We went on our annual trip to Pajaro Dunes. I wish I was a fancy blogger and knew how to make a link to last years "McRae/Isabella beach pic" to see how they've grown. But I don't so if you're bored or curious, click the link from 2008. I'm probably the only one that will click it.
Kristi's Bachelorette party in Tahoe. We've had a bachelorette in Tahoe for the past three summers. If no one is engaged next summer we plan on going w/a fake bachelorette each night. That's fun.
We DROVE to Portland (b/c i HAAATTTTEEEE flying) for Devin's agriculture show and for me to see Lindsay! We drove the 9 hours Tuesday and drove home the 9 hours on Sunday. It was worth it because of Lindsay <3
August 31, 2009 was a pretty big day. Isabella started Kindergarten. I still can't believe she is in Kindergarten, with a backpack and a snack, and blue homework folder. I miss preschool. She loves it though and is making new friends. There have already been two fundraisers. Want to buy some cookie dough?
September 9, 2009 she turned 5. Again, wow. Where does the time go? Hold on to your babies and cherish every moment because those babies become big kids with big mouths and big hearts. She told Devin this morning, "Devin, mommy is so crazy isn't she? I wanted an english muffin. But that's ok."
Introducing our new family member, James the Dark Knight:
He's a blue (of course) betta fish. I'm kind of in love with him.