I love school. I love learning. If learning is a life-time journey, I say Let the Journey Begin...The blog tells stories of my loved ones, students and peers along for the ride.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
A Little Thanksgiving Lagniappe
Has it slowed down YET?! Life is good. Thanksgiving this year was fantabulous with a hustle and bustle that comes when you join Thanksgiving with Christmas and 25 or so people in one nest for three or four fantastic, wondermous days! Thank you Ginny for chronologicallizing (Shakespeare, how do you like that word?) our time together. You can read all about it by hopping over to Ginny's blog, "Cooking with Chopin, Living with Elmo" at http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fcookingwithchopin.blogspot.com%2F2012%2F11%2Fa-holiday-of-thankfulness-evans.html&h=3AQE5xegs ENJOY! I know I sure did! My family is not necessarily extraordinary but they're MINE & I love 'em every one and welcome in new folks to the fold. Love me some Ginny, Chris, Timothy & Matthew. God treated us special the day you came along.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Learning Something New
Here I go again! Ken loves to try new stuff out on me. I love it, I guess. I really was quite content with my big old computer, when Ken decided I needed a laptop. I really enjoyed it, still am actually, but now Ken has decided I would enjoy an i-pad. It's actually a droid, but same difference. NOW Ken has decided that I needed a little blue tooth key pad because my fingers aren't too good a blog texting... this is my first attempt lying on the floor in front of the TV lil pad propped on a pillow typing on my lil keyboard...It might be something I can get use to...
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Oh Be Careful Lil Eyes
Philippians 4:8
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."
Wonderful words of life, but hard to do as I watch TV these days or listen to the radio...Maybe my old Sunday School Teacher had it right when she taught me the song: (sing it with me, if you remember it!)
Oh be careful little eyes what you see
Oh be careful little eyes what you see
For the Father up above
Is looking down in love
So be careful little eyes what you see.
Remember there was a verse for our little ears (what you hear), our little mouths (what you say), our little hands (what you do), our little feet (where you go). I think I'll try to be more careful with my little self. Thank you SS Teacher of old and Sweet Lord.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Wow, What a Ride!
Monday, April 23, 2012
If There's a Mic in the House
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Mrs. Evans #13 Has Arrived!!
We have a new baby! Siblee Mae, #13, made her grand entrance on my baby sister's birthday April 17! What a sweet little darling. The morning of her birth I was giving the Science & Social Studies parts of the state iLEAP. I happened to be testing 12 students. As soon as our secretary knew my students were finished testing, she called me on the intercom. "Mrs. Evans," she said, "Number 13 has arrived!" My thought was, "What! I'm testing these 12; I'm teaching 100 students 7th grade math; I have two homebound students after school. I'm not testing number 13!" Before my THOUGHTS could come out of my mouth, she continued, "Your husband called to say mother and baby are doing fine!" THEN I said, "Oh thank you Lord!" The journey just got sweeter!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Sunshine Merry-Go-Round!
This week is my baby sister's birthday week!!! "You Are My Sunshine" is one of her favorite songs. She has sung it to each of her children & reminds them all the time of the sunshine that they are to her. I cannot receive this award without thinking of her. I cannot pass it on to fellow bloggers without thinking of her. So to Sandy, "Happy Birthday" and "You Are My Sunshine"!
My sister Charlotte has passed this Award on to me as a sweet gesture. I thank her and invite you to check her out if you don't already follow her @ www.charlottesmenagerie.blogspot.com Her blog tells of her urban farm, wonderful family and life in politics!
The rules of the Sunshine Blog Award are
Thank the person who nominated you with a link back to their blog.
Answer a few questions about yourself.
Favorite color:
Red (It's a power color.)
Favorite animal: Juanita, my chihuahua
Favorite number: 3, the Trinity
Favorite non-alcoholic drink: Diet Coke
Facebook or Twitter: Facebook (It's an addictive way of staying up with everyone.)
My Passion: The Lord, my husband, my family, education
Favorite flower: Black-eyed Susan
Favorite movie:
Gone with the Wind
Favorite painting: anything my grandchildren paint for me
And finally, nominate a few other blogs and include
links to them:
#1 A Penny for Your Thoughts @ www.bpippin002.blogspot.com
#2 Raising Wilson's @ www.raisingwilsons.blogspot.com
#3 Mom to 8: Raising a Happy Family @ www.raisingahappyfamily-momof8.blogspot.com
#4 I Think; Therefore I Yam @ www.susan-swiderski.blogspot.com
# 5 Un4gettable @ www.lifesun4gettable.blogspot.com
free to paste this pretty award on your blogs to show that you’re held in high
esteem. I hope I get more awards because there are other great bloggers I’d like
to nominate.
