On schedule so far. The top is ready to quilt, bobbins are wound. I have Judy's Sticky Chicken in the fridge to be baked tomorrow. I may have to do some laundry as I sew, but that's OK! And I bought two bags of M&M's, just for emergencies.
Quiltathon Preparations
Friday, February 29, 2008
On schedule so far. The top is ready to quilt, bobbins are wound. I have Judy's Sticky Chicken in the fridge to be baked tomorrow. I may have to do some laundry as I sew, but that's OK! And I bought two bags of M&M's, just for emergencies.
Quiltathon weekend
Oh dear!! I had my sewing room cleaned and ready for this weekend's Quiltathon. And then tonight I had a few minutes and did a little sewing. (translate to "made a mess!") But I was only playing with some strings, and I can corral them back in the laundry basket.
The backing is ready for the wedding quilt, a few more tweaks to the top and it will be ready to load. That is tomorrow's plan. I want to have it quilted by Monday--so wish me luck!
Persimmon orange heartstring quilt and Quiltathon
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I have the persimmon orange quilt done and labeled. I love it--if you look closely you can see a lone orange flower in one of the strings. Often when you take a picture of a quilt and then look at it on the computer, you will see so many things you didn't see before. (Like mistakes--we won't mention any NAMES here!!) I am giving it to the VA Nursing home in Sioux Falls.
I am planning for the Quiltathon weekend. DD's wedding quilt is almost ready to quilt--that is on the list for this weekend. And the Library bargello--strips are cut and some are put together. Hmm--I have a heartstrings quilt almost ready to work on, and a pink Jacob's ladder partially put together, oh, and an Irish chain.........don't think there will be enough weekend!!
And then my friend Jackie, who knows I love to bake bread, sent me her recipe. How do you think it turned out??? It's almost gone--I had eggs and toast made with it!
Sunday Stash Report
Sunday, February 24, 2008
The week in review--okay--it was pretty quiet! Can't put bread baking on the report. Finished the persimmon orange chinese coins. It's a twin size-so that's about 10 yards. All of it came from my stash. No purchases this week. Have some other projects in the works, but no other finishes. And I don't foresee any finishes for next week. Tomorrow I will try to take pictures of the persimmon quilt.
Sunday Stash Report
Friday, February 22, 2008
Recently I loaned my sister my donation quilts to decorate the local library (she is the head librarian). They are in the windows with books propped on them and draped over shelves and desks. They all have labels on them to where they will be going--Project Linus, QOV, Project Pink, Heartstrings Project. My sister also made a handout on the various organizations because people ask about them. Looking at and touching is encouraged!
I can start a new project!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I was reading my old posts, and realized I have almost finished two UFO's!! All I have to do is bind the chinese coins, and I can start a new project. Hmmm---now I know somewhere I have a link to a BUNCH of new string quilts, dig dig, yup, here it is
String Quilt Gallery. Or maybe I should call it "Inspiration Gallery"??
Fresh Bread and Still Quilting
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Today is cold and windy! I'm staying warm by quilting and baking bread. Almost finished quilting the persimmon chinese coins. Tomorrow I am taking supper over to a friend's house, making a few of her favorites. Homemade bread, chicken, BBQ pork ribs, pecan pie. I am also taking her the bargello quilt. Shhh--she doesn't know!! She is a dear dear friend who tells everyone "I'm almost 90 yo!!" She's very active and fun, but when it's this cold it's better if I go visit her, I would feel terribly guilty if she fell on the ice coming to visit me.
fresh bread chinese coins quilt
Quilts of Valor
Tomorrow I will be mailing off two QOV. All I did was quilt and bind them. One goes to Helen in SC and the other to Fran in IL. Thank you everyone for letting me finish these quilts.
Sunday stash report
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Well, there were a few things completed this week. I finished my bargello quilt--that used about 16 yds. It will be given to a perennial friend. Quilted and bound a QOV (not mine), but didn't use my stash. And I quilted and bound a QOV for another person--that used 3.5 yds for backing and binding. So that makes 19.5 yards. I bought 2.5 yds of fabric, but that is all for gifts and a swap, so it doesn't count. Next project is to quilt my chinese coins, and maybe tomorrow take pictures of the QOV's finished for other people. It has just been too cold and nasty to fabric shop, and I keep looking at the UFO's waiting. I remind myself that I have to complete two UFO's before starting a new project.
