Showing posts with label garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label garden. Show all posts

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Rays of Sunshine

were very welcome this weekend in Melbourne.

The glorious weather inspired me to spend some quality time  in my rather uncared for garden.

More rays of sunshine too, but this time the kind that come from a job finished in a pleasing manner.

This is the first block of my quilt Jennie Cleland.  I am reproducing a version of it from a photo I found in an old magazine.  I'm very happy with the results so far.  It is a four block quilt so it will be some time before there will be much more to  show.

The next photo is of the beginnings of my Going Green Gradually which I started in a Marg Sampson George workshop at Lizzie's.

Mine won't be very green I think!

And last but not least, my Mountmellick, by Di Ford. I am using what I have in the cupboard for this one.  I have many of the original fabrics, but a few rogues are creeping in.

These circles remind me of the red, yellow and green traffic light lollies we used to have as kids.

A fun, productive weekend.  I hope yours was too.



Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Recent Jaunt

to Sydney gave me an opportunity to visit Material Obsession for the first time. The store has a fantastic collection of fabrics in many different styles. I'm sure anyone who visits will find something that they just can't live without!

If I had been in the "start a new project" state of mind, I would have come away with a suitcase full. But as I have so many things taking up my headspace, I opted for two purchases in kit form.

The first is a version of Amy Butler's Barcelona skirt. I haven't sewn any garments for such a long time now I was a bit nervous. But this is a very straightforward pattern, and I'm very happy with the result. I'll certainly be making more of these!

would have been a better photo if I was wearing it, but noone is here so that would be TOUGH.

The second purchase is a kit containing Kaffe fabrics to make an ottoman. This was NOD's choice and she promised me that she would helpt to make it. Needless to say it is still in the packet. Hmmmmmmmmmm, I wonder how long it will stay there?

It was a delight to meet Kathy. She is so enthusiastic and helpful, wish she was closer!

My sewing this week has been to make some more headway with the Imperial Blooms BOM and to tackle Block 2 of Funky Feathers.

This is Block 3 of Imperial Blooms completed.

Love the centre stitching.

And this is Block 4 ready for embroidery.

Yesterday we had an SSS meeting which was absolutely delightful as always. We missed a couple of the gals including Di who is currently in Holland teaching I think. Message to Petra

"Please send her back soon, we miss her".

I think Kerry will be putting up a post at SSS shortly.

That's it. Feels like some substantial progress made this week.

Now my garden needs some attention and the sun is shining. Life's tough no?

Joy to all,


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Back to Pennsylvania

Remember back here that I posted about the beautiful Pennsylvania Applique quilt? Well of course I put the quilt down to work on Phebe exclusively and progress ceased for awhile. But last week I came to the conclusion that I wasn't going to be able to finish Phebe for the exhibition, but I might just be able to finish Pennsylvania, so I have been working on it and it's nearly finished.

Here is a photo from my design floor.

All the cutting is done, this is the triangle border ready to assemble. Apart from that - a small amount of applique to complete and that's it. Stay tuned next weekend when I'm hoping to show the quilt top.

Phebe is not too far away from being finished. A couple of the star borders are done - here's one.

I'll get back to it shortly, but I wasn't enjoying the pressure of trying to finish it quickly.

Now I know it's been a long time since I posted, but I have posted over at SSS. If you haven't been over there, nip over and see what the gang has been up to. Since I had my Morrell quilt out, I thought I would take a few more photos for you.

Above are a few more of my Broderie Perse blocks.

These two are hand pieced and then appliqued to the background. The pieces in the star are tiny!!

Weather in Melbourne has been cold and wet so not really good for gardening. But mine seems to be doing it's own thing.

A pretty bunch of daffs and irises.

The irises have been in my garden for years, but weren't flowering, so in an effort to save them, I dug them all up and replanted them. They have multiplied vigorously and some of them have been flowering - a beautiful deep purple. I'm hoping they will all flower here.

Last but not least - I'm sure many of you will have seen a photo of Corliss's (from Threadbear) new quilt - her stunning version of the English Basket Quilt - but for those of you who haven't, here it is.

It's definitely on my list to start this year. Isn't it fabulous?

