Showing posts with label worth a dig. Show all posts
Showing posts with label worth a dig. Show all posts

Thursday, October 4, 2012

----> stumbled upon this today

Saturday, June 30, 2012

I'm working on two sewing projects at the moment - a 
sleeveless top and a long skirt. Both have to be finished 
tomorrow (oh wait.. it's already Saturday, so they have to 
be finished by evening), cause I want to wear them on the 
choir performance on Sunday. I started last Saturday, but 
haven't got the time to finish them this week. My kitchen 
(where I sew because of the bigger table) is a completely 
chaos - even more than my usual chaos.


Talking about chaos... remember the disaster that struck
Japan last year? They are still recovering and still need help.
A ceramic artist started a Help Japan Project last year -
that was when I got my birds. This time she starts the Help 
Japan Project 2, thus if you want to help (and get similar
birds or.. - nah, I won't reveal it here..), please take a look
at her last post how to do so.

help japan birds
Birds by Maki; coaster was a souvenir from a dear friend

Sunday, April 8, 2012

When I bought the fish yesterday, it was because I wanted
to eat a bowl of noodle soup with fish balls. In the evening
I read a few beef/chicken/fish ball recipes and noodle recipes
for some ideas.

So I ground the fish this morning, mixed it with salt and pepper
and a little bit egg white, which was difficult to portion of
course and thus too much. Instead of making balls I decided to
put it in a foil, made a roll.

While the fish roll was in the steamer, I started to make the
noodle. This was the ground recipe, but I added the leftover
egg yolk, some more flour and a little bit oil. After letting the
dough rest for a while I let it through the noodle machine a few
times before I finally let it through the spaghetti cutter. The
result: the perfect egg noodles!!!

egg noodle

Now back to the fish. It's certainly the most boring fish thing.
Far away from the delicious fish balls I was imagining!! :(

But suddenly I had an idea what to do. I cut the fish roll in
slices and fried them. Along some Chinese cabbage and
Ramiro pepper and basted with hot vinegar sauce, I got a
Pempek inspired lunch :)


Now I need some elves to help me wash the huge pile of
pans, bowls and plates...


A nice source with some live music videos.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


arte is hosting a competition for artists. Here are some
favorite artists of mine: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Wouldn't you love to participate?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Amazing, how he caught the movements and sentiments in
lines. One of the best things I've ever seen on the net!

(found here)

Watching it makes me wanna go through the time tunnel -
back to the living room in my parent's house, where I used
to dance in the middle of the night, when the other family
members were all already long asleep...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

more links

Here are some links to dig, if you like to:

- My dad shared this stunning paper artwork with me today.

- If you love postcards like I do, you gonna love this.

- I just finished reading a book. Not kind of book I'd usually
pick up to read, but it intrigued me. It is a mix between
biography and idea, which is quite interesting. There is an
interview on YouTube in English, which represents the
essence of the book. The biography part is in the first two
videos and his view (or idea or however you'd call it) in the
last three videos.

- Reading that book took me further to (you might have heard
about these before, but as a non-newspaper-reader and a non-
TVnews-watcher in general these are new to me) this and this
sites. Those on the other hand remind me of the link I found
on the Etsy blog lately.

I'm wishing you a happy dig and a happy weekend ;)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

family tree

As a kid I enjoyed the yearly family gathering which was held
by my grandpa. The family was HUGE! To my shame I have never
been able to remember all the names (or faces). I was excited
when my brother invited me to the family tree. I am no use in
completing the infos about my ancestors or relatives, but now
I can at least recall their names ;)

You can make your own family tree as well - it's an amazing tool!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I'm attending a live class about digital photography
at the creativeLIVE at the moment. They are offering
live e-classes for free, but if you'd like to watch the
class at another time, you could buy it as well - that's
how they finance it all.

Come and join us ;)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Amazing work, isn't it? (via Neatorama)

Friday, January 29, 2010


... link to link to link to link to link to link to link to link ...


Happy weekend, friends!
I wish, it would stop to snow...

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I was talking about our favorite jazz singers and bands
with an old friend lately after the last gig, when we
suddenly noticed, many of them come from the Northern
part of Europe. Koop is a group from Sweden that I
really, really love (you might have seen on the right
bar, I've been listening to their music again this week).

