Showing posts with label whimsical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label whimsical. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A copy cat bird house

I have always liked "MacKenzie-Childs" things.  While looking through the catalog the other day I saw these really cute bird houses.  Whimsical and fun!  The only problem is the bird house in the catalog costs $200.  Since this is a little more than I normally spend on a bird house, I had an idea to make my own.

I found a $6.00 wooden bird house at Hobby Lobby.  I started with three coats of white paint for the base and then using a ruler I figured out my black and white squares evenly the whole way around.  After that I added color, and to top it off, I hung a crystal on the bottom of the bird house for some bling!

And this is how mine turned out.  It's not exactly like the MacKenzie-Childs bird houses, but close enough for me! 

My copy cat bird house.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Whimsical garden lamps and bird feeders

I fell in love with these whimsical creations at first sight when I came across them at the NC State Fair last week. I don't know who the artist is, but the imagination and creativity is amazing. They were on display in the garden area.

It looks like they are made from recycled lamps and other found objects. The painting is very artistic and colorful.

Some of them have string lights inside.

If you look closely you can pick out certain items that were used and some pieces are turned upside down.

A marbled bowling ball (below) beside the lamp ~ unusual, clever and whimsical.

I think I might have to figure out how to make one of these for myself, or two or three. Yes, I know, a little restraint would be wise. But wouldn't a whimsical lamp be just beautiful tucked away in a secluded spot in the garden ~ or a small group of bright birdfeeders hanging under a tree. Oh, yes, I am definitely going to be thinking about this project.