for my Valentines.

Here is a little TUTUORIAL on how I used those bags to make a special Valentines Day Card.

1. Here is the set of Treat Bags                                    
2.  Take out 1 Treat Bag

3. Cut bag into a 3" strip                                              
4.  Here is the 3" strip
5. Unfold the 3" strip and cut off one end so it opens up.   6. Adhere the strip to your card base to fit the size card you are using.  Trim the excess off the sides.  Hint: I Glimmer Misted my card base first and let dry before adding my VD bag strip. After I added the strip to the card, I added a die cut border to the top. You could also use ribbon instead. 
1. Cut (2) 1 1/2 "circles and (2) 1" circles from another VD Treat Bag.  Next Cut (1) 1 1/2" circle and
(1) 1" circle from Pink Felt.  Slice a small hole with scissors or exacto knife in the center of each to put brad through. 2. Scrunch all the Treat Bag circles up into tight balls.  

3.  We will be working from top of flower to bottom to layer the flower.  Put brad through the (2) small VD bag circles.  4. Add the small pink felt circle next.
5.  Add the two larger VD bag circles next. 6. Finally, add the large pink felt circle to the back of the stacked circles.
7.  Close the brad on back of the circles. 8.Scrunch the circles with your fingers.
9.  Let go of the scrunched circles and see the flower base. 10.  Add whatever button or jewel you want to the center of the flower.  I recommend using Glossy Accents or Beacons 3in1 Glue to adhere the button/jewel onto the top of brad in the center of the flower.
Here is the final version of the card. I love it was easy to make and inexpensive too ! 
Hope you found this interesting and INSPIRING to try this technique on a card yourself.

Friday, February 5, 2010

What's Red & White and Pink All Over....

Why VALENTINES DAY of Course !!  I totally ADORE Valentines Day !  I can't seem to get enough of that wonderful RED, WHITE and PINK color palette.  It doesn't matter if it is cutsey or classic Valentines style, I love it all.

Earlier this week, I gathered my sizeable stash of Valentine supplies, punches, glimmer mist and went to town creating some Valentines cards.  I wish you could really see all the dimension and glimmer of these cards in the pics. In about an hour or so, I had whipped up the following lovelies to send my special Valentines.

What do ya think?  Will my Valentines know how much they mean to me?  Tomorrow I will post a tutorial of the layered flower I made with an INSPIRING material I found while at craft store.

I also made a Valentines Banner I will be sharing with you over the weekend.  Here is a little sneak peak of it....

It is Oooh La La...., wouldn't you agree? 


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