Showing posts with label Libbie (our puppy). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Libbie (our puppy). Show all posts

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Animal Crackers - Cozy Bed

Howdy -

The doggies got a couple of new beds this week. I just love a clearance sale... and They LOVE the new beds...

This was seconds after it landed on the floor. And all three dogs have been moving from bed to bed and stretching out and enjoying them. Now honestly... When Libbie wants one the others usually give it up... but well... when Gato wants one....

 Yep she isn't as easily persuaded to pass it up. But with Libbie's high pitch constant barking she does end up deciding the noise was just not worth it... She can sleep just about anywhere...

And the warm laundry I just got out of the dryer was purrrrrrfect! Now how she thinks this position is comfortable I have no idea... but she was like that for hours. No worries this was Hubby's laundry not mine... I would have made her leave if it had been mine, wouldn't have wanted to all that cat hair on my clean laundry. :0)

Louise was lounging and posing pretty for me too...

Such a pretty little girl. Those ice blue eyes and those jet black "boots" she is wearing... just stunning.

Was heading back inside when Rico called out to me...

Now honestly it was more that he wanted some afternoon hay, but he did call out. Handsome man. And seems like lately he has been wanting to have more than his share of blog time. But it is ok Rico... you are a handsome stud and I love showing you off... :0)

Hope you enjoyed this week. I didn't venture out to the far pens.. Been a bit under the weather and walking out too far would have been just more than I had in me. Wish I could find out who gave me this so I can give it back!! I felt I needed a nap after typing this up! Thinking jammies, a blanket and a good old movie sounds good today.... Oh in a Cozy Bed.... Not Libbie's though....

Have a blessed day - HUGS and

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Animal Crackers - Pretty Girls

Howdy -

Pretty Girls - I so love my girls. Ok the boys just as much. But this week I spent a little time out with the gals.

Felicia is a pretty little girl -

She is one of the last girls available on our for sale list... but I really think I may have a very hard time letting go her, in fact I have avoided her a couple of times when we had people looking... I know bad huh? Can't help it...  She is Macie's daughter and has those same big eyes with long eye lashes. She is a beautiful little donkey...

Then we have Irene... one of our tallest ladies.

Not a great angle for her is it? Makes her rear end really look high up doesn't it? She is a sweet girl and despite her height I really do want to breed her with Raffie... he is so little I hope that we can get a cute little spotted baby from the two.

Raffie says yes.. he likes the idea!!

Timing Raffie... not quite time yet! LOL Now he is a looker isn't he? I always compliment him on how stunning he always is. Never a mess always sharp and handsome. My Smiling Donkey!

We released Macie this week... A little trial to see how she does. Already thinking we will put her back. She was showing so much improvement, and if the limping gets worse back in she goes for longer this time.

The girls were happy to see her coming back... Or maybe to see the special treatment she was getting with all those carrots?

Macie just walked on by and was so happy to be back into the large pen... will hate to have to pen her back up ...

She does look happy doesn't she? Speaking of happy...

 Miss Libbie and her old bed. We have purchased her new beds over time. But she loves she old bed. Once in a while I can sneak it out and give it a good wash... takes her a few days to get it "right" again. But still is and always her favorite place to sleep... unless she can get ahold of any of "Dad"s" t-shirts to wad up and snooze on... those are great too.

Hope you have a wonderfully blessed weekend.
HUGS and-

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Animal Crackers - Beautiful


Beauty is skin deep… or Beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Ok.. Hubby loves his Guineas and thinks they are beautiful… that is all that matters… LOL

Same three Guineas we have had for years now… he says he really wants more this spring. They are funny to watch… cheap entertainment for sure! LOL 

Chica… for sure Beautiful! This little girls is a super model. 

