Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Breathing Books
Things - Edith Kollath Creates Books that Breathe from Bre Pettis on Vimeo.
Interesting little video and I wish her secret was safe with me so I could make some of these myself. What a neat conversation starter for any room in your house, yes? I find interesting little oddities like these on this site here and thought it share worthy. Enjoy!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Stuart Cassells of Red Hot Chilli Pipers
Stuart Cassells
Originally uploaded by chillipiper
I found this on flickr looking for some things and saw this. I am the one with the pink sleeves to the left holding my camera. Just thought it was interesting that someone took a photo of the RHCP while I was also taking a photo of them too! If you'll click on the photo, it'll take you over to flickr and you can see all of the sizes. Kinda makes it easier to see me too, haha. Choose the largest one cuz I'm only a small side view at best.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Function: noun
Date: 1749
1 a: the act of taking back or away something that has been granted or possessed b: removal from a place of deposit or investment c (1): the discontinuance of administration or use of a drug (2): the syndrome of often painful physical and psychological symptoms that follows discontinuance of an addicting drug as in a heroin addict going through withdrawal
In my case, the drug is Lexapro, and is known as an SSRI drug. (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor).
It's been just over a week and silly me thought things would be getting better by now, but instead they seem worse. I slowly weaned myself off of a 20mg a day dose down to 10mg for a month, then 5mg for another month, then 5mg every other day or so for a couple of weeks, then decided to heck with it and stopped it altogether. I have to say that a pill cutter is a must with this drug to get the dosage as exact as possible! My first couple of days without Lex was hardly a noticeable difference, then on day 3 or more, I had dizziness and a lightheaded feeling throughout the whole day. Then Thanksgiving came and I panicked and wondered how I'd get through it with lots of family coming over. I doubt everyone knew just how agitated, anxious, and disoriented I felt. To family who might be reading this, please do not take this personally. This is my deal, my problem and my obstacle to overcome. I had a great time over the holidays despite my odd off balanced feelings. Not long after Thanksgiving, I began feeling angry for no reason, then could not get enough rest and sleep. Today I feel much the same and very very foggy headed and hard to concentrate even on typing this post. I've started and edited it several times now. Last night I experienced the dreaded brain zaps that I've horrifiyingly been reading about. Gee and I thought I'd lucked out by not having them for over a week. Not true! They start on the left side of my head behind my ear with a sudden shock like a jolt of electricity, then travel a bit across my head. Sometimes a lot, sometimes just a little. Afterward I feel drained and scared. They come unexpectedly and only last a second or few, but the unexpectedness and sudden shock of them make for a very unhappy me. I'd say that last night they were coming as often as 2 or 3 times in a 5 minute period, so just going to bed and lying in the dark with the covers over my head was a slight relief until I fell asleep. Not moving and no lights does help. Almost like a migraine but not really. That didn't make sense to anyone unless you've experienced this I bet. Today, the zaps happen every hour or so, not as frequent, but I've been a lazy person on purpose to see if that would help and it has. Can't afford to have too many of these kind of days though :o(
Backing up a bit on why I started taking this good/evil drug in the first place.... it was not for depression as some people take it for, but for anxiety instead. I have GAD and it has ruled my life for far too long. My decision to go on it was still a good one and I don't regret it because it did help me. Now over a year later, I just decided it was time to be me again and see if things might be better without it. Time will tell, but until these side effects cease I won't really know. Please, if anyone out there that might read this has suggestions or ideas to help a person through this feel free to leave a comment. I'd welcome genuine advice or just a note knowing someone else has gotten through this. I don't feel hopeless or worried yet, but sometimes the things you "google" when looking for advice is really disturbing. Surely people have the tendency to exaggerate a bit or over analyze on some of the forums that I've come across on this subject?
Function: noun
Date: 1749
1 a: the act of taking back or away something that has been granted or possessed b: removal from a place of deposit or investment c (1): the discontinuance of administration or use of a drug (2): the syndrome of often painful physical and psychological symptoms that follows discontinuance of an addicting drug as in a heroin addict going through withdrawal
In my case, the drug is Lexapro, and is known as an SSRI drug. (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor).
