Well...we've finally reached the end of this round of new designs. Thank you to all of you who've stopped by to take a look...I've had a lot of fun sharing my new designs with you!!! Before I show you the last few designs, I'd like to announce that CASSIE is the winner of our "little monster" giveaway!! Email me your address, Cassie...and I'll mail your stamps out to you!!!
This post is a mish mash of stamps and ideas...I'll start with a photo mug I got at Starbucks. Instead of photos, I used stamps:

This stamp features our panda, Ping and is called "Wrapped With Love". I paper pieced the gift box with a snowflake paper...what I like about this stamp is that by changing the paper or ink color, you can use it for different occasions (not just Christmas):

I'll take you on another side trip (I told you this post was a mish mash). See the little "to, from"? That's a stamp that you can also use with my Christmas tree stamp:

ok...now back to the coffee mug!! I made a few different inserts that you can interchange for the different seasons...you just unscrew the bottom and slip your decorated paper in. It's a tight squeeze (especially if you use a couple of layered pieces like me)...but once you get it in there, it's pretty darn cute!!

Here's a better view of the 3 inserts (without the glare of the plastic):

And now for a couple of cards:

Our giveaway for today:

To enter the drawing to win these stamps, leave me a comment by midnight (Hawaii time) on Thursday, September 9...tell me what kind of stamps you'd like to see more of. I'll pick one winner at random and announce their name on Friday, September 10. Oh yeah...I'll throw in the coffee mug too!!! Good luck!!