Showing posts with label bagpipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bagpipes. Show all posts

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Stuart Cassells of Red Hot Chilli Pipers

Stuart Cassells
Originally uploaded by chillipiper

I found this on flickr looking for some things and saw this. I am the one with the pink sleeves to the left holding my camera. Just thought it was interesting that someone took a photo of the RHCP while I was also taking a photo of them too! If you'll click on the photo, it'll take you over to flickr and you can see all of the sizes. Kinda makes it easier to see me too, haha. Choose the largest one cuz I'm only a small side view at best.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Clanadonia Live!

Who I saw today!
The free entertainment is overwhelming!!
Of course, I had to have their CD
and they were nice enough to sign it.
Here is Clanadonia's website.
Warning: With 5 drummers and only one piper,
they are VERY LOUD, so ya might just
hafta turn down your volume.

I also got up early, took the subway to Queen Street and took a short walk over to The Barras Market, another side of town. There is a big ol' flea market there with tons of things to look at, buy and stare at! You can read more about it here: The Barras
Your usual fish and chips, scottish meat pies, haggis, other oddly smelling items are all there. This is a true Glaswegian seller's market and the conversations alone are worth the visit. (if you can understand them) There are also bootleg sellers and sometimes they get raided, but none of that happened on my visit. I read that you can find almost anything from an anchor to a needle here and I believe it. The antiques, jewelry, clothing, baby stuff, and sweets are what I liked. I didn't dare take too many photos cuz some of these folks just have this look about them and I'd be afraid to tangle with some of them! But I did snap a few from a distance. Funny, I had a fortune teller come up to me and start telling me all about myself. She new I was a foreigner and took advantage of that saying all these things and would I buy a charm from her? I turned her down and she really didn't like that, but heck I never asked to have my future read in the first place, LOL. I guess that's how she takes advantage of some, but not me. Anyhow, it made for an ineresting day and tomorrow I'm goin to the Glasgow Cathedral services to hear their majestic pipe organ music. More later...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

We Will We Will Rock You

Same group of musicians in my previous post 3 days later, same spot performing Queen's big hit We Will Rock You! Notice where the big bass drum player kneels down for the small child to try and bang out a few beats....he seemed to be very timid. Was quite funny to watch.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pipe and Drum Music from Glasgow Video!

While walking down Buchanan Street near the intersection of Argyle, I came upon this talented trio of kilted young men playing the most amazing music and I quickly switched my digital camera to video mode. It's definitely what one might expect or think of whilst in Scotland for sure. Here are the results. They are quite fun to listen to and look at as well ;-)