Mission accomplished. The journey is brighter with all this sunshine!!!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Flowers Are Red
I was reading a fellow blogger's writings about education, Red @ Hiawatha House, and someone left a comment about this song. So I looked it up and thought I'd share. It is a sad statement on "cookie cutter" education but it's definitely the way we are going to go if we keep on talking about testing and measurements instead of human beings.
Click on the hot link and enjoy...Think about it. This journey should be very colorful!
Click on the hot link and enjoy...Think about it. This journey should be very colorful!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Not on the Same Page
An elderly man fell asleep in the waiting room of the hospital. When he awoke he asked his wife, "Where are we?" She told him and then leaned over to me and said, "We did get up early. But his doctor says that sometimes he's just not on our same page." My reply, "Me neither. I feel like sometimes I'm just struggling to stay in the same book!"
Sunday, April 1, 2012
It's A Small World
On "Oreo Day", I wrote of a convention that I was to be acting as emcee for this past weekend. Well the convention happened! This past Thursday - Saturday I have been with a large group of people at the Monroe Convention Center at the Civic Center "mcing" the event. I tell you it was a BLAST! I enjoyed myself immensely! The theme was "Feeling Groovy" and so all of the music was from the sixties & seventies. I was in my element and on stage the entire time! I had so much fun. These people came from all over the state, all walks of life, all ages, for one purpose to celebrate healthy lifestyles and to get motivated to strengthen their desire to see this journey through in a more healthy way than they may have been doing. I am a member of this organization and have tried to be good but am not always successful. But I tell you, this weekend was really like a retreat for me...very refreshing. That sounds kind of funny, because I have blisters on my feet. I worked hard the entire weekend. But it was a VERY FUN JOB! I love to be in front of crowds of people, just playing. And to me that's what "mcing" is even though there's a script and lots of action. I LOVE it! Maybe that's why I enjoy the classroom so much. Anyway, one of the people I had to introduce was the mayor of the city. He was going to welcome the convention. The mayor couldn't make it so he sent his assistant. During a break, a woman from the Business & Convention Center for the city came to me and introduced to me the mayor's assistant. I looked at him, he looked at me. We recognized each other. I swore him to secrecy and thankfully even though he kept my secret on stage, he did tell everyone that he & I had actually met the week before in another city on the other side of the state. Of course that led to a lot of questions later... Here's what happened. I was in a hospital surgery waiting room when he walked through with a box of Krispy Creme Donuts. That is very dangerous. I love those things. I called him out on it! He said, "Oh these are for my family. My grandmother's in surgery..." He came back about 30 minutes later with three that had been left over. Even though I only ate one, I was afraid for him to say how we met in front of hundreds of people! Life is funny and even though you may eat something in private, it's really there for all the world to see. And it is a small world but a great journey.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Teacher Interview Replayed
Thanks Mr. Carol for sharing this e-mail:
After being interviewed by the school administration, the prospective teacher said:
Let me see if I've got this right. You want me to go into that room with all those kids, correct their disruptive behavior, observe them for signs of abuse, monitor their dress habits, censor their T-shirt messages, and instill in them a love for learning.
You want me to check their backpacks for weapons, wage war on drugs and sexually transmitted diseases, and raise their sense of self esteem and personal pride.
You want me to teach them patriotism and good citizenship, sportsmanship and fair play, and how to register to vote, balance a checkbook, and apply for a job.
You want me to check their heads for lice, recognize signs of antisocial behavior, and make sure that they all pass the final exams.
You want me to provide them with an equal education regardless of their handicaps, and communicate regularly with their parents in English, Spanish or any other language by letter, telephone, newsletter, and report card.
You want me to do all this with a piece of chalk, a blackboard, a bulletin board, a few books, a big smile, and a starting salary that qualifies me for food stamps.
You want me to do all this, and then you tell me...
From birth to tomb, we educate them all! |
After being interviewed by the school administration, the prospective teacher said:
Let me see if I've got this right. You want me to go into that room with all those kids, correct their disruptive behavior, observe them for signs of abuse, monitor their dress habits, censor their T-shirt messages, and instill in them a love for learning.
