Friday, May 28, 2010

this week

I'm working on different things at the moment. It's hard
to concentrate myself on one project, when there are so
many things need to be done. So, sometimes I find myself
out of focus.

out of focus

Then I realized, I need some kind of order to get things
done. Sometimes the most boring and unbeloved things
like ironing or washing dishes can help me to get focused
again. This time it's spooling the thread I use for my
packaging (up till now I had to search the end of the
thread in the chaos, if I forgot to let it hang out after
I cut a piece of it). It's kind of a meditation (and sport
for the biceps LOL).


Last task for today was listing my new Trifiori necklace.


I don't know why I didn't make the necklace earlier.
Probably because I didn't want to let loose the beads.
I love the colors so much and I was afraid, I couldn't
re-make them. I've been wanting to make them ever
since I watched the France film Brodeuses (Perlen-
stickerinnen in German), but I couldn't find the right
glass colors (now you might understand my obsession
in mixing blue and green glass last autumn ;)).

So, today is the day. Today I'm ready to let the beads
go. I might not be able to re-make them. But I'm sure,
there will be many other beautiful colors to come.

Have a beautiful weekend, friends!