I started the morning by drawing. I first drew my whole breakfast, and that was hard, not enjoyable; a repeat from the other day. Then I drew just my teapot and tea cup. I enjoyed it a lot more. The difference was I added painting to the second drawing. Got my ink pot and a brush out and shadowed areas, etc. It was much more interesting and engaging to me to add the extra layers to the drawing. And the second drawing turned out much better than the first. I'm discovering that just line drawing really doesn't engage me. After the second drawing I wanted to do lots more. And, as Martha Stewart would say, that's a good thing.
This is a blog dealing with creativity and art. I will post photos of my work as well as talk about my experience of the creative process, daily life, and how they intersect.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Drawing Breakfast
I started the morning by drawing. I first drew my whole breakfast, and that was hard, not enjoyable; a repeat from the other day. Then I drew just my teapot and tea cup. I enjoyed it a lot more. The difference was I added painting to the second drawing. Got my ink pot and a brush out and shadowed areas, etc. It was much more interesting and engaging to me to add the extra layers to the drawing. And the second drawing turned out much better than the first. I'm discovering that just line drawing really doesn't engage me. After the second drawing I wanted to do lots more. And, as Martha Stewart would say, that's a good thing.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Mocha Java Time!
Forgot I had this little painting waiting in the wings to be posted here. It was a fun piece to do; as you can see I was feeling very colorful that day! I did this shortly after returning from Artfest. I was still in massive color brightness mode. And I had enjoyed some YUMMY coffee while in Pt Townsend. Those Northwesters sure know how to make a luscious coffee!
It's a gorgeous day today in my neck of the woods. High of 74 degrees, sun shining. I'm considering going out into the yard and drawing some of the plants we've just put out there. Some interesting shapes and colors. I also may start another canvas. I particularly liked my dog in yesterday's "falling" painting, and have a small canvas that would be perfect for further exploration of said doggie. Yesterday's painting was challenging, but I enjoyed it very much. I want to add more line to my work, pencil marks, random splotches. I feel that my work is still very controlled, I don't take a lot of chances. It was fun to play with line, though a bit uncomfortable too. More exploration is needed...
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Spring beauty, winter art
A touch of spring on my front stoop. Gerbera daisies are one of my favorites. They're such happy flowers, one can't help but smile at the sight of them. We had our yard hardscaped earlier this season, and now have been having fun planting the beds and putting pots out everywhere. The daisies seem pretty happy where they are; they like the dappled sunlight.
Funny enough, my painting today is a winter one. I was inspired by an image I saw in an old "W" magazine and the work of Camilla Engman. I'm adding her site to my list. Her work is whimsical and moving all at once. A couple of her pieces especially touched me. I heard about her from my friend Dawn who pointed out one of her patterns for adorable stuffed animals in the Stitch n Bitch book. I had no idea she is an illustrator and painter as well. Check her out!
If I can figure out how to do it, I'm going to submit the above painting to the "Inspire me Thursdays" challenge created by Misty Mawn and Melanie Komisarski. This week's theme is "Art in the Every day". The challenge is to use an everyday object in the piece of art you create. I used a star cookie cutter as part of the background of "Falling".
I'm happy I drew today and will continue to do so regularly, hopefully every day.
I'll close with a quote from Danny's book:
"I believe in the energy of art, and through the use of that energy the artist's ability to transform his or her life and by example, the lives of others." Audrey Flack
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Acrylic and collage on canvas
I can't believe it's after 5:30pm already! The day flies when one is creating. Did the painting above today. It felt good to work again after a few days off. I don't know if it's just that it's spring, but all I want to do is make stuff all day, everyday!
I received a couple of great books in the mail yesterday...
The second is "Knitted Flowers" by Nicky Epstein. It's luscious eye candy; even if you're not a knitter just look at the photos and you'll come away inspired. I'm only a couple of patterns in, but I can tell knitted flowers will be coming off my needles sometime soon!
The arrival of my book was serendipitous, as I had knitting on my mind. I met my friend Dawn yesterday afternoon for coffee and knitting/crocheting.
I'll end today's post with a wonderful quote I came in D. Price's book...
"Be strong, and do not betray your soul, carry your light to illuminate your destiny. Rejoice, for you are a part of the Great Mystery!"
Friday, April 21, 2006
hanging out with the furry babies
Thursday, April 20, 2006
I've begun reading "The Time Traveler's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger. It's a luminous book, beautifully written. She quotes a poem at the beginning of the book that I found incredibly moving. Here it is:
The time will come
when, with elation,
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror,
and each will smile at the other's welcome,
and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was your self.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you
all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,
the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.
Derek Walcott
Part of today was spent at a local community college finishing up what I needed to do to get myself registered for fall for the graphic design program. Yes, I'm going back to school. Starting fall 2006 I will be a full-time student for awhile, after 25 years. Yikes, I'm getting old! But seriously, I'm excited to be returning to school and learning the skills that will enable me to be an artist AND get paid! What a concept!
Till then, I will be making as much art as possible, as I know once school starts, that will be it for awhile. Thanks to my Honey, I don't have to work outside the home right now, so I can focus entirely on my art and process.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
Now begins my second post and the adventure of uploading photos to this blog. I'm so new at this, and it's kind of nerve-wracking trying to figure it all out. I'm posting some paintings and journal pages that have been done within the past couple of weeks since my return from Artfest, an amazing art retreat held every year in Pt Townsend, WA.
The piece above was painted last week in a 3 day frenzy of creating. It's called "Home", and is acrylic paint and collage on canvas.
I'm going to post new art very frequently, so if you like what you see so far, please stop by and check it out!
Monday, April 03, 2006
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