sleeveless top and a long skirt. Both have to be finished
tomorrow (oh wait.. it's already Saturday, so they have to
be finished by evening), cause I want to wear them on the
choir performance on Sunday. I started last Saturday, but
haven't got the time to finish them this week. My kitchen
(where I sew because of the bigger table) is a completely
chaos - even more than my usual chaos.
Talking about chaos... remember the disaster that struck
Japan last year? They are still recovering and still need help.
A ceramic artist started a Help Japan Project last year -
that was when I got my birds. This time she starts the Help
Japan Project 2, thus if you want to help (and get similar
birds or.. - nah, I won't reveal it here..), please take a look
at her last post how to do so.
Birds by Maki; coaster was a souvenir from a dear friend