UFO Finish--Bargello quilt
Friday, February 15, 2008
Last night I finished the binding and label on my bargello quilt. It was made entirely from stash. Hmm--I would guess 16 yards?? A large full size--I usually just guess at the yardage. I have a QOV ready for the hand sewing of the binding, and another half quilted. When those are done I can work on my patriotic bargello for the library and my orange chinese coins. I never work on one project at a time--always something on the design wall, on the long arm, and in pieces on the table. But truly am working on my UFO's, the closet is not quite so full of finished tops.
stashbusting bargello
Vintage Light
Monday, February 11, 2008
Tonight I was using my cutting table, and it made think how much I appreciate my Vintage Light above it. It came from a grocery store that went out of business, and had been in a historic building in a little town near me. It's the light that sat on the back of the ice cream freezer, remember the ones where they reached in and dished up your ice cream?? My best friend and I were there for the Kuchen Festival (yes--German dessert) and she asked to tour the building. And saw this light in there. Took a little haggling, but the light came home with us. Cleaned it up and we mounted it above my cutting table (which has its own story). It has a neat fluroscent fixture in it, shelves to store things, and a mirror (which gives you a view of yourself from the waist down). A few nails to hold tools and rulers along the bottom. I love the advertising on it, I can remember when we ate that brand! I think of my friend every time I reach up to turn it on.
Once in a while I get lucky. I was done quilting a QOV, and took my bobbin out to put in my bobbin basket. See how much thread was left?? Probably less than 10". Doesn't everyone run out 10" before the end??
Tonight I have been working on a QOV for Helen in South Carolina. I like it, it's a simple quilt, those are cheater panels of LeMoyne stars! I had to get close and feel them before I knew they were not pieced. What a great choice of fabrics and settings. Hopefully I will finish it tomorrow and get it mailed back to her.
Sunday Stash Report
Sunday, February 10, 2008
I have had a few finishes this week. The granny apple green heartstrings (a Project Linus) and two isolette covers--one pink and one blue. They are going to Dominican Hospital, Santa Cruz, Calif. I have a friend who lives there, and is collecting NICU items, she does this every year as an Easter Project. Total stash used--25 yards. None purchased. So it's been a good week!
A Few Finishes
Friday, February 8, 2008
Today I took pictures of two finishes this week. One is a pink isolette cover and another is a teenager size granny apple green Heartstrings quilt. I will have a hard time giving up the green one--I love that particular shade of green. But someone else will love it too. Today I am quilting a blue isolette cover, and then I can work on two QOV that were sent to me to quilt. And I promised my sister a patriotic bargello for a raffle for the local library--need that done ASAP as she wants to sell raffle tickets for Memorial Day and I THINK the plan is to raffle it on the 4th of July. But plans are not finished yet, I need to get it done first! And since these were made from my stash, I will have something to post on Judy's Stash Report!
King Cake, Company, Lotto Blocks
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Busy day today. Last night I started on Judy's recipe for King Cake, then I finished it this morning. Mine is not as pretty as Judy's, I think it looks like a strange caterpillar, and I didn't have the purple sugar.
My cousin, his wife and MIL were here from Texas to visit, so met over at my sister's and dad's for lunch. Of course, I brought King Cake and a salad. Had a great visit. Although our families were born here, over the years we are scattered, like most families, and I miss having more relatives close. This afternoon the mail came, and I had a package. Oh boy, I won some lotto blocks!! Okay, it's not like I NEED the blocks. There are 27 blocks, and I had 22, so that makes 49 blocks! So now I need a "plan". But won't think of a plan today, my brain is too tired.
Thank you Tamara!!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Recently I stopped by Tamara Svanes Stitches in Time blog. I won a wonderful set of Children's Brite Fat Quarters. Which is great, because this past month I have been working on Project Linus Quilts for the Heartstrings Quilt project! So I will put these back for use in a future project. Thank you Tamara!!
Stash Busting Report
Monday, February 4, 2008
It's been a busy week, and I've used quite a bit of stash. Haven't finished a thing though!! I figure my usage when the project is "done done". And I haven't bought any fabric--so this week is a break even week~!
stash busting report
Not organized
Friday, February 1, 2008
Someone asked me how I stay organized. Who--ME??!!! Nope, not me. The first picture is of a few heartstrings blocks I've been working on. Then--the trimmings box at the end of my cutting table. And then--the cutting table. Yup, that's STUFF piled on it!!
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