***If the download link isn't working, please, just right click on the word art and save it to your computer.***
Showing posts with label SOE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SOE. Show all posts

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Spooktacular by Nibbles Skribbles

Download word art here

Check out this fun Halloween kit from Nibbles Skribbles called Spooktacular...

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There are 43 elements, 21 papers and an alpha. Here are some layouts I made using this fun kit...

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Of course, I also made some Halloween candy bar wrappers.

I love this matching set of word art.

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Now, if you want this set and some extra goodies too you should check out the bundle...

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AND.....if you aren't a fan of Nibbles Skribbles on Facebook you should be! (HINT! HINT!)

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Friday, August 17, 2012

Free Candy Bar Wrappers!

Download wordart here

If you visit Nibbles Skribbles you can pick up the candy bar wrappers I made with her Ready to Learn kit. There's the teacher version I showed you yesterday and one for kids of all ages that marks their first day of school.

You'll actually get two versions of the wrappers! One with a message and one that is blank so you can add your own message...

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AND....the Nibbles Skribbles store is having a back to school sale! 30% off of everything until the 25th.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Ready to Learn by Nibbles Skribbles

Download wordart here

I'm not ready! I'm really not ready to learn or to teach to to continue getting dressed everyday. I just want to stay in my pjs on the couch watching tv and eating junk food! Why? Why couldn't I have been born rich?

Even though I'm not ready I just have to put on actual clothes and go to school anyway. This adorable kit from Nibbles Skribbles is going to make it a little bit easier...

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There are also some wordbits...

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Some gorgeous solid papers...

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And some fun flairs...

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Now, if I can stop eating the chocolate, these are the candy bars the teachers I work with will be getting on Monday to help get them through the day.

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Oh, and.....all these goodies are on sale!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Speed Scrap at Stuff to Scrap

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Looking for something to do Friday afternoon? Scraps of Ellay is hosting a speed scrap at Stuff to Scrap. If you've never done a speed scrap, you should check it out because they are so much fun! If you've done them before then you already know how fun they are and know you shouldn't miss this one!

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Check out this participation prize you'll get for joining in on all the fun...

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Take a look at the candy bars I made with the Sunshine Daydream Kit by Scraps of Ellay

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Would you like to have the wrapper? It's free for one week on the Stars of Ellay CT Blog!
Go pick up the wrapper and check out the challenges that Katie and Jen have posted for you there.

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If you would like the wordart I used on the back of my wrapper you can pick it up here.

I'm going to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Shel's Homespun Christmas

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When we were working on our parts of the Homespun Christmas blog train Shel got carried away and made a wonderfully fabulous full kit. Yesterday was your last chance to pick it up for free. You can still get the kit---just go to her Stuff to Scrap store! Here's a preview of the kit...

Now, to celebrate the kit going into the store, I've got a couple of goodies for you. First you get a candy bar wrapper. Then you get a quickpage. The download links are below the pictures.

Here's the candy wrapper. The back is left blank so you can add your own message.

Download candy wrapper here

Here's the quickpage.

Download QP here

Look for a great freebie collab kit from Shel next week!

Tomorrow at school we're having a puppet show performance of The Grinch. This will be the third year these ladies have visited us to put on this show and I am so excited about it. I'm kind of feeling like The Grinch now so maybe watching the puppet show will help put me in the mood for Christmas.

I'm going to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day and don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Friday, October 23, 2009

My friend is a liar!

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My friend Rachel is a liar! I told her I was going to tell the whole world, but I can't really do that so I'll just tell you guys. LOL! We had another beautiful day so we were sitting outside at one of the restaurants on Lincoln Road having dinner and drinks. Well, she was talking a mile a minute about her day since I'm still not talking very much.

Two guys pulled up chairs and joined us. They were younger then us, not my type at all and Rachel is very happily married, but they bought us a round of drinks so we let them stay. LOL!