That's it for today. I have to go into Open Day at work for a bit. But I'm hopint to get around later this afternoon to see what you've all been up to. Can't wait!


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Post Easter Post

Hello everyone - whether or not you celebrate Easter, I hope you had a fabulous break with plenty of time to spend with family and your favourite sewing project.

Easter is the holiday I love the most - no, not because of the chocolate - but because the weather in Melbourne is so glorious at this time of the year. And also because it is a long enough break to do something without being too long. The Uni shuts Friday through Tuesday and the kids are on holidays from school. I took an extra days leave on Thursday - and made the road trip to sewing at Clare's accompanied by my darling daughter and two of her friends. It was a lively ride! We had a great day - thanks Clare, I really needed you all.

NOS took off camping with his mates - the rest of us plus another of NOD's friends took off to Apollo Bay for a few days. A lovely seaside town - very relaxing. Of course I always pack plenty of sewing when I go away - and actually do - none. When will I learn?

Nevertheless, here is a little progress to show

these are the last of the GTASB for March. The April pack arrived

and very exciting, has the making up instructions, so when I have finished these blocks I will start putting together the top and then I guess the borders will come in May. Although I have thoroughly enjoyed this project, I will be glad to finish it since I have many jobs to do before the exhibition.

I am putting the last couple of pieces on my Phebe centre - finally found the last bits of fabric to do the job - believe me I auditioned many! In the meantime I have been getting some of the other frames done - like this one

I love the pink in this. It's from Windham - called New Nation.

After this is all together I will start the applique borders. But to tell you the truth - I'm missing my MM project, so I think I will do a block of that first.

And since I haven't talked flowers for some time - here are some snaps

a new hibiscus I just planted

a rose I put in a year ago - it's a beauty - repeat flowering - very prolific -called Many Happy Returns.

Another new plant - a Delbard rose, gorgeous old fashioned shape and yellow colour.

And finally a book I bought. I love bulbs and this is a major reference on the subject - superb photos. It is written for the USA but I can deal with not having an Australian climate map in there - I have plenty already - so it shouldn't be a problem.

I hope you enjoy the lovely weather if you are in Melbourne. I promise to have Phebe up on the weekend.

Take care and happy gardening,


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It's beinning to look a lot like Christmas

well on your blogs anyway........put the tree up yesterday but that's it. Went shopping on Sunday and bought almost all the required presents, just a few more to go. What a relief - I work right up until Christmas eve so not much time for organising/shopping or having pre-Christmas fun - but never fear - I'll be making up for it post Christmas. Are you having some fun? I hope so.

Just a few things to show you today. Number one: Mary Mannakee. Can't tell you how much I'm enjoying this. But I have a question. On this block I decided to sew a big stitch to quarter the block and mark the diagonals, since I wanted to get the placement right. After removing the machine basting - I have rather noticeable needle holes - any advice as to how to remove said holes? Won't be doing that again! Here is my finished block.

Number two: GTASB. This is the final block from last month - thought I'd finished it, but when I photoed it and went to put it away I realised that it needed to be set into a background square - der - what a thicko! So I'm still to do that, probably not worth another photo unless I'm running short of photos to show you. So just imagine this is set into a background square please.

Number three: Antique Wedding Sampler. I haven't finished the previous block but it's coming along. Just thought I'd give you a sneak peek at what's coming.

Number four: My backyard. Remember some time ago I showed you this photo

well now it looks like this

not bad huh? Not quite finished either. Scary part is the MOTH said the P word - yes - painting - OMG NOT THE P WORD! It quite possibly will not be finished in my lifetime - but I don't care - I can still sit on it right? Don't you love it - I do. And so do the kids and their friends who gave it a road test on the weekend.

Finally, on my shopping trip I sneaked in to Zetta Florence and got my stationary fix

These can make me enjoy filing bills - actually that's not quite true - but you get the idea.

I have not had much of a chance to read your posts the last couple of weeks, but I take a quick look at the photos which always make me happy. Hope to catch up shortly.

Until then dear friends,

buy yourself something that makes you happy,


A Ball of Pink Fluff

My New Year's Eve cast on used this gorgeous yarn from la Bien Aimee. The yarn is Merino Singles and Mohair Silk, both in the co...