Isabella read her first word. She sounded it out on her own. Very proud of her. Does this mean she will teach herself to read? Out of all the things that I have been dreading, teaching her how to read is at the top of my list. I remember how frustrated my mom was when teaching us and how frustrated I was listening to my brother sound out every flipping word and taking forever to get to the best part of the book. Her first word as a reader: "It."
McRae had his school play. He rapped. He LOVES singing and acting and says he wished he had a solo in the play. Maybe next year...
Isabella and I have had the pleasure of spending some days with baby Luke while his Mommy is at work. We love it and Isabella is VERY helpful! And maybe had a dirtle once when both kids were crying at the same time. "Zhere's zur zirtles."
I don't have pictures of this but Isabella now has two pet frogs at her Dad's house. Bill and Taylor. They eat crickets and worms that go in the refrigerator. Gross. She is really into catching Rolly Polly's and slugs (whom she refers to as squids). One day I found 2 Rolly Polly's in her water cup on her night-stand. We now have rules in place for the bug catching.
And she stole. From me. I have a drawer of candy. I'm not proud of it. She likes these bunny candies from Easter and USUALLY asks for one. However, yesterday when I was in the shower I heard the drawer shut. I called her name. She came running over to the shower, empty handed. I asked her if she was in the candy drawer. She said yes. I asked where the candy was. She THREW it down in the hallway when I called her name. Tricky, I'll give her that, but naughty, naughty, naughty. And then I found out that she took three pieces. Two is always the limit.