Showing posts with label Honduras 2015. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Honduras 2015. Show all posts

Monday, April 20, 2015

Up coming Honduras Mission Trip

Hello there! It has been a minute since I last posted,but there has been a lot going on in my life.
One of these things is that I have been grated a wonderful opportunity to travel to Yoro, Honduras this June to serve on a mission team of about 20 other volunteers, and help fit the visually impaired with prescription eye glasses. I am so excited! I first heard of this trip in January and was very interested in joining the team, but was uncertain if I would be able to commit to the trip. But some of my plans changed and, as I said before, I am going.
I plan on going in a little more detail about this trip sometime soon. I just wanted write a quick little update for the blog.
Have any of you travel to Honduras? Have you been on a mission trip? Are you planning a mission trip in the future? I would love to hear your story!
Thanks & God bless!

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