It's been just over a week and silly me thought things would be getting better by now, but instead they seem worse. I slowly weaned myself off of a 20mg a day dose down to 10mg for a month, then 5mg for another month, then 5mg every other day or so for a couple of weeks, then decided to heck with it and stopped it altogether. I have to say that a pill cutter is a must with this drug to get the dosage as exact as possible! My first couple of days without Lex was hardly a noticeable difference, then on day 3 or more, I had dizziness and a lightheaded feeling throughout the whole day. Then Thanksgiving came and I panicked and wondered how I'd get through it with lots of family coming over. I doubt everyone knew just how agitated, anxious, and disoriented I felt. To family who might be reading this, please do not take this personally. This is my deal, my problem and my obstacle to overcome. I had a great time over the holidays despite my odd off balanced feelings. Not long after Thanksgiving, I began feeling angry for no reason, then could not get enough rest and sleep. Today I feel much the same and very very foggy headed and hard to concentrate even on typing this post. I've started and edited it several times now. Last night I experienced the dreaded brain zaps that I've horrifiyingly been reading about. Gee and I thought I'd lucked out by not having them for over a week. Not true! They start on the left side of my head behind my ear with a sudden shock like a jolt of electricity, then travel a bit across my head. Sometimes a lot, sometimes just a little. Afterward I feel drained and scared. They come unexpectedly and only last a second or few, but the unexpectedness and sudden shock of them make for a very unhappy me. I'd say that last night they were coming as often as 2 or 3 times in a 5 minute period, so just going to bed and lying in the dark with the covers over my head was a slight relief until I fell asleep. Not moving and no lights does help. Almost like a migraine but not really. That didn't make sense to anyone unless you've experienced this I bet. Today, the zaps happen every hour or so, not as frequent, but I've been a lazy person on purpose to see if that would help and it has. Can't afford to have too many of these kind of days though :o(
Backing up a bit on why I started taking this good/evil drug in the first place.... it was not for depression as some people take it for, but for anxiety instead. I have GAD and it has ruled my life for far too long. My decision to go on it was still a good one and I don't regret it because it did help me. Now over a year later, I just decided it was time to be me again and see if things might be better without it. Time will tell, but until these side effects cease I won't really know. Please, if anyone out there that might read this has suggestions or ideas to help a person through this feel free to leave a comment. I'd welcome genuine advice or just a note knowing someone else has gotten through this. I don't feel hopeless or worried yet, but sometimes the things you "google" when looking for advice is really disturbing. Surely people have the tendency to exaggerate a bit or over analyze on some of the forums that I've come across on this subject?
Monday, November 17, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Back in the saddle again
Yep, I'm back home in Texas. Been here since November 4th and too busy to post. Things are cooling off here quite a bit and sort of match the weather in Glasgow right before I left, but now the people drive on the right side of the road and talk ever stranger *wink*. I miss lil 'P and my son and DIL, but am glad to be back. Scotland is so beautiful and I'll never forget the sights and smells and sounds I was able to experience! I've so many photos that it's hard to choose which ones I'll show off, but I'm sure in the coming days there will be some for those that want to check back. Thinking of Thanksgiving and Christmas delights right now. It'll be nice to try and gather around family members and get even more photos!! For now, I wish everyone who visits my random blog a wonderful holiday season and peaceful remainder of the year 2008! God Bless everyone,
Monday, October 27, 2008
Red Hot Chilli Peppers Rock Argyle Street!
Red Hot Chilli Pipers BLAST Live DVD and CD Release at HMV store on Argyle Street, Glasgow Scotland! Recorded at The Old Fruitmarket
Had a unique time today was able to go to their DVD/ CD release "BLAST LIVE" today at the HMV store. These guys are so entertaining in person too, very cheerful, friendly and funny. I have a photo posted above here of myself and the band in 2 sections at their autograph signing. There were so many of them (8) and the body guard looking chap was very happy to snap the photo for me.
I recorded 3 videos of their street performance and love them all. Some tunes they did were: Flower of Scotland, Hey Jude, We Will Rock You, Smoke on the Water, Eye of the Tiger and bits of others that I'm really not sure of their titles. These guys don't just stand there and play. They jump around and act silly, get into the moment and entertain constantly. I could be their spokesperson eh? Anyhow, it was a fun evening and a great bagrock concert that I won't forget!
I have video of this to be posted soon if anyone is curious......come check back in a day or so!
-Sharon in Glasgow, soon to return to Texas
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Red Hot Chilli Pipers New DVD Release
Here is a clip from TV with a couple of the band members talking about what they do and their DVD release in 6 days. They are supposed to show up at the HMV store on Argyle Street in Glasgow at 4PM and sign CD's and let people have their photos taken with them. Guess where I will be? Hopefully the line won't be so long that I'll have to give up, I hate lines but plan on showing up early to try and get in line sooner. We shall see!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Glasgow Cathedral Service
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Clanadonia Live!
Who I saw today!
The free entertainment is overwhelming!!
Of course, I had to have their CD
and they were nice enough to sign it.
Here is Clanadonia's website.
Warning: With 5 drummers and only one piper,
they are VERY LOUD, so ya might just
hafta turn down your volume.
I also got up early, took the subway to Queen Street and took a short walk over to The Barras Market, another side of town. There is a big ol' flea market there with tons of things to look at, buy and stare at! You can read more about it here: The Barras
Your usual fish and chips, scottish meat pies, haggis, other oddly smelling items are all there. This is a true Glaswegian seller's market and the conversations alone are worth the visit. (if you can understand them) There are also bootleg sellers and sometimes they get raided, but none of that happened on my visit. I read that you can find almost anything from an anchor to a needle here and I believe it. The antiques, jewelry, clothing, baby stuff, and sweets are what I liked. I didn't dare take too many photos cuz some of these folks just have this look about them and I'd be afraid to tangle with some of them! But I did snap a few from a distance. Funny, I had a fortune teller come up to me and start telling me all about myself. She new I was a foreigner and took advantage of that saying all these things and would I buy a charm from her? I turned her down and she really didn't like that, but heck I never asked to have my future read in the first place, LOL. I guess that's how she takes advantage of some, but not me. Anyhow, it made for an ineresting day and tomorrow I'm goin to the Glasgow Cathedral services to hear their majestic pipe organ music. More later...
The free entertainment is overwhelming!!
Of course, I had to have their CD
and they were nice enough to sign it.
Here is Clanadonia's website.
Warning: With 5 drummers and only one piper,
they are VERY LOUD, so ya might just
hafta turn down your volume.
