last night. 2:30, 2:58, 3:20, 3:44, 4:11 until I finally lost it and really really had to concentrate on slowing my mind down so I could sleep.
I should also mention that as good as a sleeper as I am, I HAVE to have my 8-9 hours to function!
so here in the middle of the night thinking and thinking and thinking..
I'm so sad for the family in Visalia, and that strange evil man that came in the church and shot the Bishop.
I have so much to do for these craft fairs and I'm planing the next item to work on.
I am still thinking of a name, Dizzy Miss Lizzy's Designs, that's what came to me last night.
I have to get everything done in advance at work so I can be off half of Friday and next Tuesday.
I am so excited to leave and go to AZ and see Carson and Lauren and Kieri.
I have to pack some of their things because there is room in the moving truck.
It's going to be a LONG, LONG day (be happy you don't have to work with me)