Tuesday, February 27, 2018

getting ready to say goodbye

i fly out in the wee hours of the morning to say goodbye to my papa.  my skunker.  i'm trying to get ready for this, but i've been running constant since i first heard on friday, that i only get moments to let it sink in.

thanksgiving 2002

this guy.  he taught me to fish for tiny little sunfish on his friend's pond when i was 11.  he badly attempted to teach me to bowl (he was semi-pro and i was scrawny), even though my toes on my left foot ended up bruised more than i got distance with that bowling ball.  he was silly and called cats skunks and skunks cats most of my life - but only to me.  he told me i looked good when my grandmother commented on weight gain after a baby.  we'd take walks the summer i spent with both sets of grandparents, where he'd buy me bazooka joe bubblegum and a comic book.  i think he was secretly proud of his granddaughter drinking good dark german beer instead of girly drinks.

he was far from perfect.  but he was my grandfather and i loved him.  1930-2018.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

leaving tiny "pieces of my heart"

it's valentine's day today and i decided to leave little "pieces of my heart" scattered around the NASA area in houston.

don't worry.  it's all good!  i'm part of a FB group called R-evol-u-tion where we create tiny pieces of artwork and spread them around town/state/country/world to bring cheer and love to others.  it is a world-wide project.

i left a piece outside a salon next door to the starbuck's while grabbing my coffee before work.  seemed appropriate since there was a little heart of their own in the window next to the door.

i left two pieces in the nassau bay post office.  one at a sorting table by the big box PO boxes and one above the set of PO boxes for where i work.

one piece is sitting in a sign advertising office space for rent from our property management company, just inside the main door.

this one is in the stairwell, outside the 2nd floor door that i walk every day.  i felt it needed a little love.

check it out.  maybe you will want to spread some cheer around your hometown.