I also got up early, took the subway to Queen Street and took a short walk over to The Barras Market, another side of town. There is a big ol' flea market there with tons of things to look at, buy and stare at! You can read more about it here: The Barras
Your usual fish and chips, scottish meat pies, haggis, other oddly smelling items are all there. This is a true Glaswegian seller's market and the conversations alone are worth the visit. (if you can understand them) There are also bootleg sellers and sometimes they get raided, but none of that happened on my visit. I read that you can find almost anything from an anchor to a needle here and I believe it. The antiques, jewelry, clothing, baby stuff, and sweets are what I liked. I didn't dare take too many photos cuz some of these folks just have this look about them and I'd be afraid to tangle with some of them! But I did snap a few from a distance. Funny, I had a fortune teller come up to me and start telling me all about myself. She new I was a foreigner and took advantage of that saying all these things and would I buy a charm from her? I turned her down and she really didn't like that, but heck I never asked to have my future read in the first place, LOL. I guess that's how she takes advantage of some, but not me. Anyhow, it made for an ineresting day and tomorrow I'm goin to the Glasgow Cathedral services to hear their majestic pipe organ music. More later...
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Church Service in Scot's Language
The Lord's Prayer
Matthew 5:9-13
Our Faither in heaven
hallowt be thy name;
thy Kingdom comme;
thy will be dune
on the yird, as in heaven.
Gie us our breid for this incomen day;
forgie us the wrangs we hae wrocht;
as we hae forgien the wrangs we hae dree'd;
an sey-us-na sairlie, but sauf us
frae the Ill Ane.
Matthew 5:9-13
Our Faither in heaven
hallowt be thy name;
thy Kingdom comme;
thy will be dune
on the yird, as in heaven.
Gie us our breid for this incomen day;
forgie us the wrangs we hae wrocht;
as we hae forgien the wrangs we hae dree'd;
an sey-us-na sairlie, but sauf us
frae the Ill Ane.
This was how things were spoken in an evening church service that I went to tonight.
No, it's not spelled wrong, it just looks like it is. What an experience to hear these people speak and read from their Scottish Bibles. And each person had a slightly different translation too, so it made from some really strange sounding things. There was enough English in it that I caught the main point of it all, but how I wish that I had a recording to share some of it! The name of the church that I visited was called Kelvinside Hillhead Parish Church. It is a beautiful old building of which I'll post a photo of later when I get a chance to get them off my camera. Denominations here are either Catholic or Presbyterian. I chose the latter. If tomorrow is nice enough, I'm taking the train early to Edinburgh!
No, it's not spelled wrong, it just looks like it is. What an experience to hear these people speak and read from their Scottish Bibles. And each person had a slightly different translation too, so it made from some really strange sounding things. There was enough English in it that I caught the main point of it all, but how I wish that I had a recording to share some of it! The name of the church that I visited was called Kelvinside Hillhead Parish Church. It is a beautiful old building of which I'll post a photo of later when I get a chance to get them off my camera. Denominations here are either Catholic or Presbyterian. I chose the latter. If tomorrow is nice enough, I'm taking the train early to Edinburgh!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
We Will We Will Rock You
Same group of musicians in my previous post 3 days later, same spot performing Queen's big hit We Will Rock You! Notice where the big bass drum player kneels down for the small child to try and bang out a few beats....he seemed to be very timid. Was quite funny to watch.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Pipe and Drum Music from Glasgow Video!
While walking down Buchanan Street near the intersection of Argyle, I came upon this talented trio of kilted young men playing the most amazing music and I quickly switched my digital camera to video mode. It's definitely what one might expect or think of whilst in Scotland for sure. Here are the results. They are quite fun to listen to and look at as well ;-)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I'm in Glasgow now
I arrived safely! Had an IrnBru right away, met my son and DIL at the airport, saw my granddaughter, and ate some tasty Indian food. All is well!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Fall Back
Friday, September 26, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tiny Clothes

the end
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Granddaughter Update!
Friday, September 12, 2008
I am happy to announce that my fifth grandbaby was born yesterday! She's a 911 baby literally and was born emergency c-section due to complications, but I am relieved and happy to say that both Mom and lil' peanut are doing well. She was a whopping 3lbs 5oz and amazingly strong and healthy looking for a preemie. What a blessing! I have to say that yesterday was a test of nerves and faith for me. God is good and I firmly believe that through the prayers of family and friends everything went as smoothly as it did. My visit to Scotland will be earlier that we thought, but hey I'm totally up for that! Wish me luck and please keep this new family in your prayers if you would. OK, so I'm off to pack for my journey! Updates to follow...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Labor Day
Hi, hope everyone that reads this had a nice Labor Day weekend! Ours was not planned out as far as celebrating or traveling. We just took it easy and enjoyed being around family. I did cook some steak and chicken on the grill outside and that was mighty tasty! We've been having an influx of evacuees here in the local area from the states that were ordered to leave because of Hurricane Gustav. I'm hopeful that it will pass soon and everyone can get back to their homes without too much damage. The first week back to school went smoothly for the kids and they've gone back today for week 2. Football season is coming on strong here in Texas and although I don't get "into" it as much as a lot of folks, it is still a reminder of the change in seasons and that's the part I look forward to. Our son plays for his High School team and no doubt I'll be at most of those games.
