the two photos below. A coincidence - almost scaring,
isn't it?
I've started to make my own yoghurt last week. On the
left photo I was making my third kilo of yoghurt this
morning. Later I wondered, which other basic food I
could make myself. I could make tempeh at home, but
actually I'd love to make oncom even better, as I can't
get it in any Asian store in town (and I need it to make
combro - one my fave food). Well, I didn't find any
recipe to make oncom, but found this yummy blog with
mostly Indonesian food :) Boy, my mouth was watering
and I haven't had my lunch!
You are one handy woman in the kitchen, always cooking up something! I wish I enjoyed cooking more!
I don't really like to cook daily meals, but I enjoy creating fun food. Maybe because eating them is like a party for me ^_^
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