You want me to check their backpacks for weapons, wage war on drugs and sexually transmitted diseases, and raise their sense of self esteem and personal pride.
You want me to teach them patriotism and good citizenship, sportsmanship and fair play, and how to register to vote, balance a checkbook, and apply for a job.
You want me to check their heads for lice, recognize signs of antisocial behavior, and make sure that they all pass the final exams.
You want me to provide them with an equal education regardless of their handicaps, and communicate regularly with their parents in English, Spanish or any other language by letter, telephone, newsletter, and report card.
You want me to do all this with a piece of chalk, a blackboard, a bulletin board, a few books, a big smile, and a starting salary that qualifies me for food stamps.
You want me to do all this, and then you tell me...
Anonymous Author
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
It's Pi Day!!!
We celebrated Pi Day today by eating cookies and Pi Cake. Even though we all know the area of a circle is pi(r)squared. We had happy pi written on rectangle cake. We did find circumference of several circles, discussed the relationship between circumference/diameter, and discovered "real-life" applications of pi. Don't you just love the journey? Especially if a little cake is involved!
Monday, March 12, 2012
The Golden Years
Ken & I were visiting with a friend of ours, Ms. Francis, who happens to be 88 years old. She is NOT a complainer, but she has had bronchitis for quite a little while this season and is having trouble shaking it. We were discussing things, family, friends, church all kinds of stuff, when I noticed a new picture of an ultrasound. I asked her about the baby. She told me it was a new great-great grandchild due this summer. Then we talked about all of our babies and that was when she gave me another morsel of wisdom. She said, "These are not the 'Golden Years' that I'm experiencing now. The 'Golden Years' were back then when my children were at my feet." Oh how I agree. I shared that with one of my boys and he said, "Thanks Mom, that is very encouraging." I pray they enjoy the journey each step of the way as it is laid before them. I love these years, whatever state I'm in!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
It's My Little Red Coupe...
Ken and I were visiting the nursing home the other day when I noticed a sign on one of the little lady's wall. It said:
We're not Senior Citizens...
We're Recycled Teenagers.
With that said, here's my new ride...
We're not Senior Citizens...
We're Recycled Teenagers.
With that said, here's my new ride...
Let's go...the journey is sweet...
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Happy Birthday Oreo!
In another month, I have been asked to act as the M C for the state convention of a group that celebrates weight loss and maintaining healthy weight. I'm trying to be good... We are out of school this week so I've been able to catch up on the news and such. Wouldn't you know it, yesterday was Oreo's 100th birthday. These people are personal friends of mine, lifelong friends. They've been with me through thick, thin, and then thick again. So I celebrated. Ken bought me a Sonic Oreo Blast and a package of Double Stuff. I'm proud to say it was a small blast and the package of double stuff Oreos are still on the counter with just a few missing. However, it's not safe for me to go into the kitchen...
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
Ken has been preaching through the book of Job. Yesterday he was in chapter 32 where Elihu declares his opinion. In verse 6 he states, "Great men are not always wise: neither do the aged understand judgement." This reminded me of a blog shared by Cliff Morrow where he stated:
"Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. Sometimes age shows up all by itself."
After the service, I told Ken that I was reminded of this quotation and quoted it again in front of our friend Randy. Randy said, "That's right sometimes age gets in the car and just leaves all wisdom behind." The journey is great!
"Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. Sometimes age shows up all by itself."
After the service, I told Ken that I was reminded of this quotation and quoted it again in front of our friend Randy. Randy said, "That's right sometimes age gets in the car and just leaves all wisdom behind." The journey is great!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Where Have All the Diaries Gone???
Do you remember or have you ever heard the song, "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" If not, here's a link to the lyrics. http://www.arlo.net/resources/lyrics/flowers-gone.shtm
To celebrate my first year blogging, here's another rendition. I thought of this because my little first grade grand daughter has started her own blog because she ran out of room in her diary. Please feel free to add your lines! The journey is great!
Where have all the diaries gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the diaries gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the diaries gone?
Gone to bloggers every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?
Long time passing
Where have all the diaries gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the diaries gone?
Gone to bloggers every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?
Bet you saw that one coming...
Monday, February 27, 2012
Happy Birthday Ashley!
