Guess it is time for me to update here! Since I last posted, we took a trip to Montana to spend Easter with my husband's family. We flew up on the 9th of April and returned on the 16
th. What a change in weather! The first couple days were in the high 60's to low 70's...then it got much colder and even went to bed one night with the snow falling...it snowed all nig
ht and some the next morning! I figured that was a gift to me since wherever I go....it NEVER snows! For the most part it doesn't even storm (since I love storms and of course snow)! Living in the Sacramento valley in northern California...snow only arrives "maybe" once every 10 years! This picture was taken along a country road out of Billings. Not much snow I know, but to me it was beautiful!!

Along the way, Will took a picture of the new addition to the cemetary where his father and brother are buried....the Veteran's Cemetary....very nice with the flags, etc.
Now that we are home....we are having a heat wave!! UGH!! It has been in the 90's the past couple days. I think it got up to around 95 or more today. Just dreading what lies ahead in a month or so. At least it is supposed to cool down by the end of the week! All in all, we had a nice time in Montana, played some fun pinochle games and had a nice Easter dinner, but always good to get back home.
While we were gone our son-in-law, Brian, was in the hospital in San Francisco for his last round of treatments for kidney cancer. This was the hardest one for him I think. He was about ready to put up the white flag, but he did manage to get in 5 treatments and is back home now. He will be tested again and if there is anything there he may go in for another round of treatments. Of course, our prayers are for a clean bill of health. As always, prayers are still needed and so much appreciated!
Things are slow on ebay but I do need to be sewing again....so tomorrow that is on my list! I have an order for a large rabbit and then should get busy on my Christmas Goose items. It is just so hard to make Christmas in April...especially with the 90+ weather outside! But...I will be much happier in the fall if I get on this now!!! So....wish me luck with the motivation!!