Showing posts with label collection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label collection. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I'm a seashell collector.

I've always loved seashells ~ I guess because I've always loved the beach.

This is what I did with some of my collection......a project.

First, lightly spray paint a grapevine wreath with white paint. Next, heat up the glue gun and start glueing the shells to the wreath ~ any which way you choose. Add some spanish moss, maybe a few twigs, and......voila!

You have a beautiful seashell wreath.

I hung mine on our screened-in back porch. It reminds me of the beach and I love it!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pretty tins

I was at Goodwill the other day and this decorative tin can caught my eye. "I must have it", I thought, and since it was only $1.29, I bought it. It's embossed on the bottom, Made in England, Designed by Daher, Long Island, NY. When I got it home I put it with the other two tins I had. It so happens that the one on the left in the photo below was made in England and designed by Daher too.

Look how pretty~

In this tin I store buttons.

In this tin I store spools of thread.

What will I store in this one?

They look like pieces of art.

I believe you need three of something for a collection. I guess I now have a collection. I'll have to keep an eye out for more pretty tins when I hit the thrift and antique shops!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A collection of paperweights

Over the years I have collected paperweights and I think what started it all was my love for color and colored glass. I can remember when I was young how I would pick up a piece of broken colored glass on the ground and hold it up to the sunlight. I was always in awe of the beautiful stained glass windows in our church too. I get lost in the colors!

So how can I resist!
Such a beautiful little piece of art!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Lady vases

Are you familiar with lady vases? Here is my small collection. Made of clay and hand-signed by the artist, Susan Paley, each one has a name. These three ladies are named ~ "Victoria", "Patty Picked Posies", and "Lucy Latte". They are the Bella Casa collection by Ganz. Aren't they cute!

My sister gave me "Patty Picked Posies" and I bought the other two at antique shops.

I added the grapes to "Patty Picked Posies" and the three of them are in the kitchen.