Showing posts with label p1800. Show all posts
Showing posts with label p1800. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Flea Market

Last week-end we went to the Giant Flea Market in Sussex, New Brunswick, held every year on the third weekend of August... 3 days (4 days if you go on Dealer Day) of peeking, searching, wandering, wondering, pondering, bartering.... and hopefully finding a treasure of some sort to take home....

More than 450 booths spread out across the large fair grounds... there was no lack of things to look at... antiques, junk, collectibles, books, car parts, tools, you name it... it was there... guaranteed! in good and bad condition... and everywhere in between... a deal could be had, depending on how much you had to spend or how much they wanted to get rid of it...

... scorching sun, pouring rain, traffic jams, tired feet, sunburned faces, soaked to the hide.. didn't matter people were there in full force... when a downpour happened on Saturday, one vendor sold out of his umbrellas in minutes! There was a silver lining in that cloud.. for him anyway...

... 10 years ago we had the good fortune or bad, depending on which day you ask John... to find the bits and pieces and parts of a 1966 P1800 Volvo Coupe there, the kind "The Saint" used to drive... in parts on a fellows table and in several boxes under it... and the rest were in another province in his barn... he agreed to put them all back together and sell it to us... it was in very sorry shape and we have been working on it for years... searching out parts, a never-ending task... with much perseverance and cursing, cause it was too late to turn back now... it finally has a coat of primer and the engine is restored, still more to do and far from perfect but it is almost road worthy...

Anyway, back at the Flea Market.... On Friday, John pointed out this old press which I thought at first glance was the top part of an old cider press... and immediately passed it by, thinking I really don't need another project to do just now, of trying to figure out how to make the rest of the cider press... so we wandered some more...

... soon I found an old beautifully patterned Silver teapot ... rather worn, and stained but had an essence I could not resist... and I dearly needed a teapot... Then a great hardcover book, " The Life, History and Magic of The Dog"... beautifully illustrated reference book... They both came home with me.

John found a big pile of salvaged window and door moldings, sides and tops... red pine 1 ¼" thick, from an 1867 house from Guysborough Co. Nova Scotia... even with John's very careful packing into our 8' long utility trailor, the beautiful moldings overflowed the trailor.... but he tied them on with my daughters old mountain climbing rope.... it was sort of a mountain of wood!! These will be saved for a future project... A starting point...   ( update  to July 2010 ... we are using them  here... interior construction)

Max found books, games and army surplus gear for his paintball tournaments...

... we were all happy... and tired... and hot... we were glad to be on the 45 minute drive home...

The next morning, we were talking about our great deals and the things that were rather interesting, that we left behind... and John again mentioned that he was surprised I hadn't shown any interest in the press... Well, I never really had a good look at it... only from a distance from across a crowded aisle... he said he had... and as he described it, I realized it was a Book Press... an actual Book Press... Oh no... Why didn't I walk the 10 feet in that direction and examine it when he pointed it out... ohhh... Foul word inserted here... Where would I ever come across one of those again... probably never!!!

I didn't actually need it.... but what a great addition to the studio it would have been... I started thinking up things I could have done with it.... for sure it would be gone now... it was probably gone 5 minutes after we passed it........... I think we should go back and on a wild whim of a chance maybe it would be there... noooo, it wouldn't...

oh heck.. we went back anyway... You know, Hope...

It was pouring rain!!! Buckets!!!

Couldn't believe it... The old Book Press (also known as a Nipping Press) was still there in the exact spot!!! It was in almost perfect condition for something that age... solid cast iron and not a bit of rust... It was a good size...With the wheel wound down it was 13" tall x 11½"wide x 21½" long... the platen has a 3" opening and was 9 ½" x 15". It weighed about 70 lbs. and had 4 bolt holes to anchor it down.

The dealer, Al Hermitage, from Rexton, New Brunswick who always has the best primitive antiques, was pretty surprised that no one had snapped it up... When I showed interest and asked about it, he said he could give me a deal... $45.00... Wow... My Lucky day! I more than gladly paid to take my prize home... Good thing John was there, though... It was heavy! I was smilin' for the rest of the day!

This is just a quick little pen and ink sketch I did of the new, old tool now in my studio, The Book Press... approx. 6" x 6" on textured drawing paper.
