Howdy -
We have asked that question more than once the last few weeks. But honestly... having these 4 kittens have been so much fun and a blessing, we are adoring them... most of the time. LOL Oh they stress me from time to time. Oh like 3am the other night when they were done sleeping and decided jumping and attacking me under the blankets... yeah at that moment I was a bit more serious. But really they are really good kittens. And are the best entertainment. And we have decided... yes we are crazy - but love it!
I hope you won't get bored with kitty photos with the other animals... but we get some good ones lately..
Hubby got this one one night this last week. The girls all chilling together -
I am sure they were discussing how much trouble their brother has been getting into this last week. He usually is the one that tries us the most. But hey he is boy. And you know boys! But appointments are scheduled for end of the month to help with the attitude! For the boy and all three girls! They do have their moments too -
Hubby is going to kill me for sharing this next photo... but seriously it is to fabulous to not share! He pulled his back a bit this last week and took a day to rest it and stayed in and still reading most all of the day. A RARE thing for him to sit still all day. I was working on the other end of the house and I got a text message from him.. this photo...
Seems that Porsche wanted "Dad" to pay attention to her and not his book.
Seriously a favorite photo for sure! Love the look in Porsche's eyes!
The weather has been so gorgeous here the last few days that the animals have been out in the pastures enjoying it and grazing - But Black Jack is up close to the house and well... he is always begging for his special feed - So I was able to snap a great photo of him up close before he as on top of me. My old man is so handsome.
It is so hard to believe that all those years ago when we brought him home he was so skittish and unfriendly. But he was a hot shot breeder and not treated like a member of the family. After time he got more and more friendly, but then after I rescued him from being stuck in a fence one afternoon, he suddenly is pushy friendly and loves all attention and rub downs. We love him so much. And I think he is a happy old man here.
Went into the goat pen to visit... I can always count on Penelope for a super model head turning pose.
In reality I had gone it to say Happy Birthday to her Mom Abigail .. she turned 6 years old this week. I took about a dozen photos of her to get a Birthday pose. But that girl just does not cooperate! So her daughter it was! She loves to pose!
Now I don't think Chickens even care that I am taking photos.. for sure they don't stop and pose. But this lady was all puffed up and standing so pretty... so I took advantage and snapped before she moved on.
Such pretty feathers on her.
One more this week. Hubby has rose bushes in the backyard. It is December so we don't usually have lots of flowers to show off. But with all the perfect weather and all the fall rain.. this one rose stood high above the pot and was showing off its beauty!
It is so pretty to see the color in the yard - All though thinking now - I should have taken a photo of his tomato plants... He has pots that he set aside and really wasn't paying attention to them as he had too many tomato plants from seeds this last summer. Again with the rain and weather they decided to thrive on their own and have taken over a corner of the yard. Looks like in a week or two we will have a great bunch of tomatoes to enjoy! The ones he was purposely growing and the mighty forgotten ones! In DECEMBER! Love it!
Hope you enjoyed again this week. Going to have to have a talk to some of the donkeys that they are not doing their job and allowing me get cute photographs of them! I mean common they have a responsibility here! I will work with them for next week and see that they understand -
Have a blessed week -
HUGS and-