Showing posts with label My work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My work. Show all posts


"Nå er det nok!"

Dagbladet 5.11.2011
Attack rape of young women in Oslo, text by Kjetil Rolness


PALS - for schools

The local council have asked for some illustrations for use on posters in the local schools.
See more illustrations here.


Historiestreker - mellom bygd og by

A little selection of the illustrations done for the history project I worked on in 2010.
More images can be seen here.


Bibliotekpris til Bokbamsen i Øvre Eiker kommune

Tekst fra Drammens Tidene:
Onsdag kveld ble Bokbamsen hedret for sin innsats med å få barn til å bli glad i lesing.

ØVRE EIKER: Bokbamsen ved Øvre Eiker bibliotek er vinner av Bibliotekprisen for Buskerud 2010. Prisen ble offentliggjort for noen uker siden, men onsdag kveld var det høytidelig markering.

Det synlige beviset, et kunstverk av Gunnlaug Moen, ble overrakt til biblioteksjef Anne Foss og bokbamse Rannveig Nymoen.Bokbamsen får prisen for arbeidet med litteraturformidling rettet mot barn og for å vekke bevissthet rundt språkutvikling.

Leder Birgithe Schumann-Olsen i Norsk bibliotekforening avdeling Buskerud forteller at juryen har lagt stor vekt på at Bokbamsen tar foreldre på alvor.


Banners on Grieg Hallen, Bergen

Den Nye Opera in Bergen chose me to be their artist for the season 2010 and 2011. Some of the illustrations are shown on big banners on the Music Hall of Bergen. It is always nice to see my work in context, after they have left me drawing board!
(Photograph: Oda Valle)


Logos for schools and childrens nurseries in Nedre Eiker kommune

Logos for schools and childrens nurseries in Nedre Eiker kommune. The logos are going to be used as the symbol of the vision for teaching for better schools in the council.


Animation - on the road…

Since mid October I have been working mainly on the animation project for the local schools and Kulturskolen. The production and the mood is on top - and the children are producing film like they nevr have done any thing else! Here is the film from the first school we visited!

The exhibtion is now in school no. 3 - here is some pictures from the first school.


MIF - 100 years old

Mjøndalsgutt! Hei!
Mjøndalsgutt! Hei!
Mjøndalsgutt! Hei! Hei! Hei!
Gratulerer med dagen til alle Mjøndølinger!

Og en stor hyllest til Annie Brattlie som på 50-tallet slo alle gutta i ski,
styret i MIF bestemte da at nå var det på tide at jentene fikk egne klasser.

Trykket er til salgs, opplag på 50 stykker.
Størrelse 50 x 50 cm
Trykkmetode: Giclée
Pris: 2000 kr

Kontakt meg på epost

MIF - 100 years old!
The local sports club is 100 years old and this is the present from the local business til the club.


Updated My Website

After 6 months back and forward I have finished (almost) my website for this time. I´m trying to update it every two years - if I´m finished for now? Hmm…we will see!


The Process…

I was asked to explain my process for a speak, but it was not used for that so I put the pictures I took here instead.

1: My brief was to illustrate Adam and Eve from the Bible. First I´m working really quikly on sketches and often I do quite of lot of writing - but this depend on the brief.

"The Woman He punished by letting her give birth to her children in pain, and let her husband rule over her forever".

2: Starting up with the orginal first with pencil, trying to keep the rougness as best as I can. I´m using pen and black ink for the original line. Using pressure on the pen to get the uneven line.

3: My untidy desk never get better…hmm…that´s life. I got everything I need around me.

4: I scan in my drawings on high resolution and tiding it up in PhotoShop. I use the program FreeHand for the colours and I always use the Pantone colours for reference. I like the flat colour and the rough line - for a long time it was a bit of a mystery how I did my illustrations, and illustrations made with a computer are starting to be excepted now. But it is not long ago it wasn´t "the right way" - it´s good things changes.

5: Because I work as I do my work is ready for print and web I just export into the right format for the job. This was 3 x 3 meters wide and was shown on the Litteraturfestival on Lillehammer first and then at home of the Norwegian poet Herman Wildenvey.


New Sunday Drawing

(More to come when they have been printed in the Sunday Paper through the Summer.)


One Country´s Legal Rape of Women!

By Afghan law of 2009, men can have sex with their wife when it suits themselves.


Personal drawings for presents

DRAWING: A personal present from a friend to another about her birth on the living room floor with guidance from her husband, midwife and the parrot.

Lots of people contact me to make personal drawings for family and friends. I usually ask them to write down personal details or a funny history about the person. Write me an email if you want to know more!


Life Drawing

Finally set of some time to do some life drawing again…
These are 3 minutes sketches. (Click on the image for full size).


"Hearts": Christmas Exhibition at Uldlageret

This years theme at Kunstnerverkstedene Uldlageret´s Christmas Exhibition was hearts. Six exhibited smaller pictures and objects based on the subject, lot´s of nice response and some sold pictures as well.
The exhibion was held over 3 weekends before Christmas.


Havnelageret - a BIG commission!

The newspapers Dagbladet and Aftenposten wanted to "show off" their illustrators and photographers in their new offices in Bjørvika, Oslo. The images was blown up to the size 1,50 x 1 meter.
The other illustrators/artist was:
Finn Graff, Arne Nøst, Fredrik Skavlan, Nemi and me for Dagbladet.
Inge Grødum, Lars Fiske, Ulf Aas, Ørjan Jensen og Stein Nerland from the newspaper Aftenposten.
And it was a big party and a grand opening with lots of importent people!!


BCMG: Music Maze 2008/2009

Birmingham Contemporary Music Group is for the 5th year running using Gunnlaug as their illustrator. The projects has mainly been the Music Maze, but this year a new groupe called the ZigZag, for 14-18 year olds, has been started as well.

'...the top notch Birmingham Contemporary Music Group...'
The New York Times - 2008

Visit the new website to view BCMG’s latest activities, book online, download learning resources and much more.