Showing posts with label paperweight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paperweight. Show all posts

Thursday, August 14, 2014

"Nature" crafts

I started a few projects this week, and when I finished them, I realized they all had something to do with nature.  Funny...hadn't even thought about it until I was taking photos.   

So here are my "nature" crafts I've been working on.  

A white bird house for the fence post in the back garden.  

 I cut and pressed a fern leaf for framing.  

And I painted a rock with butterflies.  This will make a great paperweight and I'll be listing this on etsy.  

Simple and fun nature crafts.  

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sunshine, birds, and a birthday

Happy face sunshine rocks and colorful little birds. More art for the 4H Artisans Show coming up in March.

These painted Sunshine Rocks can be used in the garden, or outside on a picnic table to hold down napkins. They make pretty paperweights.

The Little Birds,on wires can be placed in a flower pot for a bit of colorful whimsy.

A chickadee painted on wood.

And a wooden Cardinal Birdhouse to hang outside in the tree.

Some of these items will be listed on my etsy shop as well, so be sure to check it out.

And, today is my birthday.

I'm enjoying it painting away the hours......and painting two of my favorite things ~ birds and sunshine!

Have a great day!

Friday, April 18, 2008

The butterfly

Beautiful and graceful,
varied and enchanting,
small but approachable,
butterflies lead you to the sunny side of life.
And everyone deserves a little sunshine.
~Jeffrey Glassberg

This is my newly painted butterfly paperweight. A pretty white cabbage butterfly, not too big, not too small, just the right size.
~add a little sunshine to your life~

You can find this on my etsy shop!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Blue Butterfly

Another painted rock. This one is the brightest of blues!

The blue butterfly!

Sunday, March 9, 2008


What's this I see?
It's not a bee...
It skims the blossoms gracefully!
And flies at sleepy summer's pace
To each uplifted flower's face!

Oh Ladybug, I wish you joy
As you complete your garden chores
I'd like to put aside my work
And join you in the out-of-doors!

Kimberly-Clark TC

My newest "Ladybug" rock art.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


My newest piece of "rock art".

A tree frog. I love these little guys! Isn't he cute?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A collection of paperweights

Over the years I have collected paperweights and I think what started it all was my love for color and colored glass. I can remember when I was young how I would pick up a piece of broken colored glass on the ground and hold it up to the sunlight. I was always in awe of the beautiful stained glass windows in our church too. I get lost in the colors!

So how can I resist!
Such a beautiful little piece of art!