Riggs, Dez, Ben, Anne-Claire, ASHLEY, Bethany Cate |
Saturday, February 25, 2012
The Year of 29 Days
Quiz Bowl Team for BETA, 2011 Smart Kiddos! |
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Walk a Mile with me and Joe in Bakersfield...
You know how it is in when you have your brain in neutral and you're just listening to the radio...Well that was the state of my being on the way home from school when I realized I was listening and singing along with Dwight and Buck as they sang "The Streets of Bakersfield". Two of my favorite lines are...
"You don't know me, but you don't like me..."
"How many of you that sit and judge me ever walked the streets
of Bakersfield?"
This sparked my brain to a delightful memory. When I was a child my mama had a lot of records and she loved the radio. Music was a constant in our house. She particularly loved country music. One song that I enjoyed and decided was a good mantra to live by was, "Walk a Mile in My Shoes". I even sang this to my children and my classes anytime I caught them "putting the lip" on someone.
"Walk a mile in my shoes,
Before you abuse, criticize or accuse,
Walk a mile in my shoes."
One night, in the middle of the night, my youngest child Joe knocked on my bedroom door and woke me up. He said, "Mama, mama, I now understand and know that you are right." I muttered, "What are you talking about?" Joe, "You know how you always say, before you talk about someone walk a mile in their shoes?" I nodded very sleepily. Joe, "I think that's the MOST WONDERFUL idea." I started to get excited. Finally someone understands. Then Joe said, "Just think about it, you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes!" Hopefully you won't spend this journey barefoot. That Joe...
"You don't know me, but you don't like me..."
"How many of you that sit and judge me ever walked the streets
of Bakersfield?"
Joe and Sadee, following his footsteps... |
"Walk a mile in my shoes,
Before you abuse, criticize or accuse,
Walk a mile in my shoes."
One night, in the middle of the night, my youngest child Joe knocked on my bedroom door and woke me up. He said, "Mama, mama, I now understand and know that you are right." I muttered, "What are you talking about?" Joe, "You know how you always say, before you talk about someone walk a mile in their shoes?" I nodded very sleepily. Joe, "I think that's the MOST WONDERFUL idea." I started to get excited. Finally someone understands. Then Joe said, "Just think about it, you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes!" Hopefully you won't spend this journey barefoot. That Joe...
Monday, February 20, 2012
MLK Community Service Award Winner, Charlotte Crawley
Charlotte works hard to make her community a great place. She has been involved with all sorts of city "stuff" from the opera to the farm! She has opened her doors for the block party, making sure all neighbors know the neighborhood, and to state politicians. Her passion is her husband, children, grandchildren, family, community and her farm. Maybe not in that order all the time, but... Her journey has led her in many directions and she has made friends every step of the way. Congratulations again Charlotte and thank you Mount Canaan Baptist Church for a wonderful experience!
Link on over to my sister's blog to read more!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
A Lil Southern Manners Can Be Beneficial
Maybe this isn't just a Southern thing, I really don't know. I do know I was told a LONG time ago, if someone sends you home a dish or basket or anything that should be returned make sure when you return it it's full of something! I've tried to remember to ALWAYS do this and sometimes it was a challenge and a special surprise for friends. My children also do this, if they remember! At Christmas this year my sisters and all their families and mine gathered at my brother's house. My granddaughters came a couple of days early and stayed with me. We baked gingerbread brownies, cup cakes and candy. We took some of these goodies to the party. When Bethany Cate was leaving the gathering to head with her family back to Arkansas, she asked me if she could take the rest of the cupcakes home with her. I told her sure, but when she brought back my container make sure it was full of something special from her! She agreed. Bethany is only 4 years old so I knew that would be something fantabulous! Sure enough Ashley, BC's mom, called a couple of days later and said Bethany was really being insistent that they mail my plastic container back to me and that before they mailed it she wanted to fill it with Mac and Cheese. How DELICIOUS! I told Ashley how the story went down and she said she'd take care of it. The other day a package arrived from Arkansas. There was my red plastic container filled with home made macaroons and handmade Valentines from all the children. How wonderful.
Then this weekend it happened again. At Christmas, Ken sent Tafta, our daughter, home with our Sam's cold bag full of venison. Venison makes the BEST chili. Tafta came to visit this weekend and returned the bag with all the ingredients for chicken enchiladas! What's better than that she cleared me out of the kitchen and prepared them! Now I tell you, that's a mighty fine return on your investment.