Well, for some reason during the conversation Rachel felt the need to tell them that she was 50 years old. She's NOT 50! I just sat there in shock wondering why she would add years to her age when I'm always trying to subtract them from mine. Well, one of the guys then looked at me an asked if I was 50 too. Let me tell you, as loud as my crackly voice would allow I made it quite clear that I wasn't. LOL!

As we were walking back home I asked Rachel WHY, why in the world would you tell someone you're 50 when you aren't?!?! She said that's her new thing. She then announced that she looks good for 40, but she looks awesome for 50. LOL! I guess you can't argue with that kind of logic.

My friends are crazy and I love them!

I've got a candy bar wrapper for you that I made with April's Hallow's Eve kit. I hope you can use it. The download link is below the picture.

Download wrapper here

Monday, October 5, 2009

Creepy Crawlie Candy Wrapper

Download wordart here

We had another beautiful day! We went out for a quick boat ride today then grabbed dinner at a restaurant a couple of blocks away. Hopefully, the walk home burned off some of the calories cause I had cheesecake for dessert. LOL! It's too bad the weekend has to end.

Next weekend Orange Croc Guy has friends coming to visit and we're going to spend the whole weekend playing tour guides. LOL! You should have heard us all planning it. Having visitors means we get to do all the fun tourist things that aren't supposed to be "cool" for the people who live here. These poor people may never visit again. LOL!

I used today's wordart and April's Creepy Crawlie Kit to make a candy wrapper. I'm using it as an invitation for a Halloween get together I'm having and I thought you might like to use it for something too. Your download link in under the picture.

Download SOE here

There is so much to this kit! It's going to be great for your Halloween layouts, party invitations and treat packages.

I'm off to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Afternoon Delight Blog Train!

Download Wordart Here

It's time for another great blog train from the girls at Stuff to Scrap! This month's theme is Afternoon Delight and the colors are awesome. You're going to be busy downloading some awesome kits from some great blogs, so I'll get right down to business.

Here are the previews for what you're getting at this stop on the train. I've got a mini kit for you with 9 papers, 10 elements and an alphabet. I also made a quick page and a candy bar wrapper using my kit and a QP using Deanna's kit for you. The download links are below the previews.

Download alphabet here
Download elements here
Download papers here

Download QP here

Here's the candy bar wrapper I made. I thought this would be cute to use for inviting the girls out to lunch.

Download candy bar wrapper here

Here is a preview of what you'll pick up on Deanna's blog...

And here is the QP I made with her kit...

Download QP here
You can download the word art I used on this layout here

Nita made a cute quick page for you using my kit and you can pick it up at her blog.

Now, here are all the links for all the other stops on the blog train. If someone doesn't have their portion posted yet, please visit them later. We are all in different time zones.

Digi-designs by Nicole
Life Is Not a Cereal
Stuff To Scrap
Becky aka SAHM Scrapper
Scraps N Pieces
Grandmas Templates
Desertgirl Designs
Shel Belle Scraps
Tonisha's Playground
Ginger's House---YOU ARE HERE
Ányi + a digitális scrapbooking
Seal Scraps
Craft With Me
Midnight Scrapping
Tricia's Treasures
Always Be Neighbors Designs
Jensen Motley Crew Designs
Dream Big Designs
a thousand words by Brooke
Adriana's Cafe
Digi-Scrapz by Christi
The Scrappy Kat
moms unique possibilities
Chubby Bird Blog
This Little Missy
Saphira's Scrapdesign
A valóság tükre (Osli's blog)
StashHappy Designs
light's digiscrapworld
Citygurl Creations
Lovin' My Scrappy Life
The Latest Scoop, Too
Let Me Scrapbook!
Little Red Scraps
Mad Genius Designs

Have fun downloading all your goodies and look for me at digifree!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Fall Festival Blog Train!

Download wordart here

It's time for another wonderful blog train from the girls at Stuff to Scrap! This month's theme is Fall Festival and it is filled with awesome colors, elements, papers and alphabets. Pull up a chair because you've got lots of downloading to do today!

Here's the preview for the kit that I made with the download links underneath...

Download Alphabet
Download Elements
Download Papers

I used my part of the kit to make you a QP and a candy bar wrapper. The download links are below the pictures.

Here's the QP...

Download QP here

This is what the candy wrapper looks like...

Download SOE here

Nita also made two super cute quickpages for you and you can download them on her blog. Here's what they look like...

After I finished playing around with my part of the blog train, I got to play with Deanna and Shel's part. They both have awesome mini kits for you to download! Check out these previews.

Here's what Deanna's kit look like...

Here's the QP I made for you using her kit...

Download QP here

This is what you'll be getting at Shel's blog...

And here's the QP I made for you using her kit...

Download QP here

Here are the links to all the other stops. If someone doesn't have their part up yet, please be patient and visit them again later. We are all in different time zones.

Dreams Inspired
Strawbeary Designs' Blog
Ginger's House---You are here
Manda's Scrappin' Creations
Samantha Scraps
Adriana's Cafe
Scrappin' Serenity
Scraps by Andrea
Stuff To Scrap
Christins Creations
Elegantly Funky Designs
Designed by Anya
A valóság tükre
Nibbles Skribbles
Saphira's Scrapdesign
Shel Belle Scraps
Pretty Pixel Designs
Grandma's Templates
The Scrappy Kat
Tonisha's Playground
Always Be Neighbors Designs
Threeunderfour Designs
Noelle's Little Corner in Scrapland
Every EverAfter Moment
Mommy Me Time Scrapper
Let Me Scrapbook!
Lovin' My Scrappy Life
Becky aka SAHM Scrapper
Seal Scraps
Life is Not a Cereal
Rants N Random Ramblings
Designs By Mel
Digi-Scrapz by Christi
Scrapping Rainbow
My Digaddiction
Tricia's Treasures

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fun in the Sun SOE

Download Wordart here

I got a phone call today from a friend of mine in NC who wanted to know why my blog has been so boring lately. LOL! After I finished laughing at her, I explained that if she were reading it everyday she would know that it's been boring because I've been boring. It's hard to make lying around doing nothing all day sound exciting. It's boring, but it sure is fun! LOL!

Today I'm giving you the candy bar wrapper I made with Shel's Summer Sun kit. I left the back blank so you can put your own information or saying. Here's what it looks like...

Download here

I'm going to bed now, but I promise to try and be more exciting....tomorrow. LOL! Enjoy your day.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What a long day!

Download Wordart Here

WOW! Was it ever hard going back to work today. I missed my nap this afternoon. LOL! Of course, most of the morning was spent passing out the little gifts we bought for people in London and looking at pictures. The afternoon did drag on though! I'm not really sure how I'm still awake now. LOL!

Here's another layout I made using April's Easter Fun Kit. The first picture shows the kids before they started looking for the eggs and the second was taken after they had finished. It was really funny to watch them running around. Lots of times they had eggs falling out of their baskets and they didn't ever realize it.

If you like brag books April has made an adorable 4 page brag book using this Easter kit and it's only $1.99. Check it out here!

Did you go visit Deanna at Flowerscraps to get the first part of the Soft and Sweet kit? The second part is being given away today! It's the cutest kit and can be used for so many things other than baby pages. Here's the second layout I made with the kit...

Have you thought about joining a CT team? Shel at Shel Belle Scraps is looking to add some more members to her team. If you've ever thought about joining one this is the one to join! Shel is wonderful and so are her kits.

I'm having a blonde moment and I just can't remember if I shared this candy bar wrapper with you or not so I'm going to share it now. LOL! I made it using April's New Home Kit. I had a friend that moved and wanted to give candy bars with her new address to friends instead of the little postcards. You can never go wring with chocolate! LOL! Here's a preview for you. There's room on the back to add your new address...

Forgive me if you've already gotten this! If I haven't shared it or if I did and you didn't get it, you can download it here. Gosh, I feel stupid! LOL!

I used some papers from Flowerscraps Snakes and Snails Kit to scrap some pictures of The London Eye. We were really lucky and had a beautiful day when we took our ride on The Eye. It was a little cloudy, but the views were still great!

I've got to go to bed now. Enjoy your day!


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