My tattoo is healed already, wow can't believe how quickly that came about. Touch ups if needed will be done in about 2 weeks. They say you will probably need a little something in most cases with color and when it's on the foot area, problem.
Looks like I'll be flying over to Glasgow, Scotland again in less than two months. My time over there this time will be a lot longer (YAY!!!) and my hopes are that I'll actually be a help for my son and daughter in law and the new granddaughter. It is very exciting knowing I can help out and take a vacation all in one, how blessed and lucky can a person be?
How do you like the new feel of my blog? I stumbled Chelsea who makes free backgrounds on her own blog called Aqua Poppy Designs and had to try one out. This one caught my eye because of the colors. I intend to update my blog header logo soon too. I realized how bad it looked to me because it still said Happy Spring, oops! Here it is at the beginning of Fall weather already, yikes I missed the whole Summer even, LOL. I'll post again ASAP, have a great week everyone!
My tattoo is healed already, wow can't believe how quickly that came about. Touch ups if needed will be done in about 2 weeks. They say you will probably need a little something in most cases with color and when it's on the foot area, problem.
Looks like I'll be flying over to Glasgow, Scotland again in less than two months. My time over there this time will be a lot longer (YAY!!!) and my hopes are that I'll actually be a help for my son and daughter in law and the new granddaughter. It is very exciting knowing I can help out and take a vacation all in one, how blessed and lucky can a person be?
How do you like the new feel of my blog? I stumbled Chelsea who makes free backgrounds on her own blog called Aqua Poppy Designs and had to try one out. This one caught my eye because of the colors. I intend to update my blog header logo soon too. I realized how bad it looked to me because it still said Happy Spring, oops! Here it is at the beginning of Fall weather already, yikes I missed the whole Summer even, LOL. I'll post again ASAP, have a great week everyone!
Monday, August 25, 2008
First Day of School
If any more Johnsons go to these schools, it'll have to be grandkids from now on!
Digital Scrap Credits for my photos from Choubinette
Friday, August 22, 2008
Fresh Ink!
Wow, what an experience and I LOVE how it turned out!
No, I haven't lost my mind, I'm just enjoying life and this was a well thought out event and not just a moment :) This "artwork" was done to celebrate my 50th birthday, although early. It represents my fifth grandchild who will be born this year in Scotland, hence the 5 flowers. The blooms are thistles, which are the National Flower of Scotland. They happen to also be my favorite color. The vine is shaped into the letter "S", which is the first letter of my name and Scotland too!
I did a lot of research picking out just the right artist to do this and the whole concept of what I actually wanted and why. I don't regret it and am quite proud of how it turned out. It is on my right outside ankle and even DH says it turned out great. (He is not into tattoos at all.)
No, I haven't lost my mind, I'm just enjoying life and this was a well thought out event and not just a moment :) This "artwork" was done to celebrate my 50th birthday, although early. It represents my fifth grandchild who will be born this year in Scotland, hence the 5 flowers. The blooms are thistles, which are the National Flower of Scotland. They happen to also be my favorite color. The vine is shaped into the letter "S", which is the first letter of my name and Scotland too!
I did a lot of research picking out just the right artist to do this and the whole concept of what I actually wanted and why. I don't regret it and am quite proud of how it turned out. It is on my right outside ankle and even DH says it turned out great. (He is not into tattoos at all.)
Monday, August 18, 2008
Life is a Journey
Our ride Sunday was certainly that! We drove to Dallas and visited Rick Fairless' Strokers Bike Shop and Ice House. What a crowd and so many cool bikes to look at too. We borrowed our "ride" from a good friend and DH has a craving for another one himself. He had one years ago and this trip had him drooling over a few bikes that he'd love to have, but these darn things just cost do much. Someday he may get his dream bike, but for now it's fun to get out and feel the breeze in your face and bugs in yer teeth. ;o)
Oh, the bike is from American Iron Horse and is LOUD!
And just one more thing...if you scroll down 3 posts below this I talked about my urge to get a tattoo. Well I have a consult set up the day after tomorrow to have an artist sketch out what I have in my head. I am so excited! It will be my first and hopefully I won't faint, haha. be continued...
Oh, the bike is from American Iron Horse and is LOUD!
And just one more thing...if you scroll down 3 posts below this I talked about my urge to get a tattoo. Well I have a consult set up the day after tomorrow to have an artist sketch out what I have in my head. I am so excited! It will be my first and hopefully I won't faint, haha. be continued...
Sunday, August 17, 2008
What did you pay at the pump last?
Curiosity has the best of me. I jumped for joy when I thought $3.44 was a great price. Then I drove down a couple of blocks and it was $3.41.....then I called my daughter and she said she saw it a few miles away for $3.39.9 per gallon!!! Wow! I'm so scared how the prices are plummeting because I don't trust it. I am convinced that we are simply being teased for the time being and someday really soon, we'll wake up and it will be close to $5. a gallon like they predicted last summer. What do you think? What are you paying currently at your pump? Please comment if you can, cuz I'm very interested in what you think too. Look here and see how low it is down south of us, (as low as $3.24 per) wowza!
Texas Gas Prices
Friday, August 8, 2008
Fire Belly Update
Here is where you can find out more about these creatures: CLICK!