This morning I was 'googling' for typography for my
felt work (which I could hopefully show you soon ;)),
when I stumbled upon the work of Thomas Broomé,
also from Sweden. I love esp. his Modern Mantra
series, not only because I love typography in general,
but because I've always been exploring the use of
typography in pictures.

typo doodles
Two doodles I made at work last Monday.

On Etsy, of course, there are also sellers from Sweden.
I looked up only for Stockholm, but there could/must
be more. Some of my fave list...

some faves from sweden
ExoticFlavour, cristinapires, aCatsNest,
kannor, suzzieholler, birribe,
Couturetime, Saltsyrup, percerosso,
Myling, Antracitproduction, britou

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Today was a beautiful day. Actually I could have ride
my bike, if I had have (let) repaired the tires (they
are mighty old - so, the back one is now broken). But
I haven't! I'm considering to change the tires myself,
but since I haven't even changed the inner tire once,
I'm procrastinating it... But I felt I need exercise. I've
been missing it since I couldn't ride my bike.

more photos

I decided to go to the city on foot. I thought along the
way. Thinking, that I didn't manage to turn my anger
into something positive lately and how I let it used my
energy up. Things haven't gone smooth the last days,
but hey, they are here for something good, I think.
There are some lessons I should learn from.

(I got a forwarded mail from a friend lately. I just
looked up on google for the origin and found out, that
some things are screwed up in the mail LOL
Anyway, I'm agree with most of her life lessons.)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I just read the weekly newsletter of TinyShowcase, which
reminded tonight's showcase with Owen Gatley. I, as per
usual, jumped right away to the artist's linked website.
I followed the link from his blog to see the video he recently
made. I really love it! And what amazed me even more
was the fact, that he made the music as well, cause the
music was just as amazing! Make sure, you watch it too!

Oh, I deleted my Twitter account this morning. Yep. I
wanted to do it a while ago, ever since some oddest kind
of people have followed me lately. I know, I could have
just blocked them. But I don't have (take) time to tweet
anyway, so I decided to simplify my life.
Bye, bye, Twitter!

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Uh, oh, I had so much to tell in my last post, that I forgot
to mention some blog features *blush*

1. if you wanna see, what I've sent Estella for the swap,
just take a peek in her post.

2. an interview with me in handmade2.0. A. has been
watching the handmade trend since 2003. Her blog is a
great source not only for events, but also for tips, news
and more - all around handmade, of course. Most of the
posts are in German, but sometimes also in English, like
this tip. handmade2.0 is also on Twitter.

3. Rasa of happyment has featured my Colors v.2 in
her window shopping on Etsy series.

Thank you!!

a card
a thank you card I've made for a returning customer

I'm wishing you a lovely weekend!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

moon over paris

Uh oh, I'm not a multitasking kind of girl - I started
to make my Etsy shop awake again, but my blog is
neglected ever since, even if I've written in my shop
announcement to watch this space for update *blush*
I've erased this phrase again, since I don't think I have
much time to blog the next days or weeks, since I'll
have visitors one after another. My first visitor will
come tomorrow. Busy July :) Hope, I can show you
some photos once and a while.

Remember those round beads in this post? I just listed
a necklace with one of them - Moon Over Paris *phew*
It always takes me SO long to list a new item. I'm always
overcritical about the photos, the description, the price...
- simply about everything. I've taken some photos
yesterday (e.g. this one), but I was not really satisfied
with them. The golden shine of the bead didn't come
out well. So today I've taken some more photos with
darker background and I like them better.

moon over paris

A few minutes after the listing..
first appearance

I used to collect those moments of 'first FP appearance'
(oh, and also screenshots of my treasuries *lol*) as I just
started my shop. Such a freak! *lol* I stopped this habit
(and a bit later the one with treasuries) very quickly, but
today it's a coincidence that I just couldn't resist ;)

I'm wishing you all a Happy Weekend and leave you a
to dig :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

a sign?

