tried to get it stitched, but the 3 women on call at the urgent care center for the hospital refused since if they stitched it, my finger would "not be pretty" afterwards. I didn't care about pretty. just that it holds together. instead, they glued and taped my finger like this:
it's healing now, although still numb, tingly and there's still a scab as it's trying to stay closed. the steristrips are gone and I am making a little more use of the sore finger. fun nerve damage. I don't recommend you have a knife slip and go straight into your fingertip. ever.
I did finish one drawing a day or so after the injury. it's got a mat, but the frame is ordered and I need to get a better scan/photo of it before I post. I haven't completed or worked on a drawing period in a year and a half. it felt wonderful to work on and finish. plans for this year are to be much more productive than I have been in the last few years, especially the last one. next week, i'm starting a class through MoMA to keep that motivation going. 12 years have passed since my last class and weekly art assignments on top of the lectures.
last night while waiting on scouts and my dad to show up, I finished piecing together the first QOV top of the year. these are the remains of the block swap group's 6th blocks from last year and some moda one stars I have in a box. I like the modern twist to this one and that nice red stripe of stars on the left. my longarmmer was just assigned to me and i'll try to have it out tomorrow if i'm able to ship it with Houston's "snowmaggedon" (HAH!).