Ok, so she squints in the sun, but that is hard to teach any super model to not do. She is a little whirl wind and makes me a bit crazy some times. But I do totally adore her… even when she trips me going up the steps and now I am black and blue in numerous spots! She was sorry… as I was laying on the ground she came back to me and gave me a kiss to say so…. just to make sure I remember… I love her…

Crissy is a pretty little lady. Stunning coloring in this girl. We were so sad last year when she lost her babies. But we are going to try again for this spring… Hopefully she will carry them full term this time. I so want her personality and coloring in babies this spring.

Olive Oyl is a little beauty too..

Hubby and I have that list that is going in to breed this month.. Olive is on my list but not on his…. she is a little one, but I still think she will do ok. He just likes having her as his little girl and doesn't want her to have babies of her own in case he looses her childlike personality.

Ok, handsome not a beauty… Quiet, cautious and handsome Pavo…..

Found him standing in the shade of the barn and was keeping a close eye on me just in case I had carrots in my pocket. Sorry boy… all out and need to make a grocery run! Not sure why he is wearing hay on his back… maybe saving that for a snack later?

Compact Stud here ladies!

This short little man is also a handsome dude… ok, so getting a little pudgie… but still handsome. Just more to love right? I just tell him shorter makes him carry his weight differently… makes him feel better I am sure!

And the original Beauty… Miss Libbie.

 Eye sight is pretty much gone now, but still getting around ok… she loves laying out on the sidewalk in the back yard and feel the breeze. Now she had just had a bath… so I wasn't too happy about her laying out there but hey… she pretty much gets what she wants now a days… as long as she is happy it is ok with us.

Macie update… no real change… one day a little better… next she is limping again. Sigh…

Hope you enjoyed -
HUGS and-

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Animal Crackers - Enjoying the breeze

Howdy -

Yesterday afternoon I went out to see all the animals before a little storm passed through. Storms have been a daily thing around here recently. So much so that the ground is soggy and no mowing going on due to the mushy ground. But back to the animals they were out enjoying the nice breeze before the rain. It was so nice outside.

Lizzy and her Mom Daisy was enjoying the cooler weather on one of the huts. You can see the storm coming in the background. 

Paintbrush was lounging on one of the old stone steps... she has a bit of a Cleopatra look to her doesn't she?

Love this old lady. She is such a wonderful goat.

The Guineas were really busy... all this wet ground has really brought all the bugs out and that makes them really have so much to get done clearing them out.  Busy Busy Busy...

 Autie was being oh so careful wandering through the wet grass.

 They just had baths so I kept telling him to not get wet. Not that he was really paying attention to my at all but I like to think that he was. Ha.

Libbie seemed to be enjoying the breeze most of all.

 Is that a look of total peace - Hated to make her get up and come in but the rain was starting.

Snapped a little shot of Spot before I came in.

All the little chicks are really getting big, and SO friendly. And those feet feathers are just so good looking! We are trying to not spoil these 4... ok so that isn't so true. LOL  You have to be really careful not to step on anyone they run at you and want attention. Hubby is teaching them to eat out of his hand and jump up on him. It is so cute.

Hope you enjoyed and got a smile this week. They always give me a smile. :0)
Have a wonderfully blessed weekend -
HUGS and

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Animal Crackers - Battle of the Box

Howdy -

This week we have a little battle of the box...

Hubby drinks lots of these Topo Chico waters. So we buy by the case. Well earlier in the week Gato found one of the boxes was a fabulous bed. I wasn't thrilled with the plastic and her being inside of it, but was a great photograph. So before I removed the plastic and the rest of the bottles I had to snap a photo. She has lived in this box all week.

Until Libbie found it...

Now Libbie has a bed in the back of the house and in the bedroom. But for some reason the box that Gato claimed seemed to be better. So Libbie has now also napping in the box whenever she can. But when she gets up for any reason...

Yep War of the Box... Gato will claim it again and sit in the box to make sure her original claim is controlled. Libbie was not happy here. A new case came in yesterday, I at first thought well they will both have a box now. But I am betting they still are going to argue about that first box?

