I worked hard yesterday, put together 3 tops with 3 backings. All from my stash. Whew! I loaded one quilt today and started quilting it. Then I was looking thru my pictures and found this one from when my best friend was visiting me, it was taken along the Sioux River right outside an dentist office in Sioux Falls SD. You can't see that it's a very busy commercial neighborhood. It was a lovely spot along the bike path and the day was beautiful. Ahh--makes me miss warm weather!!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
I worked hard yesterday, put together 3 tops with 3 backings. All from my stash. Whew! I loaded one quilt today and started quilting it. Then I was looking thru my pictures and found this one from when my best friend was visiting me, it was taken along the Sioux River right outside an dentist office in Sioux Falls SD. You can't see that it's a very busy commercial neighborhood. It was a lovely spot along the bike path and the day was beautiful. Ahh--makes me miss warm weather!!
DH's new toy
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Okay--yesterday's snow grew to almost 7 inches. So DH got out his "new toy". I have been matching quilt tops to backings, getting them ready to quilt. Still stashbusting, need to get a few more backings ready and then I will have 6 quilts ready to go. Ahh--that will feel good when they are done!
DH's new toy
Christmas Day
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas everyone!! We have a new snow, just enough to makes things white. Yesterday DH and I put together small gift bags for a teenage group home. We do this every year, just small items such as phone cards, body wash, mittens. It's hard to think of items they can have and that are in our budget range when you have to buy so many. And we put in McDonald's gift certificates! Something we take for granted but they seldom get to eat out. Such a normal kid thing. Tonite we are going to a family supper, I have to bring a corn casserole and sweet potatoes. Merry Christmas, I'll be back tomorrow!
Waiting for Christmas
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Spent the last few days relaxing and sewing on a Project Linus quilt. Dug thru my stash and found several pieces of coordinating granny apple green fabric. Did I tell you my favorite color is green??
Granny Green Project Linus Quilt
Ruby under the 201
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Today I relaxed. Pieced a set of Heartstring blocks using some lime green I had for center strings. I do most my piecing on a 1949 Singer 201-2 that was inherited from my husband's grandmother. It has an unusual shaped cabinet, with the left side being more "open" than the right. Just right for Ruby to lay under. Lots of wiggling to get comfy--it has a built in telescoping footpedal that is poking in her side!!
Ruby the Border Collie
Too tired
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I finished binding the blue/yellow quilt for my father in law, and tonite DH is taking it to the hospital to give to him. About 10 days ago he fell on the ice and cracked some vertebrae in his upper back/neck. He had been home but was dizzy yesterday and today they admitted him to the hospital. Not sure what's wrong with him yet. But DH and I thought he would need the "snuggly" of a quilt. My sister and I baked and slaved in the kitchen the last few days. 10 batches of cookies/candies, 3 bags of caramel corn, 1 batch of popcorn balls. I think I'm done baking for this Christmas! Is everyone else ready for Christmas??
I fell off the wagon
Monday, December 17, 2007
Yup, I fell off the wagon and bought some fabric. I was feeling so good about my purchase until my EX-BEST-FRIEND pointed it out!! But it was $2 yd, and the big piece I could use a 40% off coupon, so I still feel good!! I can call it backing!! Forgive me fellow stashbusters!! I have been binding a quilt for a friend, and have my DFIL's ready to hand stitch down. That makes two boxes to mail tomorrow. Today my sister and I had marathon cookie baking spree!! So only a few left to make before Christmas. I want to give away or mail off most of these. The countdown to Christmas is started and I am somewhat ready!! How is everyone else doing??
Quilting away
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I spent this afternoon working on DFIL's quilt. Down to the last pass! Then I just have to bind it and I am done. I am putting a panto that looks like large tulips on it. Not too "froo-froo" so I think it will be okay. And I found this wonderful flannel for the backing, I think it will be snuggly. And we definitely are in for some "snuggle" weather here. DH assures me that his father will love it, and not notice anything about it except that it's blue and has flannel on the back! Tomorrow I am taking my sister to a Dr. appt and then I am doing some Christmas shopping. And my sister has promised to help me (okay--she wants some) bake cookies for Christmas. So we will have to buy some ingredients tomorrow. We picked out the recipes--lots of old favorites. I will have to hide them from DH--he loves cookies but.....! I am still stashbusting, the only thing I bought for this quilt was the backing.
new snow
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Last nite we had a small dusting of snow, maybe two inches. So glad we didn't get a whole bunch. No wind, so it's just sitting there. Today I had my father over for supper, he's 88yo. I made swedish meatballs, rice, jello with fruit, two kinds of veggies, baked apples, pound cake and banana bread. I enjoy cooking for him. I spent the last two days working on two quilts, one from a set of blocks I won in an internet block lottery, and another set I was going to make into a quilt for DFIL. But think I will use the lottery ones as I have that top completed except for quilting. Do you think it's too "girly"?? The blocks are the "water wheel" pattern from Marcia's Hohn's Quilters Cache. Tomorrow I am catching a ride with my sister and DBIL and will find some flannel to use as backing. My DFIL fell on the ice a week ago and cracked some vertebrae so won't be too frisky for 6-8 weeks, I think maybe a soft quilt he can cuddle up in is needed.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Life is busy the past few days. The tree and angels are up, the outside lights are on. Christmas music is playing. Ahh, I love Christmas!!! Today I was quilting and singing with the Christmas carols. It made the afternoon go by so fast. Yesterday was mundane tasks, shopping for things like GROCERIES. And then coming home to put them away. Oh, and here's a picture of our tree with Ruby the quilting dog. We have no star for the top of our tree. Yes, it's a garter. From our daughters wedding. Which her father paid big bucks for, and that is WHY it will be on our tree for many many years. We cannot afford a star after he bid... and bid.... and BID on that garter!! Ah, but we love her dearly! It's cold here, and there is snow in the forecast for the weekend. Good weather for hot toddys I think. I would love to take part in Bonnie at Quiltville's mystery quilt, but I don't think I can fit one more project in! I will have to save all the directions and try after Christmas.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
We had snow, ice, sleet, rain and then snow again yesterday. Very slippery, good day to stay home. And today when I was outside, I saw that my new "flag" was on the ground so I had to rescue it. I have it hanging on the shower head, thawing out! I quilted this afternoon, and now I am going to work on DFIL's quilt, I have all the double 4-patch units made, now I will make the setting triangle ones for the sides. I have been craving Christmas cookies, but so far haven't made any. A few weeks ago I made this top using up some 9 patches I had, and added some solid squares and some square in a square blocks. I haven't thought of a good name for this quilt, I tried using some more "masculine" colors. It will become a donation quilt when it is done. Hmm, does using leftover blocks count as stashbusting??
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