The package arrived! |
Inside the box, under the packing, special Valentines and my red container. |
Homemade maccaroons! |
Then this weekend it happened again. At Christmas, Ken sent Tafta, our daughter, home with our Sam's cold bag full of venison. Venison makes the BEST chili. Tafta came to visit this weekend and returned the bag with all the ingredients for chicken enchiladas! What's better than that she cleared me out of the kitchen and prepared them! Now I tell you, that's a mighty fine return on your investment.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
I Am Spoiled, Oh Well...
Every day around here is another day to spoil Debbie! Ken does an excellent job. I lost a diamond out of my wedding ring when I accompanied my sisters on our "Animal: Sheep Goat Adventure" to Oklahoma way back in September. Two weeks ago Ken gave it back to me. I did not even know he'd taken it to the jeweler. He also had a little silver box that he said I just had to look at until Valentines Day. Friday I came home and found roses...

Saturday morning I awoke to coffee, a sausage egg omelet, and pancakes with strawberries and syrup. Whoa...A girl could get use to this...Too late I already am!
This is not just about Valentines Day. It has been the story of my life. The journey is sweet with my sweetheart and I am blessed.
Saturday morning I awoke to coffee, a sausage egg omelet, and pancakes with strawberries and syrup. Whoa...A girl could get use to this...Too late I already am!
This is not just about Valentines Day. It has been the story of my life. The journey is sweet with my sweetheart and I am blessed.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
A Third Grade Valentine Fiasco
The other day after I posted about helping some of the grandchildren with their Valentines, Ken and I were reminiscing about when we were in grammar school and what we remembered about the Valentine's Day party. Ken told me about his third grade fiasco! He said he was so embarrassed that day that it even spilt over into his adult life and that is why he didn't want to help our children or grandchildren with their cards. It seems little Ken was given a list by his teacher and had purchased a beautiful box of Valentines to distribute to all his classmates. He sat down that evening and wrote dutifully on the back To: "Named Each Classmate" From: Ken. Then put them in envelopes and sealed them. When he got to school and started delivering them in the bags he realized he had not written any of the names on the envelopes. All the names were carefully written and carefully sealed inside the envelope. He said he quietly just dropped them into each sack and prayed for the best. Sure enough at the party some kid yelled out, "Hey, Ken, you gave me 'So-in-So's' Valentine. Ken said he bowed his head and said, "Oh just go trade with them, I probably just got a little mixed up." That poor baby. He sure has given me some beautiful cards! And his heart is the best...The journey is sweeter as the days go by.
These cards date back to our first years of marriage...13 grandchildren ago! |
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Valentine's Day...Have a Heart!
Me and my Valentines!!! |
Monday, January 30, 2012
January Birthdays OOPSIE!!!
I told you January is full of family birthdays! I left off two of my favorite people in the whole world...How in the world does that happen? I even visited with these two Saturday and am looking forward to them being with me this next weeked. So again how does this happen? I'll tell you, someone is TOO busy or just on brain overload. My life has been extremely enriched by my precious Katharyn McKinley Evans and John Sullivan McCartney Evans. These are two people you must meet!
January 2: Kate, Wow! My very first grand daughter. What a little red head! She is really a strawberry blonde with a red head attitude! You don't hold down Katharyn. If there is attitude she'll handle it; if there is a job to be done she'll get it done; if there's a contest she'll put her best foot forward. She is a winner! She is beautiful, sporty and smart. It doesn't get any better than my Kate!
January 14: Sully Mac attack, attack, attack... Sully is all HEART! He gets along with EVERYBODY! You know the show, "Everybody Loves Raymond"? Well the truth is everybody really does love Sully. He beats his own drum and really doesn't worry about the marching part. He is a whole heapa bunch like his Pappy. These two just think different from most people. You ought to see the look of confusion they'll give you and then hear their wonderful explanations for things. He is his mama's baby, even though there is now a younger child. Sully Mac will tell you in a heartbeat he's never going to leave his mama. Precious, loving, wonderful child!
The journey is sweet and mine is full of slips and slides. Thank you Lord for these two precious people!
January 2: Kate, Wow! My very first grand daughter. What a little red head! She is really a strawberry blonde with a red head attitude! You don't hold down Katharyn. If there is attitude she'll handle it; if there is a job to be done she'll get it done; if there's a contest she'll put her best foot forward. She is a winner! She is beautiful, sporty and smart. It doesn't get any better than my Kate!
