Category: Books

VC Star Article - Front and Center

Dan Short recordingWhile I was in Ojai recording the Dreamweaver 8 Beyond the Basics title for there were some reports from the Ventura County Star writing an article on They wanted to take a few photos of someone doing a recording, and they ended up using a shot of me on the front page of the Business section of their February 15th article. See mom and dad, I really do do real work :). Click the image for a larger version.

Read the article here (requires free registration).

6 comments | Posted by Daniel Short on Feb 17, 2006 at 12:00 AM | Categories: (X)HTML - Books - ColdFusion - CSS - Dreamweaver -

Another one bites the dust...

I finished up the new Dreamweaver 8 Beyond the Basics title for on Friday. After 4 solid days in a little sound-proof room, it's time to head back home and catch up on all of the emails and questions from readers. The Beyond the Basics title covers advanced template usage, building multi-column CSS layouts, using some rapid coding techniques in Dreamweaver you might not have known where there, as well as a chapter on getting your feet wet with dynamic development in Dreamweaver 8.

Before I left I also recorded a few pick ups for the Dynamic Development with Dreamweaver 8 title, which should hopefully be released in the next week or two.

2 comments | Posted by Daniel Short on Feb 12, 2006 at 12:00 AM | Categories: (X)HTML - Books - ColdFusion - CSS - Dreamweaver -

Got my Copy Today :)

I got my copy of Dreamweaver 8 Hands-on-Training today. The pages are still warm from the printer, and it looks damned good if I do say so myself. So buy your copy today, I have x-mas presents to buy y'know!

6 comments | Posted by Daniel Short on Dec 5, 2005 at 12:00 AM | Categories: Dreamweaver - Books - CSS -