Tuesday, February 22, 2011

HMQG and a QOV

i'm still here....and i have a QOV start to share with you.

HMQG QOV stars

about the same time that i had my shoulder surgery, i put out a call for help to the wonderful members of the houston modern quilt guild. i needed help finishing the 4 remaining QOVs from my navy request last spring. well... they're coming through! this past saturday at our monthly meeting, these wonderful ladies above (and a few others not pictured) showed up with wonky star blocks. 20 of them. plus a handful of red/white/blue string blocks to start me on the next one. i am so thrilled with all of them and cannot wait to put them together soon!!

i had my 6 week check up with my orthopedic dr. this morning. he said i'm doing well, that i look great (and he complemented my glasses) and to ignore the PTs... since "they're new at this." hah! i don't think i can tell my one PT that dr. m said she doesn't know what she's doing. especially since his wife is one of the PTs there too... they do know what they're doing and they've helped a lot already, it's just the one thinks i have to move all over the place already. she thought that from day 1 of being allowed to move the shoulder at 3 weeks post-op. that was part of my problem... i wasn't allowed to move for 3 weeks and the ligament he purposely tightened was REALLY tight. so, she causes me lots of pain, lots of tears and lots of me going "oooowwwwwwwwww."

so now i'm allowed to take the sling off more when i'm home, get used to moving it to get the natural flow back when walking. no public places without the sling for another 6 weeks. sheesh. my elbow is really bruised today for some reason. but hopefully, i can start sitting at my sewing machine by the end of the week. i'm practicing typing with two hands again, but in short spurts. good thing i type fast.

i have had huge sewing withdrawals. to make up for it, i became obsessed with ancestry.com and started 3 family trees for each person in the house. goodness.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

while i'm recovering...

the fine members of "bee pieceful" are making me spiderweb blocks. mine is the top left corner and the rest are what i've received in the mail so far.


i've had the blue butterfly fabric for years. i found the tag that had a date from spring 2004 on it... really. the yellow ladybug and white bug fabric were collected shortly after. there is one more i've been saving for my bug quilt - a white on white butterfly print - that will probably be used for a border. with the bug fabrics, i also sent everyone purple and aqua solids, the grey/black polka dots, a stripe and then mixed up some mottled pinks, and a couple yellows. i asked if everyone could throw in a few coordinating scraps from their stashes to give me a little something to remember them by when my quilt is finished.

i guess i lucked out this year having my month be the same month i had surgery. now i just need to be able to sew soon so i can start working on this:




HMQG is helping me work on one of the remaining 4 QOVs for that big request i had. they're making wonky stars so the quilt can twinkle. three stars came home with me at our january meeting and i'll get the rest of them at the february meeting in a few weeks. i'm hoping i can start to do basic strip piecing by then so i can get the top put together and out to the longarm quilter. maybe i can get hubby to piece the rows together for me...

PT on the shoulder itself started friday. first time my shoulder moved in 3 weeks.... ouch... today's visit was so not fun! but i can dangle my arm and move it on my own more than the weekend, so that's progress!! and i used two hands to button my pants. yippee! small steps, but ones nonetheless.