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We're still in Mankato, and may be here a few days. Back in SD parts of the interstate are closed, and they are predicting rain turning to snow and zero visibility. 6 to 12 inches of snow. So we will not go home until we are sure there are good driving conditions.
But I will make my goals and see how far I get.
- Quilt the Christmas Courthouse Steps and bind it
- Load another top
- Put borders on Bear in the Farmhouse Quilt
We have been out shopping a little, I stopped at an antique/junk place. Most the little neat shops downtown are closed on Monday. Well, not the tattoo place, but didn't really have time to stop there!
Which raises the question---do you have a tattoo? Of what? Do you have more than one? I don't have a tattoo, but would love to get the cartoon character Woodstock on my leg. In color!

Nothing finished, nothing bought since last week. Still the same numbers, I'm behind not quite 10 yds. But my Christmas Courthouse steps is loaded, and that is 96" square, and all from stash, so it will be a stashbuster when it's done!
Still in Mankato, we think Mason is getting some teeth, or else he's just chewing on everything for fun. He's learning to eat from a spoon, but sometimes wears a lot of his food.
Looks rather like a goatee! 
I met my only goal on Monday, I loaded the Christmas Courthouse steps. Then I was bored and pulled out fabric to cut a quilt out of my new books. I even sewed most the strips together in between loads of laundry.
We also did errands this week, the car's oil was changed and tires rotated, I made two batches of cookie dough to take to LB's and bake while I'm there. Something about the smell of fresh baked cookies....
Sharon and I arrived at Laura Beth's and Nick's at suppertime. Mason is not feeling well, he got childhood immunizations on Thursday, and he's cranky and irritable. We're all feeling bad for him, he's usually such a sunny child.
He's not getting very far from Mom at the moment! Mom is tired and didn't have much sleep last night, and I know she wishes Mason would like one of us for a while. Tomorrow will be better.
I told Becky that I have to have fresh perked coffee every day before anything else happens. At least one cup if not two!! No asking me questions before then. And she wanted to know what kind of coffee pot I have. Hmm--many, I collect old coffee pots. This is one I keep at Laura Beth's and Nick's, it's an old Mirro. I think the one I use at home is a Mirro also, but it's much bigger. And I have a REALLY BIG one for when I have company!!
Mason is having a bath, and pretty soon will go to bed. I suppose we should too, he will probably be up before we are!

I was checking my blogs (can't miss anything you know!) and look what I found!
My quilt is there and hanging in the sunshine. Tia has received enough blocks to make almost 60 quilts, but I am SURE she would welcome more if you sent her some.
Tia has both a US mailing address, and an Australian one, you can find them here. I wish I could be there sewing with them! Hey, I wish I could be just about anywhere it was warm and the sun was shining!

Almost forgot to post today! This week has been busy, loaded a quilt on Monday and then was bored. Met my goal already~! So I got out my new book and cut strips for a quilt. Later I will go sew with them. My back aches so don't think I will quilt tonight. This morning I had a funeral, so that was early (for me!) that I had to be up and dressed and my salad ready to go. And I'm feeling out of sorts, I have a tooth abcess that I am taking antibiotics for until the dentist can see me next week. I have to finish the laundry and get the car serviced before I head to Mankato, but that's about it. Yesterday I got my hair cut and highlighted. Yes Sarah--DARK highlights, I already have the white ones~!!
South Dakota summer is coming, on Monday we had tornado warnings! Yes, you heard me, tornado warnings! Fast moving storm came from NE, but all we had here was high winds (50mph) and 10 minutes of pouring rain. Then it cleared off and the sun came out. Today was still fairly nice, but chilly. Weather report is for dreary rain and cold this weekend. That's OK, Mason and I can stay inside and play! I was outside a few days ago and noticed my wisteria is getting little leaf buds on it. Wait wisteria--it's too cold to start growing!!

I was able to make two out of three goals last week, so it was okay. Never got to the pink/cream top, but that is high on the list today. I finished the last four Bear in the Farmhouse blocks, and made binding for the Christmas Courthouse steps. This week will be a short week, I leave Friday for Mankato to see Laura Beth, Nick, and steal babysit Mason. I know one of my sisters is going with me, and am hoping the other one does too. So can't have very many goals!
- Load a quilt
Yup, one lonely goal! If I get time, I can quilt on that quilt, but I have so many other "non-quilty" things going this week it would be tough. Things like a dentist appointment, a hair appointment, have the oil changed in the car. And pack. But I am looking forward to baby snuggles and kisses!

