I finally got a chance to finish the card I was working on for
TCP Tuesday. Leigh, was the Hostess with the Mostess for the Sketch challenge. And this is what I came up with. I channeled a little
Amy in this, too!
I wanted to say "Thank Ewe" but we didn't have a saying like that, so I made it by stacking the "Ewe" from our
Sheepish Set, and the "Thank" from the
Tutu Much Set one top of one another. I think they work pretty darn well together.

Some of you have asked me how I get my sheep puffy looking and how to do paper piecing. Since I did both of those techniques on this card, I thought I'd show you.

First, I stamped the sheep out with Marvy Black ink. Since I'm going to be using Copic Markers, I want to make sure that I use an ink that doesn't react to the Copics and bleed all over the place.
Tracy, told me about Marvy Black, which is a dye ink, and I think it gets a pretty good impression with the polymer stamps.
Then I used C-1, C-3, and C-5, in that order, to color the sheep. Then I went back over the colors with the C-1 to blend a bit more.

Using the Marvy ink I stamped the scarf, and pockets on a scrap of patterned paper, and colored in with the same gray markers. I used manicure scissors to cut right on the black ink line of the stamped image.

I used glue stick to attach the pieces to the lamb. Why glue stick? Because, I'll be using a heat gun later on and if I used tape, it might buckle when heated up.

So next, I apply the Liquid Applique. It's getting a little hard to find Liquid Applique, but I've found that Puffy paint by Tulip works just a well. And I've found it at Michael's. You can see from the picture that I've swirled it around a bit, just so that it can have some texture. You can get a little control of how much it puffs and how it puffs depending on how thick you put it on, and how long it drys before you puff it. The more it drys, the less it will puff.

Take a heat gun and hold it about 6" from the Liquid Applique and wave it across the surface until it puffs. It takes a minute or so. Remember to keep moving the heat gun because it can burn. If you need more puff, you can add more and repuff.

I want to also mention that when making this card, the puff wasn't completely dry when I tried to attach it to the card, but, because it was still wet, I could repuff it a bit.
Thank you for all your comments on my kitty attack. Poor thing is a rescue kitty and has been known to bite before and that has landed her in the shelter. We haven't had any real problems with her after the 1st year we had her. After she let go of my arm I found her hiding in the garage. I'm sure she thought we'd give her up. Not so. If you have a cat, you know they've got claws. We all do.
So this is a picture of my non- stamping hand. You can't see the big ole claw mark on my thumb, but I feel it.

Here are Mocha's fang marks, upper and lower, when she bit into my arm and hung on. 14 lbs of cat hanging from my arm. Yes, there is bruising. Definitely, keeping an eye on these.

Then this last one on the underside of my arm. Not deep, but it looks bad. I'll heal. Just as long as there is a kitty around to cuddle.