It is also about two inches long, which is fairly small. I could never seem to get an underbelly photo, so I found one on a google image search instead that looked the closest. No idea if "it" is a male or female. Only way to really tell is if it started making a low barking sound during mating season according to what we've read. So far, no barking from this fella or gal, haha.
It is also about two inches long, which is fairly small. I could never seem to get an underbelly photo, so I found one on a google image search instead that looked the closest. No idea if "it" is a male or female. Only way to really tell is if it started making a low barking sound during mating season according to what we've read. So far, no barking from this fella or gal, haha.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Pet Count
Odd topic I know. But before I go into that, just wanted to let those of you who read my blog know what my family has been up to lately. Actually enjoying summer! We've taken 2 trips to the coast and have been to several new movies out and even explored our little neck of the woods like we never have before. Funny how little I even knew about the DFW area and all of the beautiful areas and things there are to do without traveling that far. DH has been recovering from rotator cuff repair surgery and off from work for a few weeks. Physical Therapy is in progress and he is progressing very well the doc says. It was hard making him rest from day one because that is the kind of person he is.
I was out back today putting some things in our upstairs barn storage and started wondering if we'd all gone crazy. Our "pet count" is now up to seven. We have 4 doxies, 1 min pin, 1 rabbit and as of yesterday....1 fire belly toad. Before that, we had about a dozen hermit crabs that we brought back from Galveston. Bad decision. They are not land hermit crabs and they all died :( So to make up for my daughter's terrible loss, we went and checked into land hermit crabs and ended up bringing home a fire belly toad instead. Go figger?!? They say that these can have a life span of 10-15 years if properly cared for. Imagine that? It looks sort of like a moist colorful tree frog, but it's actually a toad found in China. Vivid green and black specks on top and bright red underbelly. It sure loves to snap up crickets! I'll post pics of it later if we can get it to be still long enough.
Anyhow, I hope everyone is having a great summer and is all ready for their kiddos to go back to school soon, cuz I know we are! It starts on the 25th of August for us. I am so anxious to go back to Scotland in the Fall and meet our new granddaughter that is expected in early November!!!
Oh, another thing. Don't laugh now! I turn 50 this year. That is not funny. We will have our 5th grandchild born this year. That is not funny either. But in honor of both events, I plan on getting inked. No kidding! I wanted to do a thistle one near my ankle because of the significance of it as far as it being the National flower of Scotland. Also in mind was maybe 5 flowers representing the 5th grandchild. Then the alternative tat would be the Celtic symbol for motherhood which pretty much says it all I thought. Perhaps I'll design one with all of these things combined. I've been playing around with it, doing sketches and looking online for ideas and inspiration. If anyone has any thoughts, please let me know!
I was out back today putting some things in our upstairs barn storage and started wondering if we'd all gone crazy. Our "pet count" is now up to seven. We have 4 doxies, 1 min pin, 1 rabbit and as of yesterday....1 fire belly toad. Before that, we had about a dozen hermit crabs that we brought back from Galveston. Bad decision. They are not land hermit crabs and they all died :( So to make up for my daughter's terrible loss, we went and checked into land hermit crabs and ended up bringing home a fire belly toad instead. Go figger?!? They say that these can have a life span of 10-15 years if properly cared for. Imagine that? It looks sort of like a moist colorful tree frog, but it's actually a toad found in China. Vivid green and black specks on top and bright red underbelly. It sure loves to snap up crickets! I'll post pics of it later if we can get it to be still long enough.
Anyhow, I hope everyone is having a great summer and is all ready for their kiddos to go back to school soon, cuz I know we are! It starts on the 25th of August for us. I am so anxious to go back to Scotland in the Fall and meet our new granddaughter that is expected in early November!!!
Oh, another thing. Don't laugh now! I turn 50 this year. That is not funny. We will have our 5th grandchild born this year. That is not funny either. But in honor of both events, I plan on getting inked. No kidding! I wanted to do a thistle one near my ankle because of the significance of it as far as it being the National flower of Scotland. Also in mind was maybe 5 flowers representing the 5th grandchild. Then the alternative tat would be the Celtic symbol for motherhood which pretty much says it all I thought. Perhaps I'll design one with all of these things combined. I've been playing around with it, doing sketches and looking online for ideas and inspiration. If anyone has any thoughts, please let me know!
Friday, June 27, 2008
My Online Scotland Photo Book
Whew, what a job editing well over 600 photos and picking ones I liked the is an online photo book that you can view here or click HERE and see it in a larger size, complete with descriptions. If you'll click on the Full-screen option and after it opens, then choose options, you can slow it down or speed up the page turns. Enjoy.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Probably Not Strange
But just different! I wanted to tell you all about some things that I learned whilst in Glasgow. Check out this Irn-Bru commercial first. I love this drink!
