Showing posts with label quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quotes. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Isabella has this new obsession about whether or not a person/fictional character would be nice to her if she was their daughter. Maybe she's shopping around for a new, nicer mommy or maybe she just thinks that everyone should be nice to her even if they're not to others. I just don't know. She has asked this about the parents in the movie Matilda, and about Rhianna, Lady GaGa, and Taylor Swift. I have no idea why, but she needs to know how they would parent her.

Last week, I found what I thought to be the original CARTOON Snow White on ONDemand. However, it was actually the 1987 British version, w/real people. But she liked it and didn't know the difference, so whatever. We all remember the evil step mom that tries to kill Snow White (why are these kids stories?) and looks in the mirror to see who is the fairest of them all, blah blah blah. Well, in the car yesterday Isabella asked:

“Mommy, if the step mom was my mommy, and she was mean to me, I would tell her she was beautiful and then would she be nice to me?”

But before I could answer she added:

“What if I told her she was handsome? Would she be mean to me?”

I think answering her own question. I love her reasoning.

Yet another Heaven conversation:
My mom picked her up from school the other day and she asked about Teddy, our family dog who was put to sleep in May (devastating to all  ).

“Grandma, who is going to give Teddy food and water in Heaven?”
Grandma: “God provides as much food and water as teddy needs and he can run around and play all day with his other dog friends. Teddy is very happy in Heaven.”

Isabella, “I didn’t see any food or water when I was in Heaven.”

Grandma, “Um, when were you in Heaven.” Maybe slightly creeped out…

Isabella, “When we put flowers at Nana’s in Heaven.” She thinks the graveyard where she visits her Grandma is Heaven.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Isabella blog day

Originally this blog was created so I could document the things Isabella says and does. It kinda turned into T.J.'s wedding events for the past two months, but now I'm bringing it back. This past week, Isabella had two really funny quotes. I'd like to share them:

The first took place with my mom. They were talking about Isabella's Great Papa (he passed away last June). I think my mom said something like, "Oh you went with Great Papa?" And Isabella responded with, "No silly, Great Papa moved to Heaven." I thought that was pretty cute.

The second was while we were laying out at the pool with Megan. Meg may remember it differently (kinda like "Do you love your baby so much? vs. Do you ALREADY love your baby so much?) Anyways, I was called out for saying a bad word. "Oooh, mommy said a bad word." I didn't believe I said a bad word. So, stupidly I said, "What bad word did I say?" She said she wouldn't say it because it was a bad word. Duh. I've taught her well. The mature thing to do would've been to drop it, but I was really curious b/c I really didn't remember saying anything. So I said "Did it sound like 'shhh...?' She said no. I said, "Fuh..." And she said "UCK" It was really funny. Not good. Quite bad actually but still, really funny.

Here she is: