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Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

Friday, December 5, 2008

I did it!

I paid to ride in the express lane this morning. It costs me 25 cents. LOL! They've been working on adding the express lanes to southbound 95. Meanwhile, the traffic is a mess. Today it was awful! I would have gladly paid $6.25 or even $625to use express lanes on the way home today. LOL!

Here's the link to today's wordart. Hope someone can use it. Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The end of the week is here!

The week is ending and the weather is warming back up! Thank goodness!

I've been busy making wrappers for the husband of a friend of mine to give to his patients. Here's a simple one I made using April's Winter Wonderland Kit Remember, she's still got that awesome sell going on!


You can download this wrapper here. Minus Kenny's name, of course. By the way, if you happen to be one of his patients, would you please act like you've never seen this? LOL!

Today's wordart was made after my friend, Denise, took her daughter shopping last weekend and did her very best to save the economy. LOL! You can download it here

I'm going to bed now. Yes, I'm still fighting that cold and I think the cold is winning. Enjoy your Friday!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Well, I saw Twilight and I am so sad. I know that the books are ALWAYS better than the movies, but they really didn't do a very good job with this movie. They left out lots of things and put in things that didn't need to be there. The actors were all too stiff. Of course, Edward did get to say some of the best lines from the book and the theater full of teen girls screamed everytime he did. LOL!

I'm glad I saw the movie and I'm sure I'll go see the others when they come out, but I feel sorry for the guy the went on Ebay and paid $200 for opening night tickets. He got ripped off! I have to say that the best part of the night was dinner at The Cheesecake Factory after the movie. I love their bacon & shrimp club. Yummy!

Now, I guess it's time to move on from Twilight and think about the holidays. Starting tomorrow, you can drop by here and get one of four bragbook pages that I've put together using graphics from April the Scrapolic. Here's a preview for you...


And since we're thinking about Thanksgiving, we have to think about shopping on Black Friday. LOL! So, here's the link to today's wordart for all the Thanksgiving shoppers out there...

Eat & Shop

Now, I'm going to bed. Enjoy your weekend

Monday, October 20, 2008

Then and now

Yesterday, I had someone from my past contact me. It was an old boyfriend. He was my "what if" guy. You know, the one you think about and wonder how different your life would be if you had stayed together. We had kept in touch through Christmas cards and the occasional phone call every year or so, but we hadn't seen each other since right after college. So, when he called to say that he was in Miami and would love to see me I was shocked. Mostly, because he had always said that he hated Miami. LOL!

I met him for dinner last night and we did some sight seeing. We laughed over stories from our past and caught up on our current lives. His son turning sixteen, my still having a North Carolina accent, the divorce from his wife, the fact that I still can't speak spanish, the new job that brought him to Miami, my love for this city that keeps me here, the chances of him visiting again...

Well, it was good to see him and the sight of him still makes my heart skip a beat. He has grown into an even more wonderful man then he was all those years ago and he was pretty wonderful then. His life is full and happy and I am happy for him.

After I left him at his hotel, I smiled all the way home. We had shared a wonderful night, but (didn't you just know there would be a but) I wouldn't trade the life I've known since we parted for the life I would have had if things had worked out for us way back then. Staying with him all those years ago would have meant never meeting Charlie, the real love of my life.

It's been almost three years since Charlie passed away and they've been rough years. I miss him everyday, but the years that we had together have given me the strength to get through. My life is not perfect and it isn't the life I used to dream of, but it's my life and it's a pretty good one to have.

My life may not be perfect, but I do have perfect days and if those Dolphins had been able to pull off a win, yesterday would have been one of them. LOL! I can't wait to see what today has in store for me!

How are you going to spend your day...

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Well, I played all day yesterday. The weather didn't always co-operate so I did some of my playing inside the mall. It was a tough day, but I managed to survive. LOL! My wallet survived too. It's empty now, but it survived. LOL!

If you know what I'm talking about here's a little goodie for you...


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