A week went by and I didn't buy any fabric. And I finished a little sewing. I was reading Pat's blog and she had read Cherold's blog about making a "sewing machine thingie". (does this remind you of that telephone game??!) And I had to make a couple too!! That used 1 1/2 yards. Not a big dent, but it was fun! So my totals this week are--
34 1/3 yards bought year to date
24 1/2 yards used year to date
I've bought a bit less than 10 yards more than I've used this year. But maybe my new book I bought will help me use up more stash! Ah, an incentive! And three tops waiting for me to have time to quilt. Spring is coming, life is good!!
Today Ken and I attended the South Dakota Horse Expo and met up with my girlfriend. We watched seminars, cruised the vendors, talked to people we knew. It was a BEAUTIFUL day, and we really enjoyed it. After we left the Expo, we went and had supper and talked some more! Afterwards, Ken and I did a little shopping, bought a few things on sale at Hobby Lobby and a few food items at Sam's Club. No fabric purchased but I did fondle a few bolts! Instead I found this book, and since I had a COUPON I used it on the book Strip Happy.
This looks like I will be able to use a lot of stash in these patterns. Woohoo!!

Time to check on my goals. I did finish the last four Bear in the Farmhouse blocks.
I have decided that using Henrietta's method was a good time to get out of my box, and try something I hadn't done. Yup, I was right, it's not the method for me!! But I am committed to finishing this quilt in her method. Fly by the seat of the pants, and its hard for preplanned OCD me! I didn't get the pink/cream Jacob's ladder ready to quilt yet, nor prepare the binding for the Christmas courthouse steps. What on earth, you may ask, has she been doing??!!
While my company was here we stopped at DeVonne's saddle shop to see if my saddle was repaired. And of course we saw many things. Lots of drooling. And Devonnne asked if we would like to go over to her son Doug's shop. Oh yes!! And we received a wonderful tour and saw many things to drool over. The real name of the business is "Hansen Wheel and Wagon Shop". They rebuild or reproduce antique horsedrawn vehicles. When you see the Wells Fargo Bank stagecoachs--think of them, they probably built them. Cook's wagons. Doctor Buggies. Sleighs. Freight Wagons. Sheepherder Wagons. Stagecoachs. These were finished ones we saw. And then we went into the warehouse, which houses things yet to be redone. Oh, the wonderful treasures we saw. The sleigh from New York with runners taller than I am, with the enclosed interior for passengers with beautiful handles on the doors, originally upholstered in crushed green velvet. A Milk Delivery Wagon. The painting area, with a buggy painted in bright blue and black with gold pinstripes and initials. And of course I was busy checking out the old sewing machines still being used to create these beauties. Click on the link to the "Trail Ride". About 300 people went from Ft. Pierre to Deadwood. Doug had redone the original "mud coach" that was used in that portion of the stagecoach line 100 years ago, and they drove it! If you look at the calender that's the stagecoach and the team that Doug drove. It took about three weeks.
This weekend I am planning to go to the South Dakota Horse Fair, but maybe not tomorrow. I have a "crick" in my back and am waiting for it to feel better. But the horse fair last for three days, and I think I counted that Stacy Westfall was giving seven seminars!
I always have to go back and see what last week's goals were and how I did. I had three goals and I made them all. This week, well, right now I am waiting for overnight company to arrive and this weekend I will be gone. So the goals will be rather slim!
- Finish last four Bear in the Farmhouse blocks
- Work on Pink/Cream Jacob's ladder top, piecing the backing and get it ready to quilt
- Make binding for Christmas Courthouse steps.
Today is beautiful, its 70 degrees out and there are still small snowbanks in places. They look out of place with the warm weather!
I am heading to the South Dakota Horse Fair this weekend, mainly because I want to attend a seminar. Stacy Westfall is going to be there, and if you are a horsey type person, click on this link, go to the bottom of the page and watch the videos. The first video is done WITHOUT a bridle or saddle, the second one is done in costume to the music--NO BRIDLE. (think of driving your car without a steering wheel!)