We did have some worry this last week. Old Frankie has been really acting "off" and we at first thought oh no his age is getting to him and are we looking at loosing our old buddy? He wouldn't eat, wouldn't move around much and wasn't his normal friendly self and come see us when we would call him. Just not Frankie at all!! We soon found out that the one horn he had that was growing down in front of his one eye .... well he had evidently got it hooked on something and it was knocked loose and was hanging further in his eye and was painful. We put together a plan to catch and hold him and "help" the horn loose. But before we got help to do that, he knocked it completely off. I was so thankful, because having to tie him up and hold him down while "helping" him would have been stressful for him (and me) and may have caused issues with his friendliness. But no worries, he took care of things and horn is gone!

He has been back at his old self and actually acting a bit younger at heart and happier! Still the old man but feeling much better and younger for sure! Still such a handsome man!

Now while I was talking to Frankie and snapping photos of him I was photo bombed and got a big scare when Annie popped into my lens!

 She is so funny... yes I had to clean my lens.. she "snorted" on it. LOL Funny girl!

Was a bit jealous of many of the goats yesterday afternoon. I was battling a horrible headache and just wanted to take a nap. The weather was gorgeous and beautiful. Sandy was really enjoying her afternoon nap.

Tried to call out to her and get her to open her eyes and sit up, but I barely got a few ear twitches of interest in getting her photo taken. That nap was just too nice!

Hope you have a wonderfully blessed weekend - and for those in the U.S. enjoy Mother's Day -
HUGS and-

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Animal Crackers - Best Selfie Ever!

Howdy -

Still been cleaning up around here from the "big storm"... finally had the insurance out to see the property this week and have an appointment for my sad truck next week. But all is good. Grass is VERY happy. Wow! Was mowed one night this last week and I really think it grew a few inches in one day! Hubby says the rain... and the lightning. Whatever...  it is giving the animals great greens to chow on!

We let Sebastian and Bella out of the Momma pen early in the week. Was such a depressing day. I really loved being able to walk out the back door and just steps away was a baby donkey hug! But now he is out wandering on 20 acres... and loving the running room. Hubby and I were discussing how much we were missing all the daily hugs from "Seb".

So yesterday I was working on the computer and got a little ding on my phone with a text message... Hubby says "A little Selfie with Seb" ... I LOVE IT!

 Two of my favorite guys... Adorable! Yes both of them :0)

Now I snapped some photos of the doggies outside yesterday. I realized it had been a while since I showed my three indoor kids.

Autie was out walking through the freshly mowed grass...

Big steps for my little guy... He actually has been standing like that lately. He had a little boo boo on that foot a while back and now he protects that leg and stands like that sometimes. Hard to believe he had a short hair cut just a few weeks ago... his fur grows so fast!!

Chica is my little hyper girl. Unless she is enjoying the great outdoors. Then she chooses a place in the yard and just sits, chills and enjoys the view.

A total spaz but a total sweetie - 

Miss Libbie stays pretty close to the house and porch now a days. Her eyesight is pretty poor now.

She looks bug eyed most of the time. But she finds her way around and still barks to warn us of every single little noise there is, or even think she hears. Still the leader for sure. Despite the eye issues she is doing pretty good for my little old lady. Love this gal!

So I think I told you last week that the four Bantam Chicks are still living in their chick house in our spare room. They are still SO SMALL. I am afraid they will get out of the chicken coop. And they are too precious to loose.

 That little yellow one is the one I think was a lost little Frizzle in our group. She is SO cute! Well they are all cute... Spot is in the front and is the smallest and the feather on her feet are longer than any feather on her body. Red is the largest, the black one is really the comedian in the group. I go in to visit and she runs over to me and jumps towards my hands and pecks on me. But Frizzle is so different I just smile as soon as I see her. They are so sweet. Much friendlier than the other chicks. I am going to try and get some better photos of these guys... but I need Hubby's help for that.... They are quick and last thing I need is a baby chick loose in the house with three dogs and a cat! So Hubby will have to help guide and protect so they don't get away while I snap.