OK, so most of you may know that they have their darn steering wheel on the wrong side of the car ;o)
Of course that makes these Glaswegians, which is what they call themselves also drive on the wrong side of the road too! You MUST be careful when crossing the street or you'll absolutely get run down by a taxi. Most folks don't own a car and use mass transportation instead. We whine about our gas prices, hahaha you should hear what we calculated the price in USD from pounds after the conversion of litres to gallons. OMG! You stand to save money by walking, taking the subway or taxi, or even riding a bike. The train works nicely for longer distances and they also have buses. Anyway, we mostly walked everywhere except for when we went to Edinburgh. We'd take the subway to get to the furthest side of Glasgow to save time too. The air there is just so clean compared to DFW where I live, in spite of the fact that there are just so many smokers there. They only smoke outside though and I don't think it is allowed in any indoor spot at all. I was told that their autos and vehicles were so finely tuned and many are alternative fueled that the air stays cleaner than ours. Wow! The days were simply perfect with temps varying from 50F - 65F or so. I lucked out and it really didn't rain until the last day or so and it was very light at that. I say lucked out because my son said it rains a LOT in Scotland. Funny thing....I brought an umbrella and never used it until the next to last day. Then on our trip to Edinburgh the 2nd time, I had a darn pick pocket grab it out of the top of my purse. HAHAHA, it was so odd, because I had my passport, money, and credit cards all below it and he must have thought he was getting my wallet or something, because it was one of those tiny compact ones. Oh well, I hope he enjoys my black multi-colored polka dotted umbrella....NOT! Daylight happens around 4AM and it stays that way until almost 10PM at night. This makes it hard to want to go to sleep at night and my bedroom window just happened to be above where the party crowd comes when the clubs close. So almost every night at around 3AM, I'd hear laughing, yelling, arguing, and breaking glass. The OKO Express across the street would usually stay open and others from around town gather there to have their drunken breakfast or whatever they ate there. I wised up and started using ear plugs and that took care of that! If you can imagine how many 7/11 stores there are here, there probably are just as many Starbucks and Fish & Chip spots there. Our dollar is really weak right now, so my shopping adventures were not as interesting as they could have been, except that my wonderful son and daughter in law took care of just about anything and everything. I was just bowled over and felt like a queen! I tasted so many different and delicious foods there. My new favorite drink now is called Irn-Bru. The taste is very different and I wish so bad that it was available at a reasonable price. You can find it here and there I've since discovered, but the price is outrageous. It's just a simple carbonated soda, a pale sort of orange color, full of caffeine, a little like a slightly cream citrus like taste, but not so much....hard to explain until you taste it for yourself. I had great lamb, Indian cuisine, Japanese sushi, Italian you name it, squid, tofu, udon noodles, ox tail, crepes, honeypot yogurt, yummy rocket salads, feta cheese, espresso, prawns, French wine, teas, Victorian lemonade, Cloudy lemonade, Hot pot chinese buffet, puddings - oh my!, sweet corn at the cinema, angus beef, meat pie, apple slice pastry, dark chocolates, fresh asparagus, delicious root based soups, scones, shortbreads, back bacon, clotted cream fudge, creme brule, tapas, and more I can't remember right now, hah! I weighed myself when I had the nerve after coming home and found I'd only gained 4 pounds, which is not as bad as I'd feared. I suppose all that walking we did helped remedy that, so all is well.'s something else funny - the traffic signals of all things, they turn yellow right before they turn green instead of our yellow before red, wonder why that is? Taxi drivers can be chatty and tend to like to give out advice if they know you are a tourist, which is fine. Only thing is, their Scottish accent is so thick sometimes, you have to ask them to repeat some things until you catch on to their quirky little phrases and ways of saying certain things. Also, the working class order of the people coincides with how hard it is to understand them. If they are a suit wearing well to do businessman, you can usually understand their Scot-English easier, whereas a beggar in the street (and there were plenty of them) or a raggedly dressed man or woman has more of a thicker accent.....coincidence? I don't know. Beggars will either sit on the street or a corner with an old cup and say "Spare change love?". They always look very forlorn and unshaven or ragged, but some of them have crutches one day and then the next they don't, so I decided that they play on your emotions more than anything and didn't feel quite as sorry for some of them as I first did. Every museum that we went to was Free to the public! They took donations of course. The buildings of the city were so Victorian and Gothic looking, I just wanted to take so many pictures and stop and stare. Just beautiful!
