Showing posts with label Ink Circles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ink Circles. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Good News!

Hello everyone!

I have great news to share!! I have my job back!!


I nearly did this in my principal's office when I got the news!! Imagine if I did?!?!  So happy to be working with the same kids next year and creating new and exciting activities for them to learn!! Such a relief I tell you!!!

Thank you all so much for your prayers and positive thoughts you sent my way.  All of you are so amazing and I wish I could reach out and hug, jump for joy, celebrate with everyone! Your support means so much to me.  

A quick stitching update.  Two finishes to share with you.  One finish I stitched last summer from the May, 2007 GOS magazine, but put aside to rest awhile in my finishing drawer.  Instead of stitching this weekend, I figured I should finish it up in time for summer.  I still have a number of others that need finishing which I hope to do this weekend.  I stitched it with Nina's Thread "Old Berry" on some scrap of linen.

I thought it would look nice next to my little Midsummer's Nights Dream teapot my Nana gave to me. But I also like it in my basket of smalls that desperately needs filling!!

The other finish I actually completed a few weeks ago but I couldn't show it on my blog as it was a gift for a dear friend of mine, who also stitches and looks at my blog! The design is a freebie from Ink Circles, one of her favourite designers, and I stitched it with Caron Watercolours in Tumeric.  I cannot seem to find the link to the freebie.  I will have to dig around for it and update this post later.

I really enjoyed making this box for her and am glad she loves her gift. 

Take care everyone and don't forget to enter my 300 follower giveaway by June 2nd!!



Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Blustery Day and Some Stitching

Hello my dears!

It's a cold, blustery day today.  The kind of blustery day where you need to hold onto your hats and piglets!!
I think I need to grab a kite and go fly it with my friend! My hubby and I have a large selection of kites and have been flying kites for the past couple of years.  It's so much fun to fly kites!!
In terms of stitching news, I have been stitching only on Jane and not much else.  Last night I wanted to start Chatelaine's Knotgarden but realized, after counting my two pieces of "large" fabric, that I don't have fabric quite wide enough for the design. This is usually the case with me not paying attention to the ACTUAL measurements of designs and linen!!! Soooo, now I need to get new fabric! But after speaking to my hubby, since the Chatelaine is for him, he said that I already have a BAP to work on and there is no need to start another one. Well, he does have a point! We'll see how my progress goes on Jane for the next couple of months and if it's moving along quickly, I'll consider purchasing the fabric for the Chatelaine then.  Too bad.  I really wanted to start it!! For now I'll concentrate on her and my Rak's and other small projects.  Speaking of the RAK's, I just got the fabric to finish them!! I think the fabric will be perfect for each design!! I also got some backing fabric for my mom's snowman ornie!! Yay! So close to ACTUALLY finishing it!!

Here's some progress photos of Jane, snowman bling, thanks to Carolyn! And my sister's little pincushion I made for her.  She loves it!!
Stitched on 36ct linen, Dinky Dyes Silk in Rain Forest and DMC 152
Finished with a pearl, button and some old fabric my mom gave me
LOVE that flower!! And that tree took me two nights to do! Phew! Tons more motifs and stitching to do!! Wait til you see Adam and Eve.  They are a hoot! I love how Jane chose her bright pink threads for the skin tone! You'll have a good laugh!!!
Look at that cute fabric I found! I bought a bunch so I can make some project bags with it.  I really want to expand my skills in sewing!!
Sweet Titus posing for me! Right now Titus is playing with one of my eye make-up brushes and tickling my toes with it!!

And last but not least, another cartoon from the thrift find magazine!!

Don't we all feel like that sometimes!!! LOL!!!

Bon soir mes amies!! I will be visiting your blogs later on this evening...I know I'm a bit behind on some blogs but isn't that always the case?!!!

PS: I am slowly switching to gmail and have added my new account to my profile.  If and when I use my gmail to respond to you, just make sure you check your junk mailbox cause you might find me in there!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Linens and Patterns Oh My!

Whoohoo!! Just received my package today from 123stitch.  There's nothing more exciting than coming home from a long day at work and finding a glorious package on the kitchen table!!  Now all I have to do is get the threads for the patterns that I want to finish this year.  I will be ordering them this weekend using my gift certificates that I got for Christmas!

Before I post the photos, I want to thank all my followers for becoming my followers! It is exciting to meet new people from around the world and make new friends! I love all the comments and the encouragement from my readers and I am always open to suggestions on how to improve my blog and even my stitching!  I truly admire all the beautiful stitching and finishes that people create and am amazed at how fast some people can stitch, since I am a slow stitcher.



My beautiful new linens and three threads from The Gentle Art
My cute lil' Elizabethan scissors
Two patterns I fell in love with and can't wait to get the materials to begin stitching
Another "A" for my aunt using the Sajou Alphabet