January 14: Sully Mac attack, attack, attack... Sully is all HEART! He gets along with EVERYBODY! You know the show, "Everybody Loves Raymond"? Well the truth is everybody really does love Sully. He beats his own drum and really doesn't worry about the marching part. He is a whole heapa bunch like his Pappy. These two just think different from most people. You ought to see the look of confusion they'll give you and then hear their wonderful explanations for things. He is his mama's baby, even though there is now a younger child. Sully Mac will tell you in a heartbeat he's never going to leave his mama. Precious, loving, wonderful child!
The journey is sweet and mine is full of slips and slides. Thank you Lord for these two precious people!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
January Birthdays!!!
Wow! January is full of family birthdays! Actually, as fast as our family has grown and is still growing every month is full of birthdays...But these people do kick off the year well.
January 1 Christy Sanderson White, Aunt Jane's oldest granddaughter, Liz's oldest child. Christy was born January 1, the same year as Ben. Just like Aunt Jane and Liz, Christy is a happy golden nugget in our family and more importantly the family of God. She is a beautiful, delightful young woman.
January 7 Charlotte: What a wonderful person. My daughter, Tafta, describes her best. She is like a great literary character: full of life, diversity of interests, unafraid and ready for the next adventure. Too bad 2012 is the "Year of the Dragon"; I'm sure Charlotte is convinced it is the year of the Goat! Visit her at www.charlottesmenagerie.blogspot.com. You'll enjoy her one acre downtown farm.
January 11 Matt: The Alliance. Matthew is my first son-in-law. He is my best son-in-law. He is my alliance. If we vote out the rest of the family, Matt and I will remain. Tafta says we are a lot alike. I know for sure we both agree on one thing, I'm awesome...He is too. He loves my daughter and he is a good father. The alliance is strong.
January 19 Dez: My old-man grandson. Dez turned three this year and he was born old. This little fellow talked with Ken the other day on the phone and didn't really know how to end the conversation so he just said, "Well, it was good to meet you." With that he was gone. Ken has chuckled over that for days. The young man is going to bring a lot of happiness before he truly turns old.
January 27 PaPa Evans: Would have turned 105 this year. He's been gone since the late 1980s. Ben is named after him, so is Dez. PaPa was the original Dezell. He was so very excited about Ben. I will always remember how he kept telling me, "The third one is the charm." What a wonderful PaPa he was.
January 28 Ben: Truly the charm. Ben has always been a delight. He is the son of his father's right hand. Ben has grown into a fine young man. A man that honors God, loves his wife and guides his children in the way that they should go. I love my charmer.
January 29 Aunt Jane: What a lady! 80 years old and still going strong. God has blessed her immensely. And He has blessed me immensely by letting her be a part of my life.
I love these people. January felt a little warmer just thinking of them. Hope all of your birthdays were the absolute bestest and that all of your journeys have only just begun...
Russell, Christy, Trent and Jax |
January 1 Christy Sanderson White, Aunt Jane's oldest granddaughter, Liz's oldest child. Christy was born January 1, the same year as Ben. Just like Aunt Jane and Liz, Christy is a happy golden nugget in our family and more importantly the family of God. She is a beautiful, delightful young woman.
Bridget, Charlotte, Jacquie, ACE and Chase |
January 7 Charlotte: What a wonderful person. My daughter, Tafta, describes her best. She is like a great literary character: full of life, diversity of interests, unafraid and ready for the next adventure. Too bad 2012 is the "Year of the Dragon"; I'm sure Charlotte is convinced it is the year of the Goat! Visit her at www.charlottesmenagerie.blogspot.com. You'll enjoy her one acre downtown farm.
Matthew Rogers is the big guy! |
William Dezell Evans, the 3rd |
January 19 Dez: My old-man grandson. Dez turned three this year and he was born old. This little fellow talked with Ken the other day on the phone and didn't really know how to end the conversation so he just said, "Well, it was good to meet you." With that he was gone. Ken has chuckled over that for days. The young man is going to bring a lot of happiness before he truly turns old.
January 27 PaPa Evans: Would have turned 105 this year. He's been gone since the late 1980s. Ben is named after him, so is Dez. PaPa was the original Dezell. He was so very excited about Ben. I will always remember how he kept telling me, "The third one is the charm." What a wonderful PaPa he was.