Yes, there are bagpipe players on the streets and most play in anticipation coins tossed into their hats or instrument cases. There were more street performers of all kinds on the weekend, but you can expect to hear a guitar player, sax musician, drummer, or even a singer on any given day down Buchanan Street near the Royal Exchange Square. Wow, I miss it already and if things go as planned, I'll get to return in November to see my new Grandson or Granddaughter for the first time and son and DIL again! More photos to come soon, thanks for your interest if you've read this long post =o)
OK, so most of you may know that they have their darn steering wheel on the wrong side of the car ;o)
Of course that makes these Glaswegians, which is what they call themselves also drive on the wrong side of the road too! You MUST be careful when crossing the street or you'll absolutely get run down by a taxi. Most folks don't own a car and use mass transportation instead. We whine about our gas prices, hahaha you should hear what we calculated the price in USD from pounds after the conversion of litres to gallons. OMG! You stand to save money by walking, taking the subway or taxi, or even riding a bike. The train works nicely for longer distances and they also have buses. Anyway, we mostly walked everywhere except for when we went to Edinburgh. We'd take the subway to get to the furthest side of Glasgow to save time too. The air there is just so clean compared to DFW where I live, in spite of the fact that there are just so many smokers there. They only smoke outside though and I don't think it is allowed in any indoor spot at all. I was told that their autos and vehicles were so finely tuned and many are alternative fueled that the air stays cleaner than ours. Wow! The days were simply perfect with temps varying from 50F - 65F or so. I lucked out and it really didn't rain until the last day or so and it was very light at that. I say lucked out because my son said it rains a LOT in Scotland. Funny thing....I brought an umbrella and never used it until the next to last day. Then on our trip to Edinburgh the 2nd time, I had a darn pick pocket grab it out of the top of my purse. HAHAHA, it was so odd, because I had my passport, money, and credit cards all below it and he must have thought he was getting my wallet or something, because it was one of those tiny compact ones. Oh well, I hope he enjoys my black multi-colored polka dotted umbrella....NOT! Daylight happens around 4AM and it stays that way until almost 10PM at night. This makes it hard to want to go to sleep at night and my bedroom window just happened to be above where the party crowd comes when the clubs close. So almost every night at around 3AM, I'd hear laughing, yelling, arguing, and breaking glass. The OKO Express across the street would usually stay open and others from around town gather there to have their drunken breakfast or whatever they ate there. I wised up and started using ear plugs and that took care of that! If you can imagine how many 7/11 stores there are here, there probably are just as many Starbucks and Fish & Chip spots there. Our dollar is really weak right now, so my shopping adventures were not as interesting as they could have been, except that my wonderful son and daughter in law took care of just about anything and everything. I was just bowled over and felt like a queen! I tasted so many different and delicious foods there. My new favorite drink now is called Irn-Bru. The taste is very different and I wish so bad that it was available at a reasonable price. You can find it here and there I've since discovered, but the price is outrageous. It's just a simple carbonated soda, a pale sort of orange color, full of caffeine, a little like a slightly cream citrus like taste, but not so much....hard to explain until you taste it for yourself. I had great lamb, Indian cuisine, Japanese sushi, Italian you name it, squid, tofu, udon noodles, ox tail, crepes, honeypot yogurt, yummy rocket salads, feta cheese, espresso, prawns, French wine, teas, Victorian lemonade, Cloudy lemonade, Hot pot chinese buffet, puddings - oh my!, sweet corn at the cinema, angus beef, meat pie, apple slice pastry, dark chocolates, fresh asparagus, delicious root based soups, scones, shortbreads, back bacon, clotted cream fudge, creme brule, tapas, and more I can't remember right now, hah! I weighed myself when I had the nerve after coming home and found I'd only gained 4 pounds, which is not as bad as I'd feared. I suppose all that walking we did helped remedy that, so all is well.'s something else funny - the traffic signals of all things, they turn yellow right before they turn green instead of our yellow before red, wonder why that is? Taxi drivers can be chatty and tend to like to give out advice if they know you are a tourist, which is fine. Only thing is, their Scottish accent is so thick sometimes, you have to ask them to repeat some things until you catch on to their quirky little phrases and ways of saying certain things. Also, the working class order of the people coincides with how hard it is to understand them. If they are a suit wearing well to do businessman, you can usually understand their Scot-English easier, whereas a beggar in the street (and there were plenty of them) or a raggedly dressed man or woman has more of a thicker accent.....coincidence? I don't know. Beggars will either sit on the street or a corner with an old cup and say "Spare change love?". They always look very forlorn and unshaven or ragged, but some of them have crutches one day and then the next they don't, so I decided that they play on your emotions more than anything and didn't feel quite as sorry for some of them as I first did. Every museum that we went to was Free to the public! They took donations of course. The buildings of the city were so Victorian and Gothic looking, I just wanted to take so many pictures and stop and stare. Just beautiful!
Yes, there are bagpipe players on the streets and most play in anticipation coins tossed into their hats or instrument cases. There were more street performers of all kinds on the weekend, but you can expect to hear a guitar player, sax musician, drummer, or even a singer on any given day down Buchanan Street near the Royal Exchange Square. Wow, I miss it already and if things go as planned, I'll get to return in November to see my new Grandson or Granddaughter for the first time and son and DIL again! More photos to come soon, thanks for your interest if you've read this long post =o)
Monday, June 23, 2008
Photos to share of my journey!
Hi yall! I've been back a few days and finally have my time zone lag adjusted (I hope). The difference in Glasgow is a whole six hours ahead, so you might imagine how "off" that must have felt for me. To try and force the change when I arrived, I stayed up & felt like a zombie, but it seemed to work per my son's advice. But somehow when I arrived home, it took longer to get back into the days and nights for CST. Whew! What I'll be trying to do is post a few photos from each day spent there every day or so as I have time and energy. The heat here is just awful, so adjusting back to 100F from being in 50-60F is really not fun :( I have lots of things to tell you about how different things are in the UK from the USA too, but for now, here's a few images and I've labeled each one as to what and where they are. These are from the first full day in Glasgow and if you want to see a nice 600x800 size of each one, just click on them.

Monday, June 16, 2008
Me in the UK!
Lata Luv....
(click on the photo to see the HUGE version!)
Thursday, June 5, 2008
I'm almost ready!!!
In Scotland, the currency used is Scottish Pound Sterling. ("£" or "₤") Three Scottish commercial banks - Bank of Scotland, Royal Bank of Scotland and Clydesdale Bank, issue their own notes with their own similar designs. Although all banks in Scotland have the right to print notes, only the above 3 choose to do so. Also, you can use British pounds there too, but the Scottish pounds can't be used in London. Interesting I thought...
I have the cutest little wool passport cover that I found on Etsy and wanted to show it off. Tucked inside are some Scottish pounds that I converted to take over with me. Wow, it really sucks that the USD is so weak right now too, cuz I had to pay over $100 for only 50 pounds from there.
