Showing posts with label Doodlecharms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doodlecharms. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Circle Weekly Challenge #27

The Cricut Circle Blog post a challenge each week for Circle members only to enter.  This week there was a challenge I was interested in doing. This challenge encouraged us to make a sketch for a 12X12 layout and then make the layout. 

I have made sketches by drawing by hand on paper before but I have been toying with the idea of making my own sketches for layouts using the computer. Today I figured it out. Here is what I came up with to enter for the challenge:

It only took a few minutes to create this sketch using powerpoint and exporting as a jpg file.

Here is the layout I made using the sketch.

The picture of the layout doesn't really show off  the vibrant colors. I may take another photo tomorrow when the lighting is better but you get the gist of it here. I used Gypsy Font for the Birthday word and the cupcake is made with Doodlecharms. I used some stickles to add that gooey icing effect and to make the candle glow. And for the sprinkles I added glass dew drops.  The Joy word is by Prima.

Thanks for stopping by. Hope this inspires you to create your own sketches too!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

We HEART Our BIG Dawg!

I have a granddog...yes, you read that right. I gladly claim this adorable big 200 lb Mastiff named Winston as my granddog.  My daughter Crystal is his doggy momma.  He really is a gentle giant and loves to be petted and give kisses back.  He even looks hurt when you tell him he is not allowed to sit in your lap. I truly believe he only thinks he is as big as his head so he doesn't understand when you don't enjoy him laying on you :)

We took these pictures last year when he was visiting.  He is such a happy dog that I just had to show him off in a layout.

 I used my Cricut to cut out the title, the hearts, circles and paw prints.  The scallop trim was made with a Fiskars punch.  I am going to enter this in the Cricut Circle Blog Weekly contest that is about pet projects with your Cricut.


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