January 28 Ben: Truly the charm. Ben has always been a delight. He is the son of his father's right hand. Ben has grown into a fine young man. A man that honors God, loves his wife and guides his children in the way that they should go. I love my charmer.
January 29 Aunt Jane: What a lady! 80 years old and still going strong. God has blessed her immensely. And He has blessed me immensely by letting her be a part of my life.
I love these people. January felt a little warmer just thinking of them. Hope all of your birthdays were the absolute bestest and that all of your journeys have only just begun...
Monday, January 23, 2012
Well What Do You Know...I'm Effective!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Help! I'm an Ineffective Educator!
I feel like I'm a casualty of war and quite frankly I wasn't prepared. I thought I was, but that's because I play fair. Others do not. The biggest problem in this war is that our children and our grandchildren are at stake. I am a teacher. I am one of those dedicated educators deemed "ineffective" by Mr. Jindal. Yet, I am also the same educator who was rewarded Teacher of the Year for my parish in 2010 and Regional Technology Teacher of the Year. I have facilitated dozens of workshops for different systems in our state and even spoke at the National High School Association on communication skills that cross personality barriers. In years past I have been celebrated by my principal for the excellence of my student's scores. I've received awards from several organizations as well as letters from Presidents of Universities stating former students named me as a teacher that made a difference. I have ALWAYS received the highest evaluations from any and all of my superiors. Yet I am ineffective...How did I sink so fast, so low? One test on one day...
I've been an outspoken critic for years on high-stake testing. One test, one day...versus a whole year...I have witnessed how it has affected students and teachers. This has worked so well let's put the whole system under the burden. This makes no sense. If you really want to reform education, get rid of high-stake testing. Get rid of tenure and let the profession govern itself. Let professional principals hire and fire. Allow professional teachers to give homework, teach, and test as they deem necessary. KEEP politics out of education. In short, LET LEGISLATORS LEGISLATE AND EDUCATORS EDUCATE! Mind your own business, it's not doing so well...
I've been an outspoken critic for years on high-stake testing. One test, one day...versus a whole year...I have witnessed how it has affected students and teachers. This has worked so well let's put the whole system under the burden. This makes no sense. If you really want to reform education, get rid of high-stake testing. Get rid of tenure and let the profession govern itself. Let professional principals hire and fire. Allow professional teachers to give homework, teach, and test as they deem necessary. KEEP politics out of education. In short, LET LEGISLATORS LEGISLATE AND EDUCATORS EDUCATE! Mind your own business, it's not doing so well...
Monday, January 2, 2012
"Designing Women" Ain't Got Nothing on the Murphy Family!
Since I've been out of school with Christmas Break, I must admit I've DVRd every episode of "Designing Women". I watch it in the middle of the night if I can't sleep. I love it. My extended family (mother, mother's husband, sisters, brother, in-laws, cousins, grandchildren, great-nephews & great-nieces...etc) all gathered Saturday and I swear I thought I had walked into an episode of my favorite show. For a moment I thought maybe it was simply DW Overload but then I noticed all the characters were present and then some. All the names have been changed, as noted in other blogs to protect the innocent and the ignorant, but here are a few of our own DW Murphy Style scenes!
All of the children were outside in the hosts yard playing in the leaves. I slip out my phone to take a few pictures. I hear the Doo as she also is trying to take pictures, only she has an "expert" camera.
Doo: "T", get out of my way. I'm trying to get a picture of the children and all I can get is your butt.
"T": Ok, grandma...
Mr. C: Well, if you get a picture of that butt, you'll have to use landscape on your computer.
"T": Look Mr. C, I'm not afraid...(She added something I didn't hear...)
"S - girl": T, you better tell him, he's just one hip fracture away from the nursing home.
Cut in action
Time to play "Dirty Santa" Murphy Style! Now I fondly refer to this as the Murphy Family Fight. Santa would never play as dirty as us. Every year someone gets a little on the hyper side. I have to admit it can be over just about anything. Different family members have been known to have "side" conversations where they tell each other what they brought or who drew # 1 and how much it can be bought for. Different ones have also been known to make off side deals. I call it off side, 'cause I don't think they are all that legal, but usually no one throws a yellow flag. This year, the flags were thrown and the gloves came off! No one was stealing gifts, it seemed everyone was happy to just open and then came Doo. She approaches the gifts, picks up a few, settling on one sack. She removes the colorful red paper and then stuffs it back in, puts that gift down and opens another.