How have I done this week?? I quilted a top, machine sewed the bindings on three quilts, only have a few Bear Paw blocks to make, and sewed some of my green swap blocks. By Monday, I should the swap blocks ready to mail, the Bear Paw blocks done, and I've already sewn one of the bindings down (the hand part). I need to make labels for these quilts yet. I like the swap blocks, they are my favorite color--GREEN!!! And they are simple--the double Irish chain block from Quilter's Cache.
Although the dark part looks black, it is actually a dark green. I wish everyone one a great weekend, how has YOUR week shaped up? Any special plans??
I've been busy! I machine sewed three bindings to quilts. I have the hand sewing left. Worked on the Bear in the Farmhouse blocks, hope to have them done by next Monday. I also plan on working on my green swap blocks and get them mailed Monday. And in between I did this, yup, made a batch of laundry soap. Made this a tad stronger than the last batch, but its still cheap. Probably about $1.75 to make two ice cream buckets.
I would love to show you the cupcakes I baked yesterday, but.....! I did share them with my sister and dad. And Ken. And Ruby. Oh, and I ate a few too! Don't give me that look, there were only 12! Oh, okay!
See, three left. Well, maybe there are two left now!
Do you think maybe it's my eyes? I have one bear with two left paws.
Today I am going to keep busy. Makes it easier when I am missing Mason. :( I have made a batch of laundry soap. The fish is thawing, and the potatoes are cooked. (fried potatoes, fish, and veggies for supper) The laundry is caught up.
I have three quilts to sew bindings on today. Still need to work on Judy's Bear in the Farmhouse blocks, I only have six done. Sorry Judy, I am SLOW! And my green swap blocks need some attention too.
The weather is cold, we had snow and ice yesterday. So it's a good day to stay inside and sew!
It's Monday and I REALLY need some goals for this week. Last night I needed a little "sewing fix" so worked on some more Bear in the Farmhouse blocks while I was waiting for a load of laundry.
- Load another top to be quilted
- Work on Bear in the Farmhouse Blocks
- Work on Green Swap blocks
Today Laura Beth, Nick, and Mason go home. Our house will be so quiet!
The Baptism went smoothly, no snowstorms, everyone who was coming was able to make it. My sisters and I did most the cooking for lunch.
The one on the left is Kathy, I am in the middle, and Sharon is on the right.
And here are Laura Beth, Nick, and Mason, and MY father, who turned 90 years old earlier in the week! Happy Birthday Dad!
And one more picture of Mason---
But Mom, I don't LIKE green beans!!!
I knew this day would come. I would have to fess up! Last week I bought ummm--26 1/3 yards! I found two backings, and a multi stripe. I used a 40% coupon on some already sale priced fabric, so I'm happy! I needed 3 yards of a light green moda marble for a swap, I shopped my stash and I just didn't have any!
I finished something, I mailed off Tia's Wonky Star quilt to the Bushfire Quilt
Project, along with 7 extra blocks and a set of FQ's for prizes. That used about 13 yards total. So that means--
Stash bought this Week--26 1/3 yards
Stash bought Year to Date--34 1/3 yards
Stash used this Week--13 yards
Stash used Year to Date--13 yards
Year to date--Plus 21 1/3 yards! But it was fun! We've got lots of company, so will post more when I'm not so busy!
It's going to be a busy week, so I've been trying to get in all the sewing I can! Finished quilting the top that was on the long arm, and put another top on tonight. Wound my bobbins, I'm ready to go. I finished my pink Jacob's ladder top, and even made the binding for it. Now I just have to piece a back. Pieced the backing for my Christmas Courthouse steps. And made the binding for top I just took off the machine.
Here are two tops ready for binding, three sets of binding ready to go, and Mia's Wonky Stars top is ready to quilt. Whew!
And it that wasn't enough to stay busy, Ken and I cleaned our closet and sorted out some clothes we weren't wearing. We also cleaned some drawers. Ugh Hate those jobs!
No goals for this week, Laura Beth and family are coming home to baptize Mason, and I have to cook for the reception after the baptism. But in between I am going to work on quilting the Wonky Stars and if I have time I will sew some binding on. I think my goal should be to survive the week!
Same numbers, 0 in, 0 out, +8 yards for the year!
But I'm feeling better about those numbers. I tried out my new bobbin case and it seems to do the trick. Yesterday I finished the top on the machine, and I hope to get one more done in the next few days. And I have other tops waiting. So get ready everyone, it won't be long before I have finishes!