Showing posts with label Zephririne Drouhn Rose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zephririne Drouhn Rose. Show all posts

Friday, May 8, 2015

The cancer rose.....

Three years ago I planted a Zephririne Drouhn climbing rose that I ordered from a mail order catalog.  It came in the mail right after I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  You might remember my initial "silly rose story" that I posted in 2012, you can read it here.  I am not sure why I called it the cancer rose, it just popped into my head at that moment when Galen and I were planting the bare root in the ground, and I felt that if the rose survived, I would too.  Yes, I know, that's silly. 

Well, I am happy to say the rose survived and is thriving!  It has climbed up the post and over the pergola, just as I planned. 

It turned out to be a beautiful rose and it has a spicy clove scent.  It smells heavenly! 

I guess I knew all along the rose would survive.  And, of course, I knew that I would too! 

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A silly rose story

About a year and a half ago I ordered a rose bush from a catalog.... a Zephririne Drouhn rose, a climber, for our pergola over the patio.  Catalog places usually mail the plant when it's time to put them in the ground, so last year, the end of February, my rose came in the mail.  It was right after the time I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  
Galen dug the hole and we planted the rose.  I said to him, this is my cancer rose.  We will watch it grow and survive.....ah, unless it dies, which we don't want to think about, and we snickered and said, no it's going to live and grow to be beautiful.)    
One year later ~ 
the rose has grown almost four feet tall, and, yes, it has survived.  Yesterday it bloomed.  What a beautiful pink bloom and so fragrant.  I can't wait until it covers the pergola.  

I know this is a silly story, but it's just something that came about on it's own.  Some things are meant to happen that way, I think.  I believe in small miracles and this, to me, is kind of a small miracle.  

Yay!  It survived and I survived the first year.