Howdy -
This week we celebrated Thanksgiving - and yesterday while walking around among our "kids" I really did feel blessed and Thankful for our life. I am Thankful that I have a Husband that is my best friend and partner in everything. We were never blessed with children but have a wonderful family and many fabulous Nieces and Nephews. Our network of Friends are so important to us and we are thankful each of them for keeping us sane and helping us be a little Crazy as well. We are Thankful for the land we have and the blessings of many animals that we love and adore. We are truly blessed and Thankful for our life.
While gathering the eggs yesterday afternoon I found a little cardinal playing in the chicken coop.
When I first spotted him he was helping himself to a little chicken feed. But as he saw me he tried to play innocent and perched up on the pole ignoring me... LOL We have hundreds of Cardinals here and love spotting that bright red coloring. They are beautiful birds aren't they?
Now I every time I see someone recently they ask... "So are there any baby goats yet?" I know I know we are so very impatient waiting for babies. Since the Donkeys all played me for a fool and never had babies and were faking it for extras... I have really been excited and not wanting to wait for "the kids" to arrive. We have 3-4 Mom's to be. I have them on the calendar by dates to deliver late October to Mid to Late November depending on their cycles. Well.... I guess they are just wanting to push the limit and this is their way of having control over me and my calendar.
I am leaning towards Annie being first, but Chloe and Daisy both are really bagging up as well.
Annie has given us some beautiful babies in the past, especially where paired up with Frank. Yesterday she was even more moody than normal and was hanging really close to her favorite shack, running everyone else from her spot. So maybe.... But last time Annie and Daisy were both looking close and I gave Annie the odds, Daisy swooped in and delivered first. I don't mind who ever wants to deliver first is fine with me... just healthy happy bouncing kids please.
Little Jorge headed straight for me when he saw me for some nose rubs.
This boy is so special. So very very sweet. Love that little white patch of hair on his forehead. And that dark nose is like velvet. Hubby's special little man is now on the not for sale list as we may just want to breed him one day for more of those dark noses. Right now he is just a fabulous little pet that we love.
Ok - so my latest Heritage chickens have really given me lots of worry and stress. And all the sexed little chicks we received, 1/2 of them have ended up to be male. Totally stinks as I have become so attached to them and honestly the boys should go as there are just too many of them. Sam is my Australorp boy... and I "have" two females Cora and Alice. Well we discovered a while back that Alice was a late bloomer and became Alister - stunning guy, but two males and one female that is limp with a bad leg just isn't a great way to start off is it. Not sure how we will deal with it, but for now they are living ok together. And Alister is really a handsome man isn't he.
Playing with the camera and his tail feathers... love that iridescent green coloring.
This part I have been dreading to even mention. I showed you this photo a couple weeks ago of one of my favorite chickens... Inge the Swedish Flower Hen.

Sadly we lost her this week. Not sure at all why or what happened. She was lively and happy when we fed in the morning. I went out just after lunch and found her barely breathing and her head was injured. Hubby and his nephew saw a Hawk from a distance swooping down in that area. Our coop has a fence top so they can't get in to the chickens at all. But we think just maybe the Hawk scared her and she flew into the fencing in a panic. I have been so upset at loosing another chicken especially her. I am such a sap. I know they are just chickens but I can't help how attached I get to them. And we have lost so many this year, not sure if that is normal or not. I have talked to a few and they tell me that chickens are a weak animal and yes you do loose some. Will have to get stronger in accepting that I guess.. or maybe not I probably will still cry at loosing any of them. But now I will need to work on getting a few more chickens this next Spring. Thinking I will try a different place, maybe have better luck with getting girls.
Hope you have a long list to be Thankful for. I forgot to mention - I am Thankful for each of you that read my blog. I do hope you enjoy it -
HUGS and