i decided to go with an overall swirl quilting in variagated blue thread. it blends in beautifully on the mottled blue backing and it gave me a chance to test out the new machine.
i love the swirls on the red.
although, i don't have any idea why, but the bobbin thread seemed to catch itself periodically. the thread seems to double back on itself and then i can't move the quilt anywhere until i cut the threads on the backside. i tried slower. i tried faster. didn't seem to matter which i did. i dropped in a new bobbin. same... it's a brand new (and fairly pricey) machine, so why does it do it? suggestions anyone?
hubby and i were walking around our local hardware stores, trying to find a new ceiling fan for the living room. he wants bigger. much bigger. i just want something updated that looks better. at the second store, i decided to browse lights for the kitchen, but he points out the above beauty. i thought he was joking because it had color and character. but no, he wanted them for the entry and the hall.
two lights and a new 60" ceiling fan in the cart later... he was put to work. i love how it looks next to the teal walls of the living room and entry. and it dresses up the hallway nicely. good job D!