Can you tell that I'm excited? :-)
I have the cutest little wool passport cover that I found on Etsy and wanted to show it off. Tucked inside are some Scottish pounds that I converted to take over with me. Wow, it really sucks that the USD is so weak right now too, cuz I had to pay over $100 for only 50 pounds from there.
Can you tell that I'm excited? :-)
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Last day of school for my kiddos today!
We have recovered from the previously posted storms and I want to thank everyone that posted their concerns. It means a lot to us :) Summer feels like it is well under way already and June is not quite here yet. Very humid and hot days already and this weekend is supposed to be near 100F already. ARGH....that's Texas for ya though. Anyhow, we're still alive and well and I've not given up on my blog, so do check back for more soon. I'll be flying over to Scotland in a little over a week, so expect to see photos, stories and stuff when I return. I am so excited!!!
We have recovered from the previously posted storms and I want to thank everyone that posted their concerns. It means a lot to us :) Summer feels like it is well under way already and June is not quite here yet. Very humid and hot days already and this weekend is supposed to be near 100F already. ARGH....that's Texas for ya though. Anyhow, we're still alive and well and I've not given up on my blog, so do check back for more soon. I'll be flying over to Scotland in a little over a week, so expect to see photos, stories and stuff when I return. I am so excited!!!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Texas Storms
We were hit with terrible storms this past weekend and many around us are still without power. Ours is on, thank goodness! We had neighbors all around us with much worse damages than we had, so we were very thankful. Below are some small photos of what it looked like and also a few that show how life goes on and that Springtime is still wonderful here...
It will be awhile before everything is back to normal for some of us, but gosh, we were so fortunate!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Sigh of relief
It's been a tough time for me lately. On March 19, I had the wonderful news that my Grandson was born! This was the good part. The other part is that my son was injured in a baseball game. He had numerous injuries, including a concussion and a broken orbital bone, causing his eye to be pushed back some 5 millimeters and drop a bit (yeowwwsh!) If that wasn't bad enough, his sinus cavity literally exploded or burst. He had reconstructive surgery approximately 10 days later, after a round of antibiotics and waiting for immense swelling to go down. Today, you'd almost never notice except that he can't put his contact lenses back on yet and there is still some slight bruising and the stitches are visible until they dissolve just under his lower eyelid. I have to say that this was a scary ordeal to go though for the whole family. My son barely complained the whole time. I was amazed...simply amazed. Again, let me thank those of you who knew of our situation and prayed for him. We are very thankful that he came through this as well as he did. Hopefully, his vision will not be affected, but time will tell and he is recovering nicely! Head and facial injuries can be serious business. If your child gets struck in the head, face, or neck area, please do not take it lightly! We've known of children who have died over seemingly lesser blows. I urge all parents who have children in any type of sports activities to be sure of the policies and procedures regarding such injuries. We found out some interesting things in our children's school district and plan on bringing about a change. I won't discuss details, but we were not happy with with the circumstances surrounding our son's injuries. I am blessed that things worked out the way they did and know that God had His hand in it every step of the way!
Credit for digital elements here.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Happy Easter!
May you all have a blessed Easter and time with your family if you are lucky. I also want to welcome to the world my newest grandson! He is healthy and already at home with Mom and Dad. On another note, I want to update those that are aware of my son's unfortunate accident while participating in a High School baseball game. He is doing well considering what happened and we are anticipating at least one surgery if not more. Prayers and good thoughts are very much appreciated at this time. Thank you and God Bless,
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Paddy's yall!
My own little leprechaun....or wait, that's an Irish thing isn't it? Well this is Scottish, wonder if that is close enough? She is wearing a lovely "See You Jimmy Hat". What is that you ask?
The phrase "See you?" is a charming traditional Scottish preamble to warm and friendly conversation. "Jimmy", due to the popularity of the name James in Scotland's quainter districts, is a sort of John Doe, a wildcard for any random passer-by. That hat did come from Scotland and was the closest thing for today's theme, so that's what we used. Hope you enjoy it!
Bye for now...
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Weekend Finds
My fun finds this weekend! The journal is awesome. I'd actually hoped to find some old journaled handwritten papers, but this one was intact with no writing at all. I have some ideas for it...hopefully I can try them out without losing track of it first, hah. The little pale yellow shirt dress was probably made for a boy. It is totally hand sewn and has a back belted sash thingy. I LOVE the tiny pocket. I tucked 1 out of 11 teeny tiny little rubber doll house babies in it. The carnival kewpie was begging to come along with them, so she also came home with me *sigh*. A wooden painted rabbit jumping jack baby crib toy that would be totally outlawed by today's standards and a leather coin purse with vintage aqua baby rickrack...and I was done.
I just love this old stuff!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Bunny Rabbit Fun & Thunder Snow?
Well it looks like the Easter Bunny came way early around here!
Nicknamed Thumper for obvious reasons, she loves cilantro, carrots and other things soon to be discovered.
*UPDATE ON TODAY! Wow, we have snow, real fact they said on the news that it was thunder snow. Huh? I swear that I've never heard of that before. Still the same, it is turning white here and just when I thought it was turning into nice Springtime weather. Ahhh well, that's Texas for ya. Blink and it changes!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Grandchild #4
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