It has been awhile since I last checked thought I had better update!! I have been frantically working on my Christmas Goose stuff!! Time is flying and I only have about 5 more weeks till the show. It is a two day sale so need lots of stuff. I have about 125 items made and like to have 200 or more. It is my fault too...since I have all year and put it off till it is July..then Aug..Sept and now October and crunch time!! I don't know why, but it seems I do this every needless to say I will be buried in my sewing room for the next 5 weeks..and sewing non stop!! For those who have seen my sewing room....I could easily get buried in here..
.well out of sight!! LOL!! It is my favorite place in the whole house though since I have all the necessities other than a coffee pot in here!!
I did manage to get a couple dolls on ebay the last couple weeks. I have one on now, which I have named Endora. She is made from my favorite pattern maker...Veena's Mercantile. I just love her patterns and they are so easy!!
This past week I had a wonderful package in the mail! My daughter Deb, sent me her digital camera since she got a new one. I LOVE this little small and easy to use. I do think it takes better pictures too for ebay...thanks Deb! I will send you a check this coming week!!!
Last Wednesday Rhonda and Brian left for a week trip to I had the two girls for a week. They are easy to have around. Lexi is doing cheerleading this year so did have some running to do for that but it all went well. On Monday Lexi left for a week at camp so just had Ashlyn Monday thru Wed. Rhonda and Brian returned home last night so had the day to bury myself in my room! Tomorrow will be the same..then need to get some shopping done on Sat.
Last Saturday I had to go to Lexi's game and it was 103 degrees!!! It has cooled down so much this week...finally feels like fall. I hope now the heat is a thing of the past!!
Hopefully I can update in a few days and show more of the things I am working on. I also hope to get another thing or two on ebay!! Till next time!