Showing posts with label Merry Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Merry Christmas. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Christmas will soon be upon us, my friends.  There is a flurry of activity at our house as we get ready for the holiday.  What a joy to spend time with family ~ and this year, our daughter, Amy, from NY, and Bruno and the two grandchildren, Esmé and Felix will be coming south!   We don't see them very often, so this is a real treat.  And, of course, our oldest daughter, Jen, and Rob, and granddaughter Maddie, will also be here.  I couldn't ask for more!  

Our tree is decorated, most of the shopping is done, and gifts are wrapped.  The stockings are hung..... one for Esmé, one for Felix, one for Maddie, and one for Otis.  
That gives me time for cookie baking and a few more decorations here and there.  

This time of year I like to cozy up by a warm fire with a cup of hot chocolate and enjoy the the pretty lights of our Christmas tree before the celebration.  

I hope all of you have a wonderful and joyous holiday!  And as we go about our activities and preparations, let us not forget the really true meaning of Christmas.  


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas filled with lots of love and joy!  

Otis and I will see you in the new year.