Doo: (as she drops first gift) Oh, I don't want that!
Large Elf acting as MC: You can't do that, you opened it. You have to keep it. Maybe someone will steal it.
Doo: No one is going to steal it and I'll be stuck with it and just look...it's candles. You know I'm allergic.
Large Elf: Ok, just this time. No one else gets to do that.
Much disension from the game players. And wouldn't you know it. She DID it again with another gift at the end of the game. Someone stole her gift, there was only one more gift to open. She opened it and lo and behold, scented candles, scented spray, scented soap...a lovely gift...the works.
Doo: Nope not taking that, I'll just steal this.
Large Elf along with all game players that were still in the room: YOU CAN'T DO THAT. THE GAME IS OVER.
Doo: No, it's not over til I get a gift I want. No one should bring something like that when they know someone is allergic.
S-girl: Well I brought it and I think it's a great gift. If you dig in there you'll see I included a bottle of Benadryl.
Doo: Well, I don't want it.
We allowed this, it was easier than hog tying her...
End of scene
Later in the dining hall/wine cellar:
Large Elf: Hey Bro., next year you should put a bottle of your home made wine into the Santa Game.
Male married into family: If he does, I'm opening it and taking a swig before the game gets out of hand again! Hey I think T just stole one of the Doo's Christmas presents out of her car. She must think the game still on!
The journey is sweet even if it goes through Swartz instead of Atlanta...
Happy Birthday Kate, throwing leaves!!! |
All of the children were outside in the hosts yard playing in the leaves. I slip out my phone to take a few pictures. I hear the Doo as she also is trying to take pictures, only she has an "expert" camera.
Doo: "T", get out of my way. I'm trying to get a picture of the children and all I can get is your butt.
"T": Ok, grandma...
Mr. C: Well, if you get a picture of that butt, you'll have to use landscape on your computer.
"T": Look Mr. C, I'm not afraid...(She added something I didn't hear...)
"S - girl": T, you better tell him, he's just one hip fracture away from the nursing home.
Safer to build a pyramid than to get in the way of Doo & her picture taking... |
Cut in action
Time to play "Dirty Santa" Murphy Style! Now I fondly refer to this as the Murphy Family Fight. Santa would never play as dirty as us. Every year someone gets a little on the hyper side. I have to admit it can be over just about anything. Different family members have been known to have "side" conversations where they tell each other what they brought or who drew # 1 and how much it can be bought for. Different ones have also been known to make off side deals. I call it off side, 'cause I don't think they are all that legal, but usually no one throws a yellow flag. This year, the flags were thrown and the gloves came off! No one was stealing gifts, it seemed everyone was happy to just open and then came Doo. She approaches the gifts, picks up a few, settling on one sack. She removes the colorful red paper and then stuffs it back in, puts that gift down and opens another.
Doo: (as she drops first gift) Oh, I don't want that!
Large Elf acting as MC: You can't do that, you opened it. You have to keep it. Maybe someone will steal it.
Doo: No one is going to steal it and I'll be stuck with it and just look...it's candles. You know I'm allergic.
Large Elf: Ok, just this time. No one else gets to do that.
Much disension from the game players. And wouldn't you know it. She DID it again with another gift at the end of the game. Someone stole her gift, there was only one more gift to open. She opened it and lo and behold, scented candles, scented spray, scented soap...a lovely gift...the works.
Doo: Nope not taking that, I'll just steal this.
Large Elf along with all game players that were still in the room: YOU CAN'T DO THAT. THE GAME IS OVER.
Doo: No, it's not over til I get a gift I want. No one should bring something like that when they know someone is allergic.
S-girl: Well I brought it and I think it's a great gift. If you dig in there you'll see I included a bottle of Benadryl.
Doo: Well, I don't want it.
We allowed this, it was easier than hog tying her...
End of scene
Later in the dining hall/wine cellar:
Large Elf: Hey Bro., next year you should put a bottle of your home made wine into the Santa Game.
Male married into family: If he does, I'm opening it and taking a swig before the game gets out of hand again! Hey I think T just stole one of the Doo's Christmas presents out of her car. She must think the game still on!
The journey is sweet even if it goes through Swartz instead of Atlanta...
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