How quickly these weeks seem to be going by! I have a huge sale in November and the weeks are just flying by with time running out! I didn't really apply myself until about a month ago so now I pay the price...sewing all the time! Oh well...thats how my life is. Put things off then work my butt off getting caught up!
Saturday we went to watch Alexis do her cheerleading....can't believe how she has changed! I never thought I would see the day she would get in front of people, let alone cheerleading!! She is so pretty too and the tallest in her group. We are so proud of her!
I had to laugh at her sister, Ashlyn. I asked her if she would want to do cheerle
ading someday and she said...maybe, but probably not! I wanted to be an artist but I think I just want to help animals! She loves them and someday should go into that field. Of course she is a great artist too!
It was such a nice day compared to the game I went to a couple weeks earlier. It was 106 degrees in Redding and the poor cheerleaders just about croaked from the heat. Brian brought the umbrella so we stayed fairly comfortable...but just plain nasty!
After we came home from church....we heard a knock on the door. Rhonda was there and asked me to come out to her car. She bought me this beautiful mum!! It is so pretty, and in a few days it will be georgous!!! That was so sweet and thoughtful of her! While I was taking pics I thought I would take one of my impatiens in the front yard. They aren't as pretty as other years but have filled in so quite colorful.
Last week I received a wonderful box full of goodies! Our WSOAPP group did a swap and my partner sent me this wonderful array of items. I LOVE the little santa...b
uttons which I love, candies, everything!
They say tomorrow is a chance of rain!! I really doubt it will but will be enjoying the day of cooler weather!! Hoping to get alot of sewing done!!