Short post today... seems like time has been flying by this week.

Hope you have a wonderfully blessed week!
HUGS and -

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Animal Crackers - Spring, Shake and Roll

Howdy -

Well SPRING is officially here. And things are really growing! Our front pasture is finally showing the colors of spring with the first of the flowers. Indian Paintbrushes, and soon we should see a few more bluebonnets.

Hubby caught a great photograph of Cocoa and Valentine enjoying the afternoon in the sun surrounded by the flowers.

 They do look pretty standing in the flowers don't they?

Found Leon enjoying the spring weather as well... talking and showing off to the girls next door. He is a handsome young guy isn't he?

And then he decided to SHAKE off things and start strutting all over again. 

He is funny... but don't tell him, he thinks he is totally cool. 

And for a little ROLL, I found Miss Moxie enjoying a little back rub roll in one of the donkey pens. Oh my that girl is never clean for long, she loves rolling in the dirt.

 Love this shot of Darlene - My old lady...

We have put Bella into a smaller pen near the house to keep a close watch on her as she is really starting to show her signs of a baby coming. And since her BFF is Darlene we decided until it is time for the delivery we would have Darlene keep Bella company in the pen. Ok so neither of them are super happy being in a small pen away from all the girls. But as long as they are getting fresh hay they are dealing with it.

Libbie in her new bed... Yes. that is a hole with stuffing coming out. I asked what happened to her pretty bed and she put her head down and gave me this sad looking little face.

Now how in the world can you be upset with that face. We will just have to fix her bed and move on. Will get her a new one if we have too. A better sewn one next time I am thinking. You can see in the photo only one eye is flashing back, she is totally blind in that one eye and most of the time she copes just fine. She still bumps into a few things from time to time. But she has learned to not move full speed if she can't see well so bumping isn't to hard on her. Love this girl so much -

Hope you have a wonderfully blessed weekend - A very blessed Easter Sunday -
HUGS and

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Animal Crackers - Cute

Howdy -

Still on standby waiting for babies around here. Chloe is still looking like she will have her first. Milk bag is huge. But no one has had decided it was time to deliver yet. Not that I can blame them... cold rainy weather isn't great for having babies... but at some point choice isn't an option right? LOL I am just anxious and wanting "kids"!

So we will just show off some cute!

 First I wanted to show off the "twins"... now these girls are months apart, and only 1/2 sisters. But seriously from a distance these two Lizzy and Thelma are impossible to tell apart. LOL

When they look right at me the patterns on their face is a bit different. But other than that... Twins! Love these girls...

Thelma's Sister Louise is a looker too though...

Now that she is getting older she is really starting to show some coloring. The grey spots are starting to show. A beautiful girl solid white or with those amazing little grey spots. She still the smallest of the kids even after a 1/2 year.

Now Thelma's sister is also a looker...

My spoiled little bottle baby Jackie. My special baby such a sweetie. We have been blessed with some beautiful blue eyes with the last few groups of babies. Hope the next group shares the blessings....

And even though he isn't one of the kids anymore... Frankie is still a looker too. Cute beyond words.

My old man... but always a kid at heart. :0)

Update on the chickens...

The egg count is doing fabulous. We went from one zero to one egg a day to now getting 6-7 eggs a day! From 12 chickens that is pretty good! Heck one day we had 10 eggs!! I have even heard Hubby out there praising the girls and telling them how wonderful they are. A long way from the warnings of "dinner"... lol and no there was never any chance of that.

Miss Libbie was sitting out by the gate waiting for her "Daddy"... 

Hubby was out working and had started to make his way back up the path towards the house. Libbie likes greeting Dad when he comes back in. Now that could be when he is gone all day or could be when he is gone 5 minutes... LOL Love the way time stands still for them when we are gone.

Hope you have a wonderfully blessed weekend.
HUGS and -