Wherever you go, go with all your heart
All of my heart includes all of my alter-egos: integrated.
I try to make space in my life for, and honour each of them in some way because without any one of them I would not be me. At the moment some of them are feeling a little neglected and that does not make for a happy whole.
Some are probably more recognisable in everyday me but they all contribute to who I am, including the the me I wish I was but probably will never be, the me I still dream of becoming, and the me I sometimes wish I wasn't.
Some are definitely more likeable than others. But they all bring their own vices and bad habits and each of them has individual emotional baggage of some description (although some work more consciously than others at sloughing off the layers that don't serve them well). They share some of the same behaviours and qualities too. They all read and enjoy music (although what they read and listen to might vary), they all eat way too much chocolate (even Peggy) and they all value love and friendship (although they have different ways of expressing this). Some are more sociable and so perhaps more visible, but to know me well is to know them all. It's a package deal.
So, after another week that has been a tough one for all of us (big project deadline successfully met though), we are off to curl up on the sofa, eat chocolate and watch Pride and Prejudice - the BBC series - from start to finish. We've turned off our phones and probably won't move far until Monday (as requested by Rae who's been most out of her comfort zone for months now and really needs to have some of her needs met). The rest are happy to go along with this for the weekend. In deference to Grace, the chocolates are Belgian and handmade. Tara loves the historical cultural aspects and imagining how it might have been to travel as a woman in the 18th and 19th centuries. Amy loves the creative elements, especially the beautiful costumes, locations and cinematography. And Peggy always enjoys a bit of Mr Darcy, especially Colin Firth's version...
Whatever you are up to, all the girls and I wish all of you, a happy, harmonious and luscious weekend!
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