Thursday, July 19, 2018

crafting with cats

unlike the cats i have, or have had, who like to help me with my art and sewing/quilting/knitting... this is a whole other crafting with cats kind of post.

my brother and sister-in-law gave me this horrible book for christmas about crafting with cat hair.  yes, hair.  you read that correctly.  i swore then that i was going to make something once i collected enough cat hair to make something.

so, here i am, babysitting westychic's two cats while she is on a river tour of the danube river.  lucky.  it's hotter than hades here at home.  while i am babysitting them, she did mention i could brush thaddeus any time i wanted since i'm the only person who he lets brush him.  so i am...

he loves the brush...when i do it.

seriously.  one round of brushing compacted 5 piles of hair.
so as i collect grey and white hair from the big boy kitty we adopted after watching him as a refugee, karrie had a ziploc of orange hair that i'm adding to.  she is also determined i have to make something nasty for my brother.  i just have filled up the bag of orange kitty hair and need to start a second.

these are a definite yes:

even winston is interested in what i'm reading

these are a maybe:

and these... westychic picked out for me to make as gifts for my brother and sis-in-law:

i love my cats.  i just don't really want their fur purposely made into something.  it's already all over the stickin' house and my clothes as it is.  the little princess girl doesn't shed nearly as much as the big boy.