There was something strange today (or yesterday,
as it's now past midnight). It started with a dream. My
neighbor wanted to move in to my apartment and I've
somehow said yes, as I got the chance to move to the
apartment on the upper floor without seeing that
apartment before. I could feel the whole house was
in the mood of moving - I saw worker with boxes, the
previous tenant, the landlord.. So I went to the other
apartment. A young boy showed us the rooms. It has
only 2 narrow, deep rooms. One as a living- & bedroom
and the other one (the door was hidden in a green built-
in cupboard, which I found quite ingenious) as a dining
room & kitchen. So, it would be a cutback from now.
From that moment on I was doubting about my decision.
I wanted to say no, but was afraid to disappoint my
neighbor. On the other hand, this upper apartment is
placed next to an old & dusty, but beautiful, romantic
studio with old tools and machines, where I could learn
from a master and come whenever I want to. What to
do? I woke up without any decision.

Later in the morning while I was researching about
something, I stumbled upon this interesting link. And in
the evening I saw the following video from TED.

A few minutes ago I got the Tiny Showcase's newsletter,
in which they've mentioned about dream.

I'm asking myself, either it is a coincidence or a sign..

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

12 hours

12 hours and 1 minute was the time difference between
the two photos below. A coincidence - almost scaring,
isn't it?

twelve hours

I've started to make my own yoghurt last week. On the
left photo I was making my third kilo of yoghurt this
morning. Later I wondered, which other basic food I
could make myself. I could make tempeh at home, but
actually I'd love to make oncom even better, as I can't
get it in any Asian store in town (and I need it to make
combro - one my fave food). Well, I didn't find any
recipe to make oncom, but found this yummy blog with
mostly Indonesian food :) Boy, my mouth was watering
and I haven't had my lunch!

Monday, April 20, 2009

a link

Just wanna share a new link, which will accompany me
in my journey the next weeks.

Have a happy new week, friends! :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

7 things

7 days have gone by since my last post. Somehow my
mind was in a quiet modus. Even if I wanted to share
many thing with you, I was not able to put it in words.

But now, 7 things to share:

1. I worked in the garden with my boy lately. We filled
3 more buckets with weeds (this time from the garden
on the back part of the house), but still no end in sight.
I should work in the garden each day to get it done, but
my old body didn't want to (I need to do more exercise!!).
I sometimes only collected the dandelions from the garden
- looking nice to the other flowers. Weed or not weed they
look beautiful to me.

wild flowers

Yesterday I cut rose for the first time in my life. I've
heard often about it's difficulty, so I've read a pile of
books before I started. I hope, I didn't do it wrong.
The front garden is starting to look better now :)

2. I think, I'm more relaxed lately. I let the boys made
some breads without worrying too much as I would have
done otherwise. I helped them only with the dough at
the end phase. The perfectionist in me must have gone
a little bit ;)

the boys

3. Two spontaneous speedy actions lately (got the idea
and done it within a very short time): I've moved the
furniture in my bedroom around and made a new cover
for the swivel chair. It went so fast, that I didn't even
thought of taking photo from the very beginning. I was
surprising myself!

new cover

4. I've organized my reader lately and unsubscribed
some blogs, because it became too much to read. I often
opened my reader and more than 200 posts were
waiting for me! So, I practice myself in selecting. Not so

Two of my favorite blogs lately are Zen Habits and
Goodlife Zen. I forgot, how I've stumbled upon Brian
's blog, but I found it worth a read. My journey is
still going on and these blogs provide me with food for

5. Have I told you, that I love comics? First I was just
following a link in a blog, as I suddenly discover more
interesting things along Jon Klassen's site itself:

A great video, made by Jon Klassen and Dan Rodrigues

6. If you haven't done it yet, there is still a chance to
win a bookmark from Elizabeth (she will pick the winner
today) and a Kreativlink's journal in Megan's blog

7. I'm going to color some egg now (my son is coming
back tomorrow :)).

Happy Easter to you, who celebrate it :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

waiting and dancing

Aarghh.. I hate waiting. But this time it's my fault. I
think, I've ruined another opportunity. I wonder, how
I always manage to sabotage myself :( It could have
something to do with my fear of failing, I guess? *sigh*

spring dance
The tulip I got after the concert among some cherry branches.

Talking about fear of failing... I just found Goodlife Zen.
There's a post about it. There are many, many more
interesting posts to read for me.

spring dance
